
安慶景點(diǎn)沿途講解導(dǎo)游詞英文 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞

導(dǎo)讀:安慶景點(diǎn)沿途講解導(dǎo)游詞英文 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞 1. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞 2. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞四分鐘 3. 作為導(dǎo)游用英語(yǔ)介紹景點(diǎn) 4. 導(dǎo)游英語(yǔ)介紹一個(gè)景點(diǎn) 5. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞帶翻譯 6. 導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞英文 7. 英文景點(diǎn)介紹導(dǎo)游詞 8. 導(dǎo)游詞 英語(yǔ) 9. 景點(diǎn)介紹導(dǎo)游詞英文簡(jiǎn)單

1. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞

Xingqing Palace Park is located in the north of Xianning West Road outside the East Gate of Xi'an City, Xingqing Square in the former Chang'an City.

2. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞四分鐘


The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin, also referred to as the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin, are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and the first batch of Chinese world heritage.

They are located in the terracotta warriors and horses pit 1.5km east of the tomb of the first emperor of Qin in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Terracotta warriors and horses are a category of ancient tomb sculpture. Terracotta warriors and horses appear as a kind of burial object of ancient tombs. Terracotta warriors and horses are made into sacrificial objects in the shape of soldiers and horses.



兵馬俑是古代墓葬雕塑的一個(gè)類別,俑作為古代墓葬的一種陪葬品而出現(xiàn), 兵馬俑即制成兵馬形狀的殉葬品。

3. 作為導(dǎo)游用英語(yǔ)介紹景點(diǎn)

Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together.

To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright.

After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish.

The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around a countless more going down, like a fountain.

The scenery of the west lake is beautiful! Like a beautiful picture, I really like the west lake.






4. 導(dǎo)游英語(yǔ)介紹一個(gè)景點(diǎn)

答:親愛(ài)的火星人,請(qǐng)你睜大你美麗的大眼睛看一看我們中國(guó)人民最出彩最美麗也是保護(hù)的最完美的中華古代建筑之一的萬(wàn)里長(zhǎng)城, 它綿延萬(wàn)里,氣勢(shì)磅礴,是我中華民族堅(jiān)貞不屈的象征,你初來(lái)此地,我希望我們能夠成為朋友,要知道我中 華兒女對(duì)待朋友的忠誠(chéng),希望你我共同合作,為創(chuàng)建更加美好的太陽(yáng)系增磚添瓦,謝謝朋友。

5. 英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞帶翻譯

The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embeddedin the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea nearthe mouth of the Hangzhou Bay.The lake covers an area of

5.6 square kilometers.The view of the West Lake is simplyenchanting,which offers many attractions for tourists athome andabroad.

Tiger-running Spring

The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a holewhere a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and theTiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the TwoWonders of the West Lake.

The Lingyin Monastery

The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s

6. 導(dǎo)游介紹景點(diǎn)的導(dǎo)游詞英文

The Forbidden City is located in center oBeijing.

The first attraction in Beijing is the Forbidden City.

The first thing people would think of when talking about the Forbidden City is it the place where Chinese emperors used to live and hold their courts. .But the value of the Forbidden City is not limited to this.It is a microcosm of Chinese history, Chinese culture and Chinese architecture.

7. 英文景點(diǎn)介紹導(dǎo)游詞

Welcome to Beijing Zoo

Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world.There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in it.We can see yellow,green,orange and brown birds,which can sing nice songs.The elephants have a big nose and big ears and they are kind to humans.We can also see big and little monkeys running and dancing,just like happy children.Pandas,with good manners,are very friendly and polite to visitors.We will certainly have a good time there.

8. 導(dǎo)游詞 英語(yǔ)


9. 景點(diǎn)介紹導(dǎo)游詞英文簡(jiǎn)單

The full name of the Sakyamuni Temple Sakyamuni is located in the northwest Buddhist temple of Yingxian County, Cangzhou City, Shanxi Province. It is commonly known as the Yingxian Wooden Pagoda.

Built in the second year of Liao Qingning (Song Zhihe three years AD 1056), Jin Mingchang six years (Southern Song Dynasty Qingyuan one year AD 1195) completed the renovation, is the world's only oldest and tallest wooden tower .


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