
悉尼景點英文介紹 用英語介紹澳大利亞的旅游景點

導讀:悉尼景點英文介紹 用英語介紹澳大利亞的旅游景點 澳大利亞著名景點的英文介紹 用英語介紹澳大利亞的旅游景點 關于名勝古跡介紹的英語作文 急求有關悉尼的風景名勝(有英文注釋) 用英語介紹澳大利亞的旅游景點 介紹悉尼的簡界,譯中文(英語作文) 悉尼歌劇院的介紹中英文版




Australia is surrounded by sea, but desert and semi desert account for 35% of the national area. On the eastern coast, there is the world's largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef. Australia is also the country with the largest number of sheep in the world, known as "the country on the back of sheep". Take a trip to Australia to enjoy the fascinating natural beauty and feel the vitality and leisure of Australians, so that you can get rid of the hustle and bustle of life and regain the essence of fresh and natural life.


The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981. The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers. There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world. Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.


There are 400 kinds of living corals in the Great Barrier Reef. The colors range from ordinary blue and brown to intricate pink and purple sea fans. It's a magical world with colorful spots and rotten spots. You can take a boat to feicui island for snorkeling and deep diving. You can also do semi submersible boats and glass boats to enjoy coral, jellyfish and *** all fish.



大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef悉尼歌劇院 Sydney opera house艾爾斯巖石 Ayers Rock悉尼海港大橋 Sydney Harbour Bridge情人港 Darling Harbour以上是澳洲比較著名的景點,希望對你有幫助~~望采納




Sydney has a subtropical humid climate with annual rainfall. The weather in Sydney is regulated by the adjacent ocean, so the inland western urban area is slightly more continental.


There are 400 kinds of living corals in the Great Barrier Reef. The colors range from ordinary blue and brown to intricate pink and purple sea fans. It's a magical world with colorful spots and rotten spots. You can take a boat to feicui island for snorkeling and deep diving. You can also do semi submersible boats and glass boats to enjoy coral, jellyfish and *** all fish.


Sydney is known as the World Museum of living fossils. According to statistics, there are more than 650 kinds of birds in Sydney, of which about 450 are unique to Sydney.



悉尼藍山blue mountain

悉尼海灘bondi beach

悉尼歌劇院Opera House

悉尼海港大橋Harbour Bridge

悉尼富人區(qū)Double bay






大橋下的羅克斯岬是早期移民登陸地點。橋旁是塔朗加動物園,園內有28公頃自然森林供珍禽異獸自由活動。 風帆形的悉尼歌劇院屹立于港畔的貝尼朗岬角之上。她三面臨水,面對大橋,背倚植物園,猶如一組揚帆出海的船隊,又如一枚枚被遺落在海灘上的白色巨形貝殼,自1973年建成以來,一直以造型新穎、風姿綽約著稱于世。



市東港汊參差,是天然浴場與沖浪勝地,海上畫? ??彩帆,競勝爭流,蔚為壯觀。悉尼是澳大利亞全國更大經濟中心,工商業(yè)發(fā)達。鐵路、公路和航空網與廣大內地相通,有定期海、空航線與世界各國相聯(lián)系,為澳大利亞的重要門戶。 2000年奧運會的成功舉行,以及廣受好評的場館建筑,更為這座城市增添了新的魅力。

Sydney (Sydney) Introction

Sydney is the capital of New South Wales state, Australia is the first major cities, with an area of 2,400 square kilometers, located in Jackson Bay on the Hill, is the House by the then British Minister Viscount Sydney named.

More than 200 years ago, here is a wilderness, after two centuries of painstaking development and management, it has become Australia's most prosperous modern and international city, "the southern hemisphere New York," said.

Sydney, Australia and Hong Kong is the main distribution center for imported goods. Harbor a total area of 55 square kilometers, I Xiaowan, is the world's leading natural port. 1933 built across the port over the Sydney Harbor Bridge, as long as 1,149 meters, the single-hole span of 503 meters, the bridge above the sea level 59 meters, such as Changhong, in the sky and momentum spectacular, the largest arch bridge in the southern hemisphere. It urban North and the South two into an integrated entity. Procumbent undersea tunnel in Hong Kong at the end of a long 2.3 km, and in 1992 completed the Harbor cross-strait transport capacity increased 50 percent.

Bridge is under羅克斯headland early immigrants landing sites.橋旁is Taronga Zoo, the park has 28 hectares of natural forest for Exotic free activities. Sydney Opera House sail-shaped tower in the port, which the Benilan Headland above. She faces three water, in the face of the bridge,背倚Botanical Garden, as if a group of sailing the sea fleet, and as one after another, were on the beach and accidentally left the giant white shell, since 1973 completion, has been to form new,風姿綽約known world.

Downtown Sydney Tower, is another sign of the city of Sydney, golden exterior flashing dazzling. Tap high 304.8 m, the highest buildings for the southern hemisphere. Board conical tower,縱目directions Sydney exhaustive list of amenities. Sydney rock where the Old City district, the development of a display of Australia initially 20 difficult years ahead, the outlook of the people, "museum activities." 1988-built aquarium, water storage capacity ranks first in the world, where people can watch more than 350 kinds形色different marine fish and experience the underwater world of the exotic scenes. Sydney is Australia and overseas Chinese and Chinese communities most areas.

Chinatown, Chinese-style teahouse restaurants abound, Putonghua, Cantonese, Hainan, can be heard everywhere. Less than half a kilometer away from Chinatown, the Chinese-style garden, "Yi Park", is Australia 200 anniversary of the commemoration of the works of China, as well as the local community, the largest Chinese garden architecture. It covers 10,000 square meters, construction of 1,500 square meters, while the rest is green landscape and garden. The park has scenic areas are more than 40, up the亭閣, bridge stone landscape, flowers and trees, everything. "Friends Garden" is a friendship garden, it is in Australia a symbol of friendship between the peoples of the two countries, in January 1988 officially open. Built more than 100 years ago, the Queen Victoria Building, is a Byzantine-style luxury construction, but also the world's most bustling shopping center one. Victoria-British city, the European Renaissance-style buildings and the ground uprooted centuries of skyscrapers and radiating to the cityscape rich history and flavor of the times. Sydney is the country's major cultural center, the founder of the University of Sydney the earliest (1852 built) and the Australian Museum (1836 built).

City East港汊varies, is the natural baths and surfing resort, Choi sail boats at sea paintings, Jing Sheng struggle flow, an a we-inspiring. Sydney, Australia is the country's largest economic center, commercial and instrial development. Rail, road and air network linked with the vast numbers of the Mainland, there is regular sea and air routes linking with countries around the world, the important gateway to Australia. 2000 Olympic Games held successfully and widely discussed of the house construction, the city added more new charm.



悉尼是歐洲首個澳洲殖民聚落,1788年由英國之一艦隊的船長阿瑟·菲利普於雪梨灣建立。悉尼環(huán)杰克遜港(包括雪梨港)而建,曾被稱為「海港城市」。悉尼長期以來都是生活質量極高的世界都市,2012年獲全球化與世界級城市研究小組與 *** (Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network,簡稱GaWC)評選為之一級世界都市+,被譽為“二十一世紀最適合人類居住的城市”。







所屬地區(qū):澳大利亞 新南威爾士州

*** 區(qū)號:00612

地理位置:33°51′35.9″S 151°12′40″E








名校:悉尼大學, 悉尼科技大學





悉尼的傳統(tǒng)中文譯名是「雪梨」,此譯名是臺灣的 *** 譯名,和香港、澳門通用的譯名,也是澳大利亞本地華人社區(qū)及媒體,和其他國家的華人社區(qū)及媒體通用的譯名。中國大陸的 *** 中文譯名則是「悉尼」,在香港、澳門移交予中華人民共和國后也變成香港、澳門的 *** 譯名(雖然此兩地仍通用傳統(tǒng)譯名)。過去,不論來源何地,移民至澳洲的華人一般都“入鄉(xiāng)隨俗”的使用「雪梨」。但是,近年來由于來自中國大陸的訪客乃至移民逐漸不愿使用當?shù)氐耐ㄓ糜梅ǎ沟谩赶つ帷沟挠梅ㄔ桨l(fā)常見,當?shù)?*** 機構在簡體字出版物中也大多使用「悉尼」,但仍有華文媒體使用「雪梨」。


The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the 20th century's most famous and distinctive buildings.

悉尼歌劇院是位于澳大利亞新南威爾士州悉尼的多場館表演藝術中心。它是二? ?世紀最著名和更具特色的建筑之一。

Designed by Danish architect J?rn Utzon, the building was formally opened on 20 October 1973 after a gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as winner of an international design competition.


The Government of New South Wales, led by the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction.

由首相約瑟夫·卡希爾領導的新南威爾士 *** 授權烏特松在1958年開始指導建設。

The government's decision to build Utzon's design is often overshadowed by circumstances that followed, including cost and scheling overruns as well as the architect's ultimate resignation.

*** 決定建造Utzon的設計常常被隨后的情況所掩蓋,包括成本和進度超支以及建筑師最終辭職。

The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of Bennelong Point on Sydney Harbour, between Sydney Cove and Farm Cove, adjacent to the Sydney central business district and the Royal Botanic Gardens, and close by the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


Though its name suggests a single venue, the building comprises multiple performance venues which together host well over 1,500 performances annually, attended by more than 1.2 million people.


Performances are presented by numerous performing artists, including three resident companies: Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.


As one of the most popular visitor attractions in Australia, more than eight million people visit the site annually, and approximately 350,000 visitors take a guided tour of the building each year.


On 28 June 2007, the Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site;having been listed on the (now defunct) Register of the National Estate since 1980.


the National Trust of Australia register since 1983, the City of Sydney Heritage Inventory since 2000, the New South Wales State Heritage Register since 2003, and the Australian National Heritage List since 2005.







大家進入歌劇院內參觀時,之一眼看到的是各種素面朝天的水泥柱子。很多人會覺得幻滅。然而,當年這 一條條如肋骨狀的預制混凝土嵌板可是偉大的建筑創(chuàng)新。這些混凝土肋一共有2194個嵌板,每個重量約15噸。


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