
科茨沃爾德景點(diǎn)英文 - 德國的景點(diǎn)英文

導(dǎo)讀:科茨沃爾德景點(diǎn)英文 - 德國的景點(diǎn)英文 1. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文 2. 德國有什么景點(diǎn)介紹 3. 德國景點(diǎn)英語 4. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文怎么說 5. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文名稱 6. 德國景點(diǎn)英文介紹 7. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文翻譯 8. 德國景點(diǎn)德語 9. 德國旅游英文介紹 10. 德國景點(diǎn)英文名 11. 德國著名景點(diǎn)英文

1. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文



英 ['d??:m?n?] 美 [?d??m?ni]


1、Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany


2、The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.




Previously, she was the FT's Taipei correspondent and world news editor at Financial Times Deutschland.





英 [?d??:m?n] 美 [?d??:rm?n]



The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin.



英 [d??:?m?n?k] 美 [d??:r?m?n?k]



She had an almost Germanic regard for order.


2. 德國有什么景點(diǎn)介紹










3. 德國景點(diǎn)英語


4. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文怎么說

中國 China Beijing(北京)

阿富汗 Afghanistan Kabul(喀布爾)

巴勒斯坦 Palestine Jerusalem(耶路撒冷)

伊拉克 Iraq BAGHDAD(巴格達(dá))

阿聯(lián)酋 The united arab emirates Abu Dhabi(阿布扎比)

亞美尼亞 armenia Yerevan,Epebah(埃里溫)

哈薩克斯坦 Kazakstan

菲律賓 The Philippines Metro Manila(大馬尼拉市)

塔克吉斯坦 Tajikistan Dushanbe(杜尚別)

老撾 Laos VIENTIANE(萬象)

黎巴嫩 Lebanon Beirut(貝魯特)

馬爾代夫 Maldives Male(馬累)

印度 India New delhi(新德里)

朝鮮 Korea Pyongyang(平壤)

印度尼西亞 Indonesia Jakarta(雅加達(dá))

約旦 Jordan Amman(安曼)

科威特 Kuwait KUWAIT CITY(科威特城)

馬來西亞 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡)

文萊 Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan(斯里巴加灣市)

東帝汶 East timor DILI(帝力)

土庫曼斯坦 Turkmenistam Ashgabat(阿什哈巴德)

錫金 Sikkim

巴林 Bahrein Manama(麥納麥)

孟加拉國 Bangladesh Dhaka(達(dá)卡)

塞浦路斯 Gyprus Nicosia

以色列 Israel JERUSALEM(耶路撒冷)

新加坡 Singapore Singapore(新加坡)

沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia Riyadh(利雅得)

韓國 Korea Seoul(首爾)

也門 Yemen Sana'a(薩那)

斯里蘭卡 Sri lanka Colombo(科倫坡)

緬甸 Burma Rangon(仰光)

格魯吉亞 Georgia Tbilisi(第比利斯)

吉爾吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek(比什凱克)

伊朗 Iran Teheran(德黑蘭)

敘利亞 Syria Damascus(大馬士革)

泰國 Thailand Bangkok(曼谷)

不丹 Bhutan Thimphu(廷布)

巴基斯坦 Pakistan Islamabad(伊斯蘭堡)

阿曼 Oman Muscat(馬斯喀特)

越南 Vietnam Ha Noi(河內(nèi))

土耳其 Turkey Ankara(安卡拉)

日本 Japan Tokyo(東京)

柬埔寨 Cambodia Phnom Penh(金邊)

卡塔爾 Qatar Doha(多哈)

阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan Baku(巴庫)

烏茲別克斯坦 Uzbekistan Tashkent(塔什干)

蒙古 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar(烏蘭巴托)

尼泊爾 Nepal Kathmandu(加德滿都)

二、歐 洲

冰島 Iceland Reykjavik(雷克雅未克)

法國 France Paris(巴黎)

芬蘭 Finland Helsinki(赫爾辛基)

捷克 Czech republic Prague(布拉格)

荷蘭 Holland Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹)

希臘 Greece Athens(雅典)

德國 Germany Berlin(柏林)

盧森堡 Luxembourg Luxembourg(盧森堡)

保加利亞 Bulgaria Sofia(索非亞)

拉脫維亞 Latvia Riga(里加)

波蘭 Poland Warsaw(華沙)

愛沙尼亞 Estonia Tallinn(塔林)

奧地利 Austria Wien(維也納)

馬耳他 Malta Valletta(瓦萊塔)

瑞典 Sweden Stockholm(斯德哥爾摩)

挪威 Norway Oslo(奧斯陸)

意大利 Italy Roma(羅馬)

匈牙利 Hungary Budapest(布達(dá)佩斯)

羅馬尼亞 Romania Bucuresti(布加勒斯特)

萄葡牙 Portugal Lisbon(里斯本)

阿爾巴尼亞 Albania Tirana(地拉那)

斯洛伐克 Slovakia Bratislava(布拉迪斯拉發(fā))

安道爾 Andorra Andorra la Vella(安道爾城)

列支敦士登 Liechtenstein Vaduz(瓦杜茲)

圣馬力諾 San marino San Marino(圣馬力諾)

摩爾多瓦 Mo ldova Chisinau(基希訥烏)

塞爾維亞和黑山 Belgrade(貝爾格萊德)

愛爾蘭 Ireland DUBLIN(都柏林)

立陶宛 Lithuania VILNIUS(維爾紐斯)

俄羅斯 Russia Москва(莫斯科)

斯洛文尼亞 Slovenia Ljubljana(盧布爾雅那)

白俄羅斯 Byelorusian S.S.R Minsk(明斯克)

英國 England London(倫敦)

波黑 Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo(薩拉熱窩)

馬其頓 Macedonia Skopje(斯科普里)

克羅地亞 Croatia Zagreb(薩格勒布)

烏克蘭 Ukraine KIYV(基輔)

西班牙 Spain Madrid(馬德里)

丹麥 Denmark Copenhagen(哥本哈根)

摩那哥 Monaco Monaco(摩納哥)

比利時(shí) Belgium Bruxelles(布魯塞爾)

梵帝岡 Vatican

瑞士 Switzerland Bern(伯爾尼)

5. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文名稱


全稱:The United States or America 美利堅(jiān)合眾國


全稱:People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國

簡稱:china 中國


全稱:japan 日本



? ??稱:The Federal Republic of Germany 德意志聯(lián)邦共和國

簡稱:Germany 德國


全稱:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國

簡稱:United Kingdom 英國


全稱:French Republic 法蘭西共和國

簡稱:French 法國


全稱:The Portuguese Republic 葡萄牙共和國

簡稱:Portuguese 葡萄牙


全稱:The Republic of Italy 意大利共和國

簡稱:Italy 意大利


全稱:Russian Federation 俄羅斯聯(lián)邦

簡稱:Russian 俄羅斯

6. 德國景點(diǎn)英文介紹

As Europe's largest economy and second most populous nation,Germany is a key member of the continent's economic,political,and defense

7. 德國的景點(diǎn)英文翻譯









8. 德國景點(diǎn)德語

在以下國家德語是唯一的官方語言: 德國 奧地利 列支敦士登 在以下國家德語是官方語言之一: 比利時(shí)(還有荷蘭語、法語) 盧森堡(還有盧森堡語和法語) 瑞士(還有法語、意大利語和羅曼什語) 在以下國家德語是少數(shù)族裔語言:(按說使用人數(shù)多少排列): 丹麥 法國 俄羅斯 哈薩克斯坦 波蘭 羅馬尼亞 多哥 納米比亞 博茨瓦納 巴拉圭 匈牙利 捷克 斯洛伐克 荷蘭 烏克蘭 克羅地亞 摩爾多瓦 拉脫維亞 愛沙尼亞 立陶宛 美國 (根據(jù)美國人口調(diào)查, 約有七千五百萬美國人有德國血統(tǒng),但是只有三十萬年齡在六十歲以上的德裔美國人仍然使用德語,年輕人大部分改說英語。

) 阿根廷 德語在歐洲使用的國家和地區(qū)的國家和地區(qū):德國、奧地利、、列支敦士登、瑞士、意大利的南蒂羅爾地區(qū)、特倫托地區(qū)、比利時(shí)的德語文化區(qū)里、盧森堡(盧森堡語被認(rèn)為是德語的方言之一)。  德語是世界上最常被學(xué)習(xí)的外語之一(在歐洲常作為第二外語教學(xué))。在日本,醫(yī)學(xué)的術(shù)語是德語,而不是拉丁語。

9. 德國旅游英文介紹

Germany has more people than any country in Europe, not counting Russia. Industry has made Germany wealthy. It is the dominant economic power in Europe. Its factories make steel, cars, cameras, chemicals, and machines of every type. Yet Germany lay in ruins in 1945, after its defeat in World War II.

Facts About Germany

Official name Federal Republic of Germany

Capital Berlin

Official language German

Population 82,400,000 people

Rank among countries in population 14th

Major cities Berlin, Hamburg, Munich

Area 138,000 squ are miles

357,000 square kilometers

Rank among countries in area 62nd

Highest point Zugspitze

9,718 feet/2,962 meters

Currency Euro


Germany lies at the heart of Europe. Berlin is its capital and largest city. Other European countries border Germany on all sides. But the country has a seacoast to the north, where it meets the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Hamburg, a city near the North Sea, is Germany’s major seaport.

Low-lying plains spread over northern Germany. This is a largely agricultural area. The plains rise to rolling hills in central Germany. Frankfurt is a manufacturing and business center in central Germany. Frankfurters (hot dogs) are named after a sausage made in Frankfurt.

Rivers have carved valleys in the hills. The Rhine, a major river of Europe, flows through western Germany. Boats on the Rhine carry freight and passengers. Scenic countryside, picturesque towns, and old castles lie along the Rhine.

To the south, Germany extends into the Alps. The Bavarian Alps, as Germany’s mountains are called, include some spectacular scenery and a fairytale castle. The castle was built for Louis II of Bavaria, who is sometimes called Mad King Ludwig. The Black Forest—a dense evergreen forest—is in southwestern Germany. It’s a favorite spot for hikers.

Munich is the largest city in southern Germany. Every October, people come to Munich for the Oktoberfest. At this lively festival, they drink the beer for which southern Germany is famous.

Expressways—known as autobahns—run through Germany and link German cities. Parts of the autobahn have no speed limits. People can drive as fast as they want. Yet there are few accidents. The road is well designed, and most of the cars are German made. They are examples of fine German engineering.


One of the most destructive dictators the world has ever known ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. His name was Adolf Hitler, and he led the Nazi Party. Hitler rose to power after Germany’s defeat in World War I (1914-1918). He promised to make Germany great again, and he set out to conquer Germany’s neighbors. In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, starting World War II. The war was long and costly, and Germany lost.


After World War II, Germany was divided into two countries: East Germany and West Germany. East Germany had a Communist government and took orders from the Soviet Union. West Germany became a democracy that received support from the United States and other Western powers.

The boundary between East Germany and West Germany ran through Berlin. East Germany put up barbed wire along the border. A concrete wall divided Berlin. The Berlin Wall kept East Germans from leaving their country for the wealthier West Germany. With the fall of Communism in 1989, the wall came down. It was a joyous occasion for Germans on both sides. The two Germanys were reunited in 1990.


Germany has known little unity throughout its history. Until 1871, the land now known as Germany consisted of many small kingdoms. Prussia in the north was the most powerful of these kingdoms. Prussia’s prime minister, Otto von Bismarck, led efforts to unite the kingdoms. In 1871, they came together to form the German Empire. Prussia’s king, William I, was crowned emperor of Germany.


Germany has produced great thinkers, composers, and artists. Johannes Gutenberg, for example, invented the printing press around 1450. He made it possible to publish books. Afterward, more and more people learned to read. A German priest, Martin Luther, broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1512. The Protestant churches all grew out of the movement Luther started.

German thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, and Friedrich Nietzsche wrote key books of western philosophy. The list of German composers contains many of the great names of classical music. George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johanne s Brahms, Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, and Richard Wagner—all were Germans. Albrecht Dürer is Germany’s most important painter.

10. 德國景點(diǎn)英文名


Germany:n.德國 擴(kuò)展資料

  It's all Germanic government prose to the life.


  English belongs to the Germanic group of languages.


  Someone ( especially a German) who speaks a Germanic language.


11. 德國著名景點(diǎn)英文

Gobon,加蓬 Great Britain (UK) ,大不列顛聯(lián)合王國 Grenada ,格林納達(dá) Georgia ,格魯吉亞 French Guiana ,法屬圭亞那 Ghana ,加納 Gibraltar ,直布羅陀 Greenland ,格陵蘭群島 Gambia ,岡比亞 Guynea ,幾內(nèi)亞 Guadel


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