

导读:基辅独立广场旅游攻略英文「基辅独立广场旅游攻略英文翻译」 摘录30条英文新闻,有中文翻译并且有自己想理解 意大利的旅游攻略 英文版 全球十大“黑色旅游”目的地在哪里? 你认为在乌克兰基辅独立广场被狙击手射杀的示威民众是烈士还是傻瓜? 为什么? 旅游攻略英文ppt 百度的也行注意英文


1The Irish government has announced it will hold a referendumon whether to allow same sex marriages. Civil partnerships havebeen legal in Ireland since 2010, but activists have beencampaigning to amend the constitution and give gay people equal access to civil marriage.The mayor of Canada's biggest city Toronto Rob Ford has admitted that he once smoke the drugcrack cocaine. The mayor surprised admission comes after months of speculation began whenreports service to a video that appeared to show the Mayor smoking the drug. From Toronto LeeCarter reports.


The South African Department of Labor reported last month that the nation has too few jobs forunskilled labourers. The department also said there are not enough workers for highly skilledpositions.The sharp differences between jobs and skills were apparent recently when officials advertised ajob opening in the government. The position was that of auditor-general or chief financialsupervisor.With a 26 percent unemployment rate nationwide, there was no shortage of interest in the job. 90 people asked to be considered. But officials said many of them lack the necessary skills ofeducation. The auditor-general is responsible for supervising and independently examining SouthAfrica's finances.The advertisement said, the position required the person to be a trained accountant. It saidcandidates had to have at least a Master's degree and years of experience. Yet among the jobhopefuls were laborers, a security guard, a secretary and some whose highest education level washigh school.The Labor Department report blamed the nation's poor education system. But for unskilledworkers, the story is very different.Restaurant industry official TJ Van der Walt says the business he works with get a huge number ofapplications for every job."We deal in an industry where there's no real skill needed, so we get literally thousands ofapplicants for the positions that we get."Mr Van der Walt notes that good workers are hard to find. He says he spends a lot of timestudying the job qualifications of people who don't have the required skills. In his words, peoplejust want jobs.Sejamothopo Motau is a member of South Africa's Parliament. He says the job market is difficult,and both skilled and unskilled workers are feeling the pain. He says education has been a majorproblem in South Africa's development. He notes that many Blacks received a poor educationunder white-minority rule. Apartheid officially ended in 1994.He says many people are university graduates, still they can't get jobs where there is a need forskilled workers. This is because the education these graduates have is not enough to place them injobs with high skill requirements."So what it tells us is -- and I think everybody in this country now accepts that -- is that there's amismatch between our education system and the products of that system, and the needs, theeconomic needs, of the country."南非劳动部上过月报道称:该国为非熟练工人提供工作太少。劳动部还说高技能职位也缺少员工。工作和技能最明显的区别在近来有官员为一个空缺的政府职位打广告时,表现得非常明显。招聘职位是审计长或者叫财务主管。南非全国有26%事业的情况下,人们对该职位的兴趣非常大。有90个人申请该职位。但是官方认为他们中的很多人缺乏教育技能 。审计长要负责监督和独立检查南非的财政。广告上说,该职位要求应聘人员为训练有素的会计。据说,候选人必须至少要有硕士学位,并且具有多年工作经验。然而在求职者中有工人,一名保安,一位秘书,以及一些最高学历为高中的人。南非劳动部报告将其原因归咎于教育体系的落后。但对非熟练技工来说,情况又明显不同。餐饮业员工范德沃尔特(TJ Van der Walt)表示,他就职的公司的每个职位都收到了大量申请?!拔颐钦飧鲂幸挡恍枰导实募寄?,所以我们招聘的职位收到了上千封申请书?!狈兜挛侄刂赋龊迷惫ず苣颜?。他说他花了很多时间研究不具备工作所需工作技能的人工作经历。用他自己的话来说,人们想要的只是工作。莫泰(Sejamothopo Motau)是南非议会的议员。他说就业市场非常难,无论有无技能的人,都觉得很艰难。他认为,教育已经是南非发展的主要问题。他指出,在少数白人统治地区,许多黑人所受的教育非常差。南非种族隔离结束于1994年。他说很多人大学毕业,但是他们还是不能在需要熟练技工的地方找到工作。这是因为这些毕业生所受到的教育不足以胜任高技能工作的要求“它告诉我们的是,我们的教育体系及其产品和我国经济需求之间存在失衡。我认为南非大部分人现在都认同这点

France says President Francois Hollande will not attend theopening ceremony for 2014 winter Olympics in Russia, nor willany other top French official. The announcement was made bythe French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in a radio interview, but he did not elaborate on thereasons. Analysts say the Russian President Vladimir Putin has staked his personal prestige onstaging a successful Olympic in an effort to showcase his country.



The polls have now closed in Chile where people havebeen voting for a new president. The socialist candidateMichelle Bachelet has seen as the favourite, she fell justshort of the outright majority she needed in the firstround. The electoral authority says the turnout appears tohave been low despite repeated calls by both candidatesfor people to vote.


Some 200,000 opposition supporters have converged onindependence square in Ukrainian capital Kiev demandingthe resignation of the President Viktor Yanukovych. It'sthe latest protest over the government's refusal to sign adeal on close integration with the European Union. TheUS Senator John McCain was cheered when he toldcrowds that Washington support them. “Ukraine willmake Europe better and European will make Ukrainebetter. To all Ukrainians, America stands with you.”


约20万反对派的支持者们聚集在乌克兰首都基辅独立广场,要求总统维克托·亚努科维奇辞职。这是自? ??府拒绝签署与欧盟加强经贸与政治关系的协定后的最新抗议活动。美国会议员约翰·麦凯恩在表达了华盛顿的支持后赢得了在场人群的欢呼?!拔诳死加肱分藁嵋蛳嗷ゴ俳涞酶篮谩N诳死既嗣?,美国支持你们。”


意大利旅游攻略 英文版

Milan (Milano), situated on the flat plains of the Po Valley, is the capital of Lombardy and thoroughly enjoys its hard-earned role as Italy's richest and second largest city. Wealthy and cosmopolitan, the Milanesi enjoy a reputation as successful businesspeople, equally at home overseas and in Italy. Embracing tradition, sophistication and ambition in equal measure, they are just as likely to follow opera at La Scala as their shares on the city's stock market or AC or Inter at the San Siro Stadium.

Three times in its history, the city had to rebuild after being conquered. Founded in the seventh century BC by Celts, the city, then known as Mediolanum (id-plain'), was first sacked by the Goths in the 600s (AD),

then by Barbarossa in 1157 and finally by the Allies in WWII, when over a quarter of the city was flattened. Milan successively reinvented herself under French, Spanish and then Austrian rulers from 1499 until the reunification of Italy in 1870. It is a miracle that so many historic treasures still exist, including Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, which survived a direct hit in WWII.

The Milanesi's appreciation of tradition includes a singular respect for religion; they even pay a special tax towards the cathedral maintenance. It is therefore fitting that the city's enduring symbol is the gilded statue of the Virgin, on top of the cathedral (Il Duomo).

Milan is founded around a historic nucleus radiating from the cathedral, with a star-shaped axis of arteries spreading through modern suburbs to

the ring road. The modern civic centre lies to the northwest, around Mussolini's central station, and is dominated by the Pirelli skyscraper, which dates from 1956. The trade and fashion fairs take place in the Fiera district, west of the nucleus around the Porta Genova station.

Milan's economic success was founded at the end of the 19th century, when the metal factories and the rubber industries moved in, replacing agriculture and mercantile trading as the city's main sources of income.

Milan's position at the heart of a network of canals, which provided the irrigation for the Lombard plains and the important trade links between the north and south, became less important as industry took over - and the waterways were filled. A few canals remain in the Navigli district near

the Bocconi University, a fashionable area in which to drink and listen to live music.

Since the 1970s, Milan has remained the capital of Italy's automobile industry and its financial markets, but the limelight is dominated by the fashion houses, who, in turn, have drawn media and advertising agencies to the city. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion - fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Valentino, Versace and

Armani may design and manufacture their clothes elsewhere, but Milan, which has carefully guarded its reputation for flair, drama and creativity, is Italy's natural stage.

Florence (Italy)

The Arno River runs through the center of Florence.

Florence is the capital of the region of Tuscany, on Italy's north-west coast. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. However, the city is one of Italy's most atmospheric and pleasant, retaining a strong resemblanceto the small late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe.

Where Rome is a historical hot-pot , Florence is like stepping back into a Fiat and Vespa-filled Renaissance : the shop-lined Ponte Vecchio, the trademark Duomo, the gem-filled Uffizi Gallery, the turreted Piazza della Signoria and the Medici Chapels.

Duomo cathedral

The remarkable Duomo , with its pink, white and green marble fa? ade and characteristic dome , dominates the city's skyline. The building took almost two centuries to build (and even then the fac ade wasn't completed until the 19th century), and is the fourth-largest cathedral in the world. The enormous dome was designed by Brunelleschi, and its interior features frescoes and stained-glass windows by some of the Renaissance-era's best: Vasari, Zuccari, Donatello, Uccello and Ghiberti. Take a deep breath and climb up to take a closer look, and you'll be rewarded by fantastic views of the city and an insight into how the dome was so cleverly constructed - without scaffolding. The dome still defines the scale of the city, and no building in town is taller.

Bandinelli's Hercules and Cacus can be found in Piazza della Signoria.

Florence was founded as a colony of the Etruscan city of Fiesole in about 200 BC, later becoming the Roman Florentia, a garrison town controlling the Via Flaminia. In the 13th century the pro-papalGuelphs and pro-imperial Ghibellines started a century-long bout of bickering ,which wound up withthe Guelphs forming their own government in the 1250s. By 1292 Florence eventually becoming a commercial republic controlled by the Guelph-heavy merchant class.In the latter part of the 14th century the Medicis began consolidating power, eventually becoming bankers to the papacy . Florence became capital of the Kingdom, and remained so until Rome took over in 1875.

Florence used to be badly damged by war and floods (in 1966), fortunately the salvage operation led to the widespread use of modern restoration techniqueswhich have saved artworks throughout the country.


1、切尔诺贝利核电站切尔诺贝利核电站位于乌克兰北部,距首都基辅只有140公里,它是原苏联时期在乌克兰境内修建的第一座核电站。切尔诺贝利曾经被认为是最安全、最可靠的核电站。1986年一声巨响彻底打破了这一神话。核电站的第4号核反应堆在进行半烘烤实验中突然失火,引起爆炸,其辐射量相当于500颗美国投在日本的原子弹。爆炸使机组被完全损坏,8吨多强辐射物质泄露,尘埃随风飘散,致使俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和乌克兰许多地区遭到核辐射的污染,320万人受到核辐射侵害……据专家估计,完全消除这场浩劫的影响最少需要800年!【国立切尔诺贝利博物馆】从基辅地标独立广场出发,先往东沿克列沙蒂克街走5分钟,然后折向北边的弗拉基米尔斯基街继续走10分钟,拐入一条小巷就能找到切尔诺贝利博物馆,它是座很小的博物馆,不起眼,却很好辨识:门口停着几辆老掉牙的“嘎斯”吉普,曾参加过切尔诺贝利事故现场的救援。它们后面停着一辆轮式装甲车,也是辆功勋车。1987年,基辅市在核事故之后的周年纪念日组织了一个名为“勇气和荣誉”的图片展,引起公众的极大关注,博物馆也由此诞生。物馆内收集了近7000份文件和地图,图片以及部分实物展品,从各个侧面向参观者讲述这场目前世界上最大的核事故。数据表明,当年爆炸产生的冲击波将反应堆上千吨重的钢顶抛开,8吨高浓度放射性燃料碎屑喷涌上天,撒向了正在熟睡中的大地。事故发生后,前苏联政府动用了50多万军民进入隔离区进行清理,轮班上阵的抢险队工作时间按秒计算,因为一旦超过时间,人便会受到足以致命的核辐射。几十万清理大军中,有7000多人在事故发生5年后相继离开人世,几乎所有幸存者都饱受辐射病的折磨。2、印尼火山喷发距印尼日惹市中心不远处,不时能够见到干枯的菜园、破败的村庄、填满火山灰和石头的小河,这些都是默拉皮火山喷发留下的痕迹。2010年10月26日起,默拉皮火山多次喷发,造成350多人死亡,40万人无家可归。如今,这里已经成为当地旅游公司为游客设计的新目的地。在新火山游行程中,游客可以探索距离(火山)峰顶最近的村庄,看看那次喷发究竟带来多严重的后果?!居∧岷Pゲ┪锕荨?006年7月17日,印度尼西亚爪哇岛南部印度洋海域发生强烈地震并引发沿岸部分地区海啸,造成至少668人死亡,1438人受伤,287人失踪,74100人无家可归。2010年当地时间10月25日,印尼西苏门答腊省明打威群岛附近海域晚发生里氏7.2级地震并引发海啸,已经造成至少40人死亡、380人失踪。为了缅怀悼念在海啸中的遇难者,印尼政府耗资620万美元,在受灾最严重的亚齐省首府班达亚齐建造了一座海啸博物馆,这座4层的博物馆面展出了地震和海啸的科学解释,向观众演示其发展步骤,还展示了牺牲者的照片、幸存者讲述的故事,以及一个电子仿真海底地震装置,可以掀起 30英尺高的波浪。此外,博物馆还介绍了来自各国政府、企业和个人对海啸灾民的支持情况。3、美国9.11事件美国东部时间2001年9月11日上午(北京时间9月11日晚上)恐怖分子劫持的4架民航客机撞击美国纽约世界贸易中心和华盛顿五角大楼历史事件。包括美国纽约地标性建筑世界贸易中心双塔在内的6座建筑被完全摧毁,其它23座高层建筑遭到破坏,美国国防部总部所在地五角大楼也遭到袭击。为了纪念此次事件和悼念在此事件中逝去的生命,美国修建了“9·11国家纪念馆”。纪念馆所在广场绿树环绕,以世贸中心双子塔楼基座为主体的两个占地4000多平方米的人工瀑布池位列两侧,瀑布池边的青铜铭牌上刻着2983名“9.11”恐怖袭击遇难者的名字,纪念馆的主体建是位于在地下的博物馆,博物馆陈列了大量一手资料和死难者遗物,其中包括之前未公布有关911的录像、双子北塔楼的天线、一辆纽约消防局的救火车残骸,该车在2001年的“9·11”恐怖袭击灾难中计划用来疏散困在世贸中心的人们,抵达现场时大楼倒塌,车上的11位消防员也不幸遇难。此外,博物馆走廊的墙壁上贴满了遇难者的照片。4、卡特琳娜飓风扫过新奥尔良被卡特琳娜飓风扫过的地方无一不遭受毁灭行的打击,新奥尔良也不例外。新奥尔良市的形状像个碗,被周围的河流湖泊包围,地势低于海平面2.1米,所水灾时有发生。法区(French Quarter) 是新奥尔良地势最高的地方,因此受到的水灾相对轻很多,它由交错的单行街道切割成近80个街区,这里是黄金地段,店铺林立,但同时也是卡特琳娜飓风的重灾区,如今,它早已经恢复过来,除了一些遭到严重破坏的街道外,游客已经很难在这里寻觅到灾害的踪迹。“超级穹顶”体育场是世界上最大的室内体育场,它在卡特琳娜飓风肆虐的时候收容了近2万灾民。体育场占地13英田,高83.2米,于1975年5月建成,耗资17,300万美元。该体育场用于集会有97,365人的座位,观看足球赛可容纳76,791人。场内吊装有6台312英寸的电视机来重播比赛的精彩镜头。5、波兰奥斯维辛集中营奥斯维辛是波兰南部的一个小镇,第二次世界大战期间,纳粹德国在这里建立了最大的集中营,这个小镇因此闻名于世。有“死亡工厂”之称的奥斯维辛集中营内共有3个主要营地和39个小型的营地,分布在整个波兰南部西里西亚地区。集中营内部壁垒森严,四周电网密布,设有哨所看台、绞刑架、毒气杀人浴室和焚尸炉,由奥斯维辛一号、奥斯维辛二号(比克瑙,英文:Birkenau)、奥斯维辛三号(莫诺维茨,英文:Monowitz)组成,是希特勒种族灭绝政策的执行地。在战后的纽伦堡审判中,奥斯维辛集中营的指挥官鲁道夫·胡斯供认,多达300万人死于该集中营。奥斯维辛集中营国家博物馆已经将该数字修订为110万。1947年7月2日,波兰政府把奥斯维辛集中营改为殉难者纪念馆,展出纳粹在集中营犯下种种罪行的物证和图片。包括从囚徒身上掠夺的财物,以及囚徒们在集中营进行地下斗争的各种实物和资料。只有奥斯维辛一号和奥斯维辛二号(比克瑙)的部分保留了下来供游人免费参观,其中许多杀人证据被纳粹销毁,人们根据当年的原貌又重建起来。1979年,联合国教科文组织将奥斯维辛集中营列入世界文化遗产名录,以警示世界“要和平,不要战争”。为了见证这段历史,每年有数十万来自世界各国的各界人士前往奥斯威辛集中营遗址参观,凭吊那些被德国纳粹分子迫害致死的无辜者。6、阿富汗巴米扬佛像巴米扬佛像群位于阿富汗首都喀布尔西北的巴米扬镇东北郊不远的山崖处。这里遍布大小石窟6000余座,石窟群中有6尊傍山而凿的佛像。其中两尊巨佛,一尊造于公元五世纪,高55米,着红色袈裟,名叫塞尔萨尔;一尊凿于公元一世纪,高38米,身披蓝色袈裟,名叫沙玛玛。公元四世纪和七世纪,中国晋代高僧法显和唐代高僧玄奘都曾先后到过这里,并在其各自的著作《佛国记》和《大唐西域记》中对巴米扬大佛作了生动的描述。在多年的战乱中,塞尔萨尔和沙玛玛到90年代后期已是千疮百孔,佛像的头部也不复存在。2001年3月,阿富汗武装派别塔利班更是不顾联合国和世界各国的强烈反对,动用大炮、炸药以及火箭筒等各种战争武器,摧毁了巴米扬包括塞尔萨尔和沙玛玛在内的所有佛像。巴米扬佛像群如今一片凄凉。记者在山崖下看到的只是佛像形状的石窟和佛像的残骸,石窟外到处是碎石和黄土块。塞尔萨尔只剩下一个佛像的形状,佛像巨大的胳膊留下的凹痕清晰可见。佛像不见了,但仰头而望,仍不难想象当年的壮观景象。石窟下,几张巨大的灰色塑料布覆盖着塞尔萨尔的残骸,上面写着由“联合国教科文组织?;ぁ钡淖盅2辉洞?,沙玛玛的境遇更惨,连一块大一点的残骸也没有了。顺着沙玛玛一侧的台阶拾级而上,进入底部为八角、顶部为圆形的佛龛殿堂,只见殿堂内一个个空凹的佛龛。佛龛殿堂内据记载刻着的数以万计的佛像和画有艺术精湛的彩色壁画现在已无踪迹。所有殿堂内只有在一些不起眼的角落里隐约可见零星兰色和红色。7、英国黑奴贸易小镇从白金汉宫附近的地铁站只要乘车8分钟就可以抵达纪念黑奴贸易的小镇布里克斯敦。地铁站出来步行两分钟就可以看到路边的一块路牌:风吹广场———奴隶贸易制度纪念地。这也是伦敦乃至英国第一块明确标示有关奴隶贸易历史的“黑色旅游”景点路牌。如今在布里克斯敦生活的黑人后代多是来自非洲和加勒海地区。布里克? ?敦并没有修建什么大型历史博物馆来讲述当年的历史,而是采用了一种更加生活化的方式,把街区各个角落都布置成纪念场所。在布里克斯敦街角的一些蔬菜水果铺门前都嵌有一块铜牌,上面写着过去几个世纪里哪些黑人曾在这里生活。其中街角的一块铜牌上写着:1981年,布里克斯敦当地黑人再次因为不满政府不愿为当年历史道歉,加上对现实生活中遭遇的歧视不满而发起大规模骚乱,当时这个商店被完全焚毁。8、德国柏林墙在欧洲这块神奇的土地上,曾经有过一道修筑最为坚固但又最为短命的长城——这便是德国境内的“柏林墙”。柏林墙与朝鲜半岛上的“三八线”一样,均为第二次世界大战后的产物,又都为水泥所筑,可称得上是欧亚大陆上的两条“姊妹墙”。柏林墙是东德政府根据人民议院1961年8月12日通过的法令,于8月12~13日夜间修筑。目的是制止东德居民包括熟练技工大量流入西德。原为铁蒺藜围成的路障,后改筑成两米高、顶上拉着带刺铁丝网的混凝土墙。在正式的交叉路口和沿线的观察塔楼上设置警卫。1970年,虽然东西德之间关系有所改善,东德政府还是把柏林墙加高到3米以阻止居民逃向西方。到1980年,围墙、电网和堡垒总长达1369千米。除筑墙外还严格限制西柏林与东德之间的人口流动。后根据东、西德政府1971年12月20日签署的协议,限制略有放宽。1989年下半年,东欧各国政局剧变。民主德国在向德国西部移民浪潮的冲击下,于同年11月9日,将存在28年零3个月的柏林墙推倒,促进了德国的统一。9、德国鲁尔区鲁尔区位于德国的北莱茵—威斯特法伦州,处于莱茵河、鲁尔河、利伯河之间。鲁尔区拥有德国3/4的煤炭资源,19世纪下半叶开始,从采煤业为开端,逐渐发展起了煤炭、钢铁、机械制造等产业链,将区内50多个城市紧密连接起来,成为“德国工业引擎”。马路上车辆稀少;厂区烟囱、铁塔林立,地面长满杂草……这就是昔日鲁尔区重镇埃森,但如今,鲁尔区早就不仅仅是一座“煤窑(Kohlenpott)”了,它已经更多地成为了拥有公园、花园、运河湖泊等的风景区。这里有欧洲最长的购物街、独特的展览馆和博物馆、休闲公园以及音乐剧、话剧和音乐会这些五光十色的世界。当然还有运动,如被称为“运动之王”的足球、现代时尚运动甚至室内冬季运动。现在人们可以骑自行车循着煤与铁的踪迹去发现工业文化的历史和现实状况。重建的矿山居住区如位于埃森的马尔格利特霍厄以及它对面属于克虏伯家族宫殿似的别墅,这座别墅展示了那个时代工业巨头的生活环境?;实?、国王、许多国家的政府首脑和政治家? ?曾在许格尔别墅作过客。人们可能从未想到过,那里面竟然有一大片绿洲。游客还可以乘坐豪华游船在此地区旅行。大约二百公里充满惊喜的水道纵横交织,正等待着人们驾驶运动摩托艇或惬意地乘着游船去体验它。在一些城市,人们可以乘坐古老的有轨列车穿行于城市和田野之间。在这些地方,可以获得关于城市历史、建筑和当地采矿史中那些值得了解的知识。10、韩国崇礼门崇礼门位于韩国首都首尔市中区南大门路4街9号,它是韩国第1号国宝,一般叫作南大门。南大门在诸多城门中规模最大,以平滑的巨石堆砌而成的石阶中央有一个拱形的入口,石阶上有柱子和屋顶,分上下两层。东西两边也有可以互通的门。台上两边有绿草坪,标志着已不复存在的城墙的痕迹。同时它邻近平民化的南大门市场,为首尔以至韩国的一个主要地标。崇礼门是早年汉城四座城门之中规模最大的城门,亦是首尔留存历史最悠久的木造建筑物。2008年2月10日晚8点50分左右,一场大火突如其来,持续燃烧5个小时,2崇礼门一层和二层的楼阁倒塌,化为灰烬。至今仍未修复完成。

你认为在乌克兰基辅独立广场被狙击手射杀的示威民众是烈士还是傻瓜? 为什么?





旅游攻略英文ppt 百度的也行注意英文

这首Gavin Degraw——Fire Oh if there's one thing to be taught 哦 如果有件事是要记住的那会是 it's dreams are made to be caught 梦想是用来追逐的 and friends can never be bought 朋友千金难换 Doesn't matter how long it's been 要花多久时间并不重要 I know you'll always jump in 我知道你会投入其中 'Cause we don't know how to quit 因为我们不知道该如何放弃 Let's start a riot tonight 今晚就让我们放纵一下 a pack of lions tonight 今晚就让我们像狂野的狮子 In this world he who stops 在这个世界 一旦他停止 won't get anything he wants 他就不会有任何收获 Play like the top one percent 百里挑一 竭尽全力 till nothing's left to be spent 全情投入 Take it all ours to take 接受这一切 Celebrate because 我们要开始庆祝因为 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾Get up起身Stand up站立 Throw your hands up 甩动你们的双手 Welcome to the other land of 欢迎来到梦想之家 dreamers brothers sisters others 兄弟姐妹们 Yeah we on fire like that 是的 我们如此的热血沸腾 Oh the bond is deeper than skin 这联系浓于骨肉关系 The kind of club that we're in 像是置身于激情似火的夜店 The kind of love that we give 像是给予情侣般浓烈的爱 Oh ever since the dawn of mankind 哦 自人类发展的曙光起 we all belong to a tribe 我们都属于一个部落 It's good to know this one's mine 我很高兴知道这部落属于我的 Let's start a riot tonight 今晚就让我们放纵一下 a pack of lions tonight 今晚就让我们像狂野的狮子 In this world he who stops 在这个世界 一旦他停止 won't get anything he wants 他就不会有任何收获 Play like the top one percent 百里挑一 竭尽全力 till nothing's left to be spent 全情投入 We don't care 我们不在乎 We won't stop 我们不会停止 Call your mothers 打电话给你的母亲 Call the cops 打电话给警察 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾Get up起身Stand up站立 Throw your hands up 甩动你们的双手 Welcome to the other land of 欢迎来到梦想之家 dreamers brothers sisters others 兄弟姐妹们 Yeah we on fire like that 是的 我们如此的热血沸腾 Oh哦Ooh哦哦 And nothing's gonna be the same 没有会是一样的Oh哦 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 And nothing's gonna be the same 没有会是一样的 Hey 嘿


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