
杭州旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語

導(dǎo)讀:杭州旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語 1. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語 2. 杭州旅游景點(diǎn)有哪些景點(diǎn)英語 3. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語200字 4. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語作文 5. 杭州旅游英語介紹 6. 杭州景點(diǎn)英文介紹 7. 杭州的景點(diǎn)英文介紹 8. 英語介紹杭州美景 9. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英文 10. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語短文

1. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語

-West Lake

-Grand Canal

-Thousand Islets Lake

-Temple of Soul's Retreat

-Wuzhen Water Town

2. 杭州旅游景點(diǎn)有哪些景點(diǎn)英語

The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有兩千年的歷史。

Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一個(gè)具有悠久歷史的阿拉伯國(guó)家。

The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.這座古城建于十七世紀(jì)后期。

Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas.四川省是由一個(gè)盆地和山區(qū)組成。

This area is covered with glrassland. 這個(gè)地區(qū)為草原所覆蓋。

Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.海南省由海南島和附近的小島及廣闊的海域組成。

There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on. 西安有許多名勝,比如兵馬俑、古城墻等。

Beijing has many places of interest, among whith is the Forbidden City.北京有許多名勝,其中就有紫禁城。

Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.杭州以它美麗的西湖而著名。

Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level.西藏平均海拔4000公尺。

The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 這個(gè)村子坐落在群山之中。

3. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語200字

杭州英語角總匯: 1. 六公園英語角:是杭州最大的市民英語角, 時(shí)間為每周日8:30--14:00(下午老外會(huì)多一點(diǎn),去過兩次,不錯(cuò)) 2. 武林廣場(chǎng)英語角:每周日 武林廣場(chǎng) 早上7:00-9:00 3. 浙江大學(xué)各校區(qū)英語角: a. 玉泉校區(qū):每周二, 四, 六 毛主席像下 晚上21:00開始 b. 西溪校區(qū):每周三,周日世紀(jì)之光雕塑下晚上21:30開始 c. 華家池校區(qū):每周三晚大食堂門前草坪晚上20:30開始 d. 紫金港校區(qū):每周一,三,五 西1—519教室晚上20:30開始 4. 杭商院英語角:每周三晚 杭商主校區(qū)青春廣場(chǎng)晚上20:30 - 22:30 5. 三聯(lián)書店英語角:每周六西溪校區(qū)對(duì)面三聯(lián)書店晚上18:00-20:30 6. 科友英語角:每周六 省科協(xié)大樓20F-2010室 每周六晚上7:00-9:00 7. 吳山廣場(chǎng)英語角,是每周六上午的。 8. 杭師院對(duì)面文一路上美國(guó)書店,二樓是英語角,每周星期五晚上, 環(huán)境很好, 英語愛好者不妨去看看。 9. 浙江教育學(xué)院對(duì)面, 文三路西溪數(shù)碼港斜對(duì)面, 春暖花開書店二樓: 每周五晚上7:30-9:30有固定外教。 10.浸泡村下沙校區(qū),在學(xué)源街上,每天都有很多下沙大學(xué)生在那邊。

4. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語作文

西湖的形狀呈橢圓形,更像一只章魚。 西湖,位于浙江省杭州市西部,是中國(guó)主要的觀賞性淡水湖泊,也是中國(guó)首批國(guó)家重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。西湖三面環(huán)山,面積約6.39平方千米,東西寬約2.8千米,南北長(zhǎng)約3.2千米,繞湖一周近15千米。湖中被孤山、白堤、蘇堤、楊公堤分隔,按面積大小分別為外西湖、西里湖、北里湖、小南湖及岳湖等五片水面,蘇堤、白堤越過湖面,小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩三個(gè)人工小島鼎立于外西湖湖心,夕照山的雷峰塔與寶石山的保俶塔隔湖相映,由此形成了“一山、二塔、三島、三堤、五湖”的基本格局。2011年6月24日,杭州西湖列入世界遺產(chǎn)名錄。

5. 杭州旅游英語介紹

舉例如下: The most famous tourist atteaction in Hangzhou is the West Lake scenic area, with lots of green trees, pavilions and temples.

6. 杭州景點(diǎn)英文介紹

The West Lake is a like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land of China, reputed for beautiful scenery, a multitude of historical sites, brilliant cultural relics, and a profusion of native products. Legend has it that the West Lake was a heavenly jewel falle n to earth. Pragmatists insist that it is a mere lagoon on Hangzhou's western fringe. In any case, West Lake has inspired painters for centuries.

  In ancient times, this place had been an shallow sea gulf before it evolved into a residual lake. The Baidi and Sudi causeways provide access to many parts of the lake. Most of the best known tourist sites lie around and within the lake. With a circumference of 15 kilometers , the lake area itself is easy for the visitor to negotiate.

7. 杭州的景點(diǎn)英文介紹

West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but "West Lake" usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers. West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.西湖杭州位于杭州市歷史中心的西部地區(qū)。世界上有幾十個(gè)叫西湖的湖泊,但“西湖”通常指的是杭州西湖。西湖三面環(huán)山,面積約6.5平方公里。周長(zhǎng)約15公里。西湖以白堤、楊堤和蘇堤而聞名于世。

8. 英語介紹杭州美景

Hangzhou has a clear distiction of four seasons. The weather in spring is mild but rainy. The summer is a bit too hot. Its autumn is dry and its winter tends to be chilly.

9. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英文

Hangzhou is in the south of China, and there are only 6 million people in this city, which accounts for a little proportion. The weather here is very comfortable, as it is always warm all the year.The West Lake is one of places of interest in Hangzhou.

10. 杭州景點(diǎn)介紹英語短文



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