
杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文

導(dǎo)讀:杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文 1. 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文 2. 西湖景點(diǎn)的英文 3. 杭州有許多名勝古跡西湖尤為著名的英文 4. 用英文介紹杭州西湖著名景點(diǎn) 5. 杭州的著名景點(diǎn)的英文名稱 6. 杭州以西湖聞名的英文 7. 西湖景區(qū)景點(diǎn)英文介紹 8. 杭州西湖的景點(diǎn)名稱 9. 西湖是杭州最著名的景點(diǎn)英文 10. 西湖十大美景英文名稱 11. 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文介紹

1. 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文

Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

2. 西湖景點(diǎn)的英文

杭州西湖也有美麗的景色英文:Hangzhou and West Lake also have beautiful scenery。景色英文:scenery; view; scene; landscape lookout

3. 杭州有許多名勝古跡西湖尤為著名的英文

中國(guó)名勝古跡的英文名:Forbidden City 故宮、Tiananmen Square 天安門(mén)、the West Lake 西湖、Terracotta Warriors 兵馬俑、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔。

1、Forbidden City 故宮

英 [f?'b?dn 's?ti] ;美 [f?'b?dn 's?ti]  

例:We're going to visit the Forbidden city.去參觀紫禁城。

例:But where is the Forbiden City,Madam Tang.可紫禁城在哪里。

2、Tiananmen Square 天安門(mén)


英 [skwe?(r)] ;美 [skwer]    

例:The next stop is Tiananmen Square.


例:Which bus line leads to Tiananmen Square ?


3、the West Lake 西湖

英 [e? west le?k];美 [e? west le?k]

例:The west lake is noted for its scenery.


例:The West Lake was beautiful beyond description.


4、Terracotta Warriors 兵馬俑

英 [?ter?'k?t? 'w?ri?z]; 美 [?ter?'kɑt? 'w?ri?z]

例:Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east.秦兵馬俑大都是向東而立

5、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔

英 [ɡre?t? wa?ld ɡu?s p?'ɡ??d?];美 [ɡre?t? wa?ld ɡu?s p?'ɡo?d?]

例:This Greater Wild Goose Pagoda of its particular feature.


例:There was a very tall Greater Wild Goose Pagoda in the city.


4. 用英文介紹杭州西湖著名景點(diǎn)



Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

5. 杭州的著名景點(diǎn)的英文名稱

杭州大廈 Hangzhou Tower杭州百貨 Hangzhou Mall銀泰百貨 Intime Mall杭州解百 Hangzhou Jiebai萬(wàn)象城 Mixc Mall國(guó)大商場(chǎng) GDA

6. 杭州以西湖聞名的英文

你是要翻譯嗎?1.蘇堤春曉Spring Dawn at Su Causeway2.曲苑風(fēng)荷Lotus Stirred by Breeze in Quyuan Garden 3.平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 4.斷橋殘雪 Melting Snow Scene on the Broken Bridge5.柳浪聞鶯Orioles Singing in the Willows6.花港觀魚(yú)Viewing Fish at Flower Pond7.雷峰西照 Leifeng Pagoda Silhouette adainst the Sunset 8.雙峰插云Doubles Peaks Kissing the Sky 9.南屏晚鐘 Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill10.三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

7. 西湖景區(qū)景點(diǎn)英文介紹

Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province. It is composed of West Lake scenic spot and Honghua Lake scenic spot, with a total area of 20 and 91 square kilometers.including 3 and 13 square kilometers of water area.It is a national scenic spot and national AAAAA scenic spot with the main function of leisure and sightseeing.It has the reputation of "zhuluoxizi" and "Lingnan pearl".

8. 杭州西湖的景點(diǎn)名稱

 一. 西湖位于杭州市區(qū)西面,南北長(zhǎng)3.3公里,東西寬2.8公里,總面積5.6平方公里,環(huán)湖一周約15公里,蘇堤與白堤把全湖隔為外湖、里湖、岳湖、西里湖和小南湖5個(gè)部分。西湖風(fēng)光秀麗,景色迷人,自古以來(lái)就是名勝。“天下西湖三十六,就中最好是杭州。”西湖三面環(huán)山,秦時(shí)西……

2.西溪國(guó)家濕地公園 AAAAA

  西溪國(guó)家濕地公? ??坐落于浙江省杭州市區(qū)西部,離杭州主城區(qū)武林門(mén)只有6公里,距西湖僅5公里。公園總面積約為11.5平方公里,分為東部濕地生態(tài)保護(hù)培育區(qū)、中部濕地生態(tài)旅游休閑區(qū)和西部濕地生態(tài)景觀封育區(qū)。濕地公園是一個(gè)集城市濕地、農(nóng)耕濕地、文化濕地于一體的國(guó)家濕地公園……



9. 西湖是杭州最著名的景點(diǎn)英文

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province in East China.It sits at the head of Hangzhou Bay, which separates Shanghai and Ningbo. Hangzhou grew to prominence as the southern terminus of the Grand Canal and has been one of the most renowned and prosperous cities in China for much of the last millennium. The city's West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site immediately west of the city, is among its best-known attractions.

Hangzhou is classified as a sub-provincial city and forms the core of the Hangzhou metropolitan area,the fourth-largest in China.During the 2010 Chinese census, the metropolitan area held 21.102 million people over an area of 34,585 km2 (13,353 sq mi).Hangzhou prefecture had a registered population of 9,018,000 in 2015.

In September 2015, Hangzhou was awarded the 2022 Asian Games. It will be the third Chinese city to play host to the Asian Games after Beijing 1990 and Guangzhou 2010.Hangzhou, an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba, also hosted the eleventh G-20 summit in 2016.

Hangzhou's climate is humid subtropical with four distinctive seasons, characterised by long, very hot, humid summers and chilly, cloudy and drier winters (with occasional snow).

angzhou began to prosper and flourish in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It was the capital of the Wu and Yue States in the 10th Century during the Five Dynasties Period, and had its political heyday in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), when it served as the capital of China. Hangzhou witnessed a commercial boom in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties, which is continuing at present.




2015年9月,杭州被授予2022屆亞運(yùn)會(huì)。它將是繼1990年北京和2010年廣州之后第三個(gè)舉辦亞運(yùn)會(huì)的中國(guó)城市。杭州,一個(gè)新興的技術(shù)中心,電子商務(wù)巨頭阿里巴巴的所在地,也在2016年主辦了第十一屆G 20峰會(huì)。



10. 西湖十大美景英文名稱

Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

11. 杭州西湖十大景點(diǎn)名稱英文介紹

西湖英語(yǔ)是The west lake is ;1、beautiful,2、large 3,smooth 4、green等


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