

導(dǎo)讀:湖南常德旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹(長(zhǎng)沙景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)) 用英語(yǔ)介紹常德 以我的故鄉(xiāng)――常德為題的100詞英語(yǔ)作文 我的家鄉(xiāng)在常德 請(qǐng)問(wèn)用英語(yǔ)自我介紹怎么來(lái)介紹它 要有特色 英語(yǔ)介紹我的家鄉(xiāng)——常德 很急!~


常德官方網(wǎng)站: 走近常德英文版

Hunan province in South China is a perfect example of the affluence and intoxicating landscape of China. Changde, one of its cities, is situated in the northwestern part of Hunan province. Changde, being refered to as a city in Taohuayuan(Peach Flower Garden), is a place of green hills and clear waters. Within the north of Hunan province, Changde is located in the lower reaches of Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River, connecting the Xuefeng and Wuling Mountains, which extend to the lake. Here the grandeur of Wuling Mountain, the rolling water of Dongting Lake and the grace of mountains and waters in South China are well-blended. It is a charming tourist resort with various kinds of natural landscapes and splendid views of beautiful mountains and rivers.

Covering an area of 18200 square kilometers, the city has a population of 6 million, with 0.41 million living in the urban area. Under its jurisdiction are 9 administrative regions--2 districts of Wuling and Dingcheng, 6 counties of Anxiang, Hanshou, Taoyuan, Shimen, Lixian, Linli and a county-level Jinshi city.

Blessed with fresh air and smooth traffic, the city is tranquil and graceful, free from the hustle and bustle, traffic jam and stale air typical of big cities. And the local people are open-minded, friendly and hospitable.




Changde is a city subordinate to Hunan Province, located in the northern part of Hunan Province, west of Dongting Lake and Wuling Mountain. It has more than 2,000 years of history and a long history of culture.


Changde has these specialties: Shimen oranges, Tianjin beef powder, zebra mosquito coils, turtle, the East Peak tea, pearl rice, sweet- scented osmanthus sugar, big leaf tea. Tokuyama Daqu, spicy meat, pulp pull duck,Changde ricenoodles.


Changde has these tourist attractions: Willow Lake, Changde Poetry Wall, Sand Mountain National Forest Park, Flowe Rock Creek National Forest Park, Peach Blossom Spring Landscape, Yuanjiang Peach Blossom River Scenic Area.


我的家鄉(xiāng)在常德 請(qǐng)問(wèn)用英語(yǔ)自我介紹怎么來(lái)介紹它 要有特色

Changde, Hunan Province, located in the northwest, known as the "throat of Sichuan and Guizhou, Yunnan and Guizhou portal. " Northwestern is an important transport hub, energy base and political and cultural center as well as the Three Gorges - Dongting Lake, South Mountain - Zhangjiajie tourism corridor of gold bonds and central. Changde is an important agricultural production base, Changde is known as "non-metallic mineral town. "

常德位于湖南省西北部,史稱"黔川咽喉,云貴門戶"。是湘西北重要的交通樞紐、能源基地和政治文化中心,也是三峽——洞庭湖南岳衡山——張家界黃金旅游走廊的紐帶與中樞。 常德是中國(guó)重要的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)基地,常德是中國(guó)有名的“非金屬礦產(chǎn)之鄉(xiāng)”。

英語(yǔ)介紹我的家鄉(xiāng)——常德 很急!~


是you are pig!好不好,笨!


Beautiful Hunan Changde!!!


Changde ancient name Wuling, located at Hunan Province northeast, the Yangtze River middle reaches Dongting Lake sink, east is near Changsha, west Sichuan and Guzhou, south meet Guangdong to be broad continually, north arrives at the Three Gorges, the geographical position influential person, the history calls “west the Chu lips and teeth”, “the Guizhou Province Sichuan pharynx and larynx, the Yunnan and Kweichow gateway”. Whole city total area 18,200 square kilometers, cultivated area 430,000 hectares. The whole city commands 5 areas (Wuling, tripod with two handles city, Xihu, west Tungting lake and the German mountain); 6 counties (Hanshou, haven, Linli, Li County, Shimen, Anxiang); 1 county-level city (Jinshishi); 209 villages and towns. Total population 6,000,000, the agricultural population 4,800,000, are north the western Hunan the local transport hub, the energy base and the economy, the cultural center.


The Changde landform is diverse, pleasant weather. The whole city 2/3 above farming for the Dongting Lake wash plain, the land are fertile, the product is rich, is Hunan's resources leading market, the agricultural leading market and the tourist attraction, is also the nation famous “the land of plenty” and “township of the nonmetalliferous ore”. The Changde landform has the yenshan movement characteristic. In northwest subordinate Wuling mountain system low mountainous area, tall and straight pretty; The north west for Xuefang -odd arteries, meanders is continuous, is Central China area natural zoology and botany treasure house. The eastern Tungting lake plain was since old times Yunmeng Ze, the waters is vast, the river lake is densely covered, the water plant fruitful in resources, is the poultry, the fish natural paradise.

常德地貌多樣,氣候宜人。全市三分之二以上的耕地為洞庭湖淤積平原,土地肥沃,物產(chǎn)豐富,是湖南的資源大市、農(nóng)業(yè)大市和旅游勝地,也是全國(guó)有名的“魚米之鄉(xiāng)”和“非金屬礦之鄉(xiāng)”。常德市地貌具有燕山運(yùn)動(dòng)的特征。西北部屬武陵山系之中低山區(qū),挺拔俊秀;西南部雪峰山余脈,逶迤綿延,是華中地區(qū)天然的動(dòng)植物寶庫(kù)。東部洞庭湖平原自古為云夢(mèng)澤,水域遼闊,河湖密布,水草資源豐富,是畜禽? ?魚類的天然樂(lè)園。



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