
加拿大著名景點(diǎn)英語 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語

導(dǎo)讀:加拿大著名景點(diǎn)英語 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語 1. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語 2. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英文 3. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語介紹簡(jiǎn)短 4. 加拿大旅游十大景點(diǎn)英文 5. 加拿大有名景點(diǎn)英語 6. 加拿大的風(fēng)景名勝英語 7. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語介紹 8. 加拿大有什么著名的景點(diǎn)英語

1. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語












2. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英文

It faces the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, Alaska in the northwest, the Mainland United States in the south, and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Most of the climate is subcold zone coniferous forest climate and humid continental climate, the northern polar region for polar long cold climate.

The national geomorphology is high in the west and low in the east [9]. The total area is 9,980 000 square kilometers, of which the coastline is about 240000 kilometers long.

As of June 2021, the total population of Canada is 38.13 million, and the capital is Ottawa.

Canada was originally inhabited by Indians and Inuit.

Colonized by France in the early 17th century, it was ceded to Britain.

On July 1, 1867, the Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were united into a commonwealth, becoming the earliest British dominions.

Since then, other provinces have joined the Union. Canada gained diplomatic independence in 1926

3. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語介紹簡(jiǎn)短


Canada, whose capital city is Ottawa, lies in North America with the United States on its south, and on the other sides, it is surrounded by the sea. Despite the fact that Canada is a vast country and that its climate is quite different from region to region. Canada is a very sunny land. Both English and French are the official languages in the country. The forest industry is one of Canada’s major industries and it is the world’s largest wheat exporting country.

The Canadians are a hardworking people and they are friendly, open and modest. Most people are willing to lend a hand to strangers who are in need of help.

4. 加拿大旅游十大景點(diǎn)英文

Canada's climate is not as cold all year around as some may believe. In winter, temperatures fall below freezing point throughout most of Canada. But the south-western coast has a relatively mild climate. Along the Arctic Circle, mean tem peratures are below freezing for seven months a year.During the summer months the southern provinces often experience high levels of humidity and temperatures that can surpass 30 degrees Celsius regularly.Western and south-eastern Canada experience high rainfall, but the Prairies are dry with 250 mm to 500 mm of rain every year

5. 加拿大有名景點(diǎn)英語


6. 加拿大的風(fēng)景名勝英語


7. 加拿大的著名景點(diǎn)英語介紹

卑詩省:  溫哥華  加拿大廣場(chǎng)(canada plaza)  史坦利公園(Stanley Park)  蓋士鎮(zhèn)(Gastown)  洛布遜街(Robson St.)  格蘭佛島(Granville Island)  大吊橋(Capilano)  漁人碼頭(stevsten)  賭船(gambling boat)  維多利亞(Victoria)  布查花園(Butchart Garden)  雷鳥圖騰柱公園(Thunderbird Park)  克隆那(klowna)亞伯達(dá)省:  卡加利(Calgary)  牛仔競(jìng)技大賽(Calgary Stampede)  西埃德蒙頓商場(chǎng)(West Edmonton Mall)  班夫(Banff)  杰士伯(Jasper)  卡那那斯基(Kananaskis)  瓦特頓(Waterton)  哥倫比亞大冰原(Columbia Icefield)安大略省:  多倫多 - 西恩塔(CN Tower)  皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)  渥太華(Ottawa)  國會(huì)山莊(The Parliament Buildings)  加拿大國立美術(shù)館(The National Gallery)  人類文明博物館(Museum of Civilization)  里多運(yùn)河(Rideau Canal)  拜沃市場(chǎng)(Byward Market)  郁金香花展(Tulip Festival)  尼加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)  阿岡昆公園(Algonquin Park)  火車之旅(Agawa Canyon & Polar Bear Express)魁北省:  蒙特婁(Montreal)  皇家山公園區(qū)(Mont Royal Park)  蒙特婁賭場(chǎng)(Casino de Montreal)  圣母院(Notre-Dame Basilica)及舊城區(qū)  蒙特婁爵士節(jié)(Montreal Jazz Festival, July)  蒙特婁地下街城(Montreal's Underground City)魁北克市  古城墻碉堡區(qū)(The Fortification)  芳堤娜城堡飯店(Chateau Frontenac)  奧爾良島(lle d'Orleans)  蒙特摩倫斯瀑布(Montmorency Fall)  冬季嘉年華會(huì)(Winter Carnival)  塔伯拉山(Mont Tremblant)暨洛朗區(qū)(Laurentian)  Tadoussac、Cap-de-Bon-Desir、Pointe-Noire賞鯨區(qū)  Mingan Archipelago國家公園紐芬蘭省:  斯必爾角(Cape Spear National Historic Site)  信號(hào)丘(Signal Hill National Historic Site)  圣約翰大教堂(The Basilica of St. John  Gros Morne國家公園  Bonavista岬角燈以上都是轉(zhuǎn)來的~~

8. 加拿大有什么著名的景點(diǎn)英語

Vancouver is a city which is located in the west of Canada.It is a harbour city nearby the sea.

The city has not many people which is only a population about over 40 thousand.Its senery is very beautiful.The city is surrounded by water and mountains.Many trees are planted in this city,and the fresh is very clear.It is called one of the most beautifu cities in the world.Especially in the year 1986,it hosted the The World Expo and in the year 2010,it hosted the Winter Olmpic Games.

The city is very famous and very attractive to the world people.


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