
2016江蘇省旅游宣傳片 江蘇省旅游宣傳語

導(dǎo)讀:2016江蘇省旅游宣傳片 江蘇省旅游宣傳語 1. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語 2. 江蘇省旅游廣告語 3. 江蘇旅游宣傳詞 4. 江蘇旅游品牌口號 5. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語大全 6. 江蘇旅游廣告 7. 江蘇旅游宣傳語水韻江蘇 8. 江蘇旅游導(dǎo)游詞 9. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語簡短 10. 江蘇省旅游宣傳口號

1. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語














2. 江蘇省旅游廣告語

宿遷水晶山楂糕:呈玫瑰色 ,晶瑩透亮,放在報紙上能透過糕體看清文字,酷似一枚紅色的水晶。口感細膩,酸甜適口。放于手上,似有彈性。有開胃消食,活血化淤,對心血管系統(tǒng)的疾病也有一定療效。相傳2000年宿遷人民為懷念西楚霸王項羽而創(chuàng)制,初名“霸王糕”。

“黃狗”豬頭肉:由民間名師黃德 (諢名叫黃小狗) 始創(chuàng),人稱“黃狗”豬頭肉,已有200多年歷史。其肉色澤紅潤,香味濃郁,肥肉酥爛,精肉鮮香,味純而正。乾隆皇帝下江南,曾品嘗此肉,大為贊賞。又有“乾隆老湯”之雅稱。

3. 江蘇旅游宣傳詞


4. 江蘇旅游品牌口號

黃鶴樓與中山名城的旅游標語:夢中黃鶴影,身前樓中來 北京市:不到長城非好漢 上海市:上海,精彩每一天 重慶市:世界的重慶,永遠的三峽 廣西南寧市:綠城尋歌壯鄉(xiāng)情 湖南長沙市:多情山水,天下洲城 四川成都市:成功之都,多彩之都,美食之都 山東曲阜市:孔子故里,東方圣城 山東日照市:游山登五岳,賞海去日照 陜西咸陽市:中國金字塔之都——咸陽 湖北宜昌市:金色三峽,銀色大壩,綠色宜昌 河北邯鄲市:游名城邯鄲,品古趙文化 河南三門峽市:文化圣地,天鵝之城 江蘇南通市:追江趕海到南通 浙江寧波市:東方商埠,時尚水都 浙江嘉興市:水都綠城,休閑嘉興 浙江富陽市:富春山水,孫權(quán)故里 廣東廣州市:一日讀懂兩千年 廣東中山市:偉人故里,錦繡中山 廣東江門市:僑鄉(xiāng)山水風情畫 海南三亞市:天涯芳草,海角明珠條萊垍頭

5. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語大全


6. 江蘇旅游廣告

無錫特產(chǎn): 1、無錫排骨:無錫醬排骨色澤醬紅,酥香入香,甜咸適中,腴而不肥。

該菜已有百余年歷史,享譽海內(nèi)外。2、大浮楊梅:大浮楊梅產(chǎn)于市郊大浮山、馬跡山。有近千年栽培史。大浮楊梅肉厚核小,酸甜可口,品種有烏梅、白荔枝、大葉細蒂等十多個種類。3、陽山水蜜桃:陽山水蜜桃是無錫著名特產(chǎn)之一,已有近七十年的栽培歷史。有形美、色艷、味佳、肉細、皮韌易剝、汁多甘厚、味濃香溢、入口即化等特點。4、太湖白魚:亦稱“鰷”“頭尾俱向上”而得名,體狹長側(cè)扁,細骨細鱗,銀光閃爍,目前尚未養(yǎng)殖,主要依靠天然捕撈。5、太湖銀魚:長二寸余,體長略圓,形如玉簪,似無骨無腸,細嫩透明,色澤似銀,故稱銀魚。6、太湖白蝦:清《太湖備考》上有“太湖? ??蝦甲天下,熟時色仍潔白”的記載。白蝦殼薄、肉嫩、味鮮美。7、小籠饅頭 無錫小籠饅頭,是無錫的傳統(tǒng)名點,已有百年歷史。具有夾起不破皮,翻身不漏底,一吮滿口鹵,味鮮不油膩等特色。8、方糕,無錫傳統(tǒng)名點。1943年由崇安寺“六芳齋“師傅王禹清引進湖州大方糕改制而成。方糕用特制的方型木質(zhì)模板,篩入糕粉,顯出凹型,分別放入鮮肉、豆沙、菜豬油等餡心,篩上一層糕粉,刮平,用刀劃成塊線,上籠用旺火蒸熟即成。9、酒釀圓子在無錫已有百年歷史。它選用上白糯米粉用熱水拌和搓韌,切成小方塊,用扁篩滾成大小似棉子的小圓子。另將酒釀?chuàng)v碎和白糖一起放入碗中,將煮熟的圓子連湯盛于碗中即成。10、春卷是無錫時令小吃。它用上白面粉加少許水和鹽拌揉捏,放在平底鍋中攤烙成圓形皮子,然后將制好的陷心(肉末、豆沙、菜豬油)攤放在皮子上,將兩頭折起,卷成長卷下油鍋炸成金黃色即可。春卷皮薄酥脆、餡心香軟,別具風味,是春季的時令佳品。11、豆腐花是無錫傳統(tǒng)小吃。它將豆腐花制作在大口壇內(nèi),邊賣邊烤,既嫩又熱。12、玉蘭餅;一八五○年由無錫『孫記糕團店』創(chuàng)制,因正值玉蘭花開時節(jié)而得名。13、無錫毫茶:毫茶條紋緊而卷曲,味嫩翠綠,白毫披覆,沖飲茶湯晶瑩隱翠,茶葉清香鮮醇,別具風味。

7. 江蘇旅游宣傳語水韻江蘇

泰州鳳城河風景區(qū),依傍鳳城河,以水為脈,以人為魂,集中而又完整地體現(xiàn)全國不多見的一種都市水韻,彰顯了泰州悠久的歷史文脈。 Taizhou Fengcheng River Scenic Area, to fall back on Fengcheng River, with water as pulse, human soul, focused and completely reflect the country as a rare urban Aqua, highlights the long history of Taizhou context. 泰州是一座水的城市。水是泰州的特色和靈魂。哺育世世代代泰州人的鳳城河,千畝水域繞城四周,是江蘇省現(xiàn)存的為數(shù)不多的較完整的千年古城河。泛舟河上,您會充分領(lǐng)略到“州建南唐”的歷史厚重。 鳳城河畔,望海樓、桃園景區(qū)內(nèi)30多個景點匯集了泰州歷史、戲曲、民俗、商賈四大特色文化。景區(qū)內(nèi)核心景觀望海樓,始建于宋,明清重建,更領(lǐng)江淮雄風,國學(xué)大師文懷沙老人稱其為“江淮第一樓”。樓西文會堂,史載初為北宋滕子京所建。列北宋時在泰為官,而后升遷至宰相的晏殊、范仲淹、富弼、韓琦、呂夷簡五相史料,堂前植“五相樹”;立中國雕塑院院長吳為山所作范仲淹青銅塑像,加之以景區(qū)內(nèi)的已有千年之久的州城遺址和宋城古涵等景點,一切盡顯泰州“州建南唐,文昌北宋,名城名宦交相重”的輝煌歷史。望海樓隔河為桃園景區(qū),取孔尚任寄寓泰州陳庵創(chuàng)作《桃花扇》之意,與泰州梅園戲劇、柳園評話相聯(lián),三園一線,形成“戲曲文化三家村”的獨特人文旅游景觀,徜徉其中,宛若行走于中國戲曲文化之長廊。景區(qū)內(nèi),鳳凰姑娘、飛來鐘、齏湯橋等一個個美麗的民間傳說同樣使人流連忘返。桃園東側(cè)六百米長的麻石老街,青磚黛瓦,展現(xiàn)了明清至民國時期的泰州古街巷,皮包水、水包皮,戲院書場,泰州古城的草根文化在這里盡現(xiàn)。該景點已被定為國家AAAA級風景區(qū)。 Taizhou is a city on the water. Water is a feature of Taizhou and soul. Taizhou nurtured generations of people Fengcheng River, acres of waters around the city around, Jiangsu Province, one of the few extant of the ancient city of more complete river. Boating on the river, you will fully appreciate the "Southern Tang state building" in the history of heavy. Fengcheng River, sides, Taoyuan area in Taizhou, a collection of more than 30 attractions of history, drama, folklore, cultural characteristics of the four mercha nts. Wanghai scenic landscape within the core, was built in the Song, Ming and Qing reconstruction, more collar JAC glory, Great Masters Wen Huaisha elderly called "JAC first floor." Building Western Hall, contains the history of the early Northern Song Teng Jing built. Column when the Northern Song Dynasty official in Thailand, and then promoted to prime minister of Yan Shu, Fan Chung-yen, FU Bi, Han Qi, Lv Yijian five-phase historical data, break and plant the "five-phase tree"; Li Wu Chinese Academy of sculpture by Fan Chung-yen bronze statue of the mountain, combined with the existing within the area for thousands of years of ancient Han Song Dynasty chow sites and other attractions, all full of Taizhou, "state building Southern Tang, Wen Song, city Minghuan cross-heavy" the glorious history. Wanghailou river in Taoyuan area, take creative Kong Shangren ignited Taizhou Chen Temple, "Peach Blossom Fan," meaning, and Taizhou Plum theater, Liuyuan assessment, then linked to three parks line to form a "culture of opera Sam Ka 'unique cultural tourist attractions, wander, just like walking in the corridor Chinese opera culture. Area, the Phoenix girl, flying Bell, powdered soup bridges a beautiful folklore same people forget. Taoyuan east six hundred meters long, the granite streets, brick and black tiles, displaying the Ming and Qing to the Republic of Taizhou ancient streets, water bags, water foreskin, theater book market, Taizhou city's grass-roots culture here to do now. The sites have been designated as national AAAA level scenic spot.

8. 江蘇旅游導(dǎo)游詞



1925年3月12日,孫中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在鐘山的遺愿,靈柩暫停放在北京香山碧云寺內(nèi), 并決定在南京鐘山修建他的陵墓。自1926年春動工,至1929年夏建成 。






這里用青色的琉璃瓦有其一定的含意,青色象征蒼天,青色琉璃瓦乃含天下為公之意,以此來? ??示孫中山先生為國為民的博大胸懷。再進為碑亭,一塊高約6米的碑石上刻著“中華民國十八年六月一日中國國民黨葬總理孫先生于此”的鎏金大字。從牌坊開始上達祭堂,共有石階392級,8個平臺。









Sun Yat-sen was China's great statesman Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gradually from south to north along the axis, the whole building complex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.

March 12, 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance with the wishes of his lifetime buried in Zhongshan. Biyunsi suspended on the coffins, 86, and decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan. Since the spring of 1926 to start the summer of 1929 to build.

Sun Yat-sen sit north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches. doorway inscribed with "nation, civil rights, and the people's" banners. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, festival halls placed marble Zuoxiang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten "principles for national reconstruction".

Its main structures : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies. From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell." Foot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the steeple bell, semilunar Place bell roof arcs, top of the tomb and the tomb of the hemispherical dome roof, as the first round bell pendulum slip. Place the tripod southern Taiwan (now the images of Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to the clock bell in New York, the "ting" is the ancient symbol of power. The clock is therefore with the whole "to arouse the people to build in" with the United States. Sun images of heroic vitality, the gesture seems to swing between the destiny of the speech was delivered.

Chungshan is the original greet bier Road, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen when the coffins through the south. Nanjing is the first asphalt road, started in 1926, completed in 1929. At that time, the preparatory office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's funeral affairs program designed to recruit tomb. .

The results, the design architect Lv direct "Liberty Bell" type design won first prize. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect. This set of construction, type combination, use of color, material handling performance and detail, we have achieved very good results, color harmony. thereby enhancing the solemn atmosphere.

Entrance to the grave of a tall granite arch, a handwritten Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "fraternity" two Rongji. In such a landmark building is used to singing the praises of the main functions. "Fraternity" revealed word of Dr. Sun Yat-sen are broad-minded and lofty ideals. After the arch is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide oval. Behavior Mausoleum doors, it's a light blue glazed tile roofs, doors places on the works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen "commerce" four characters.

Here the use of the color blue glazed tile has a certain meaning that the color blue symbol of the heavens : the color blue, glazed tiles containing Whether it is realized. Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to show the breadth of the country and the people in mind. Choice for further progress. The steles piece about 6 meters high on the words "Republic of China on June 1 1929 Chinese Kuomintang funeral here, Mr. Prime Minister Sun," a unique golden characters. From the festival reached a landmark court began, a total of 392 stone steps grade eight platform.

Climbing the stairs so many extremely difficult, but when you finish this long after the steepest stairs. will realize "the" premier wills "," the exhortation : "The revolution has yet to succeed, keep on working hard," meaning. Level with the granite blocks in Suzhou

The platform has a maximum two-table, after the festival Hall. China is a columnar table markers, signs in the Great Hall of this festival. Festival Hall has three arches, the sub-book "nation", "human rights" and "people" from the amount. Here is the festival palace-style Great Hall of imitation. Sun Festival Hall doorway engraved with a handwritten "world justice," The characters struggle to express the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hall has marble Zuoxiang, 4.6 meters high, realistic, Portland is world famous sculptor Paul sinus Karpinski masterpiece. Block things around as a reflection of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds of arms. Festival Hall Wall things handwritten marble engraved with the posthumous work of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "principles for national reconstruction" and others write "the" premier wills ",".

Here, we will not see the Sun Yat-sen to overthrow the feudal monarchy immortal donated 2,000 years of history and hard struggle, I also see the Sun as the Chinese independent, strong and grand plans for the founding ideas. Yet Hall after two heavy, made of either copper front door, door frames through black marble blocks. Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten on the "noble spirit that will never perish" banners.

Dual fan brass door for independence, on the eastern gate "Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Tomb" stone. Comes round tomb, 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters high. Central is a long hole, lying on top of the white marble like Dr. Sun Yat-sen, He visited the site ma y lie around like the white marble railing overlooking the casket, as this system moves by the Czech sculptor high body image creation very realistic.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's remains buried below. Grave 4 meters in diameter and five meters deep, external reinforced concrete sealing. After the liberation of Nanjing, Liu Bocheng, as mayor, specially shipped in from Hunan 20000 Pine and Chinese parasol trees were planted here.

30 years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum constant exploration of new renovation, the entire garden area of more than 3,000 hectares. Around the graveyard, full of dynamism and attractive. Sun Yat-sen was a great revolutionary forerunner Dr. Sun Yat-sen's tomb, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China. tomb building, a magnificent and majestic. The visit to Nanjing, the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionaries of the cemetery. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, but his noble spirit that will never perish, and the world will never have to admire.

Sun Yat-sen's fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, was the situation with various Zhongshan majestic arch, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, Festival Hall and tomb large green and the sky through a broad level, even as a whole, is very solemn and majestic both profound meaning Also it is very solemn and majestic, more grand finale, the design was very successful. So as the "first modern Chinese architectural history of the Mausoleum."

9. 江蘇省旅游宣傳語簡短









常州,江蘇省轄地級市,地處江蘇省南部,長江下游“金三角”中心;北瀕長江,東臨太湖,西倚茅山,南扼天目山麓;東西南北分別與無錫、蘇州和上海,鎮(zhèn)江和南京,宜興和長興,靖江和江陰緊鄰 。








南通,江蘇省地級市,位于江蘇東南部,長江三角洲北翼 ,簡稱“通”,別稱靜海、崇州、崇川、紫瑯、北上海,古稱通州。中國首批對外開放的14個沿海城市之一,東抵黃海,南望長江,與上海、蘇州燈火相邀,西、北與泰州、鹽城接壤,“據(jù)江海之會、扼南北之喉 ”,被譽為“北上海” 。南通集“黃金海岸”與“黃金水道”優(yōu)勢于一身,擁有長江岸線226公里。?











10. 江蘇省旅游宣傳口號



















10:絕代有佳人,幽居在空谷 。——出自《佳人》



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