
介紹昆明(中英對(duì)照) 100分

昆明地處云貴高原中部,海拔746米至4247米(市中心海拔1,891米),面積15942平方公里,建成區(qū)98平方公里,直轄盤(pán)龍、五華、西山、官渡四個(gè)區(qū)和呈貢、晉寧、安寧、富民、嵩明、宜良、路南、祿勸八個(gè)縣。人口3635212人,有漢、彝、回、白、苗、蒙古等25個(gè)民族,少數(shù)民族人口占12.6%,城區(qū)人口1611969人。南瀕滇池,三面環(huán)山。屬于低緯度高原山地季風(fēng)氣候,由于受印度洋西南暖濕氣流的影響,日照長(zhǎng)、霜期短、年平均氣溫15攝氏度。氣候溫和,夏無(wú)酷暑,冬不嚴(yán)寒,四季如春,氣侯宜人,是極負(fù)盛名的“春城”。為此前人有詩(shī)描寫(xiě)它的特點(diǎn)是:昆明臘月可無(wú)裘,三伏輕棉汗不流,梅綻隆冬香放滿(mǎn),柳舒新歲葉將稠。每年的12月到來(lái)年的3月,一群群躲避北方海域寒風(fēng)的紅嘴鷗,萬(wàn)里迢迢地從遠(yuǎn)方飛來(lái),落棲在昆明城中。 昆明還是自然景觀和人文景觀的薈萃之地。悠久的歷史、獨(dú)特的地質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu),為昆明留下了眾多的文物古跡和風(fēng)景名勝。昆明市是一個(gè)發(fā)展中的國(guó)際旅游城市,目前,已形成了以世博會(huì)為中心的集自然風(fēng)光和民族風(fēng)情為一體的多功能的四季皆宜的旅游勝地。在云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,儼如高原上鑲嵌的一顆璀璨晶瑩的明珠,這就是古老的“滇南澤”,因距昆陽(yáng)城最近,故又名“昆陽(yáng)湖”,即人們熟悉的“五百里滇池”。以往詩(shī)人對(duì)她描寫(xiě)是:昆池千頃浩溟漾,浴日滔天氣量洪,倒映群峰來(lái)鏡里,雄吞六河入胸中。坐落在這美麗高原湖畔的城市,就是春城昆明。昆明是云南省的省會(huì),位于云貴高原中部,四面環(huán)山,南臨滇池,六河縱橫,中間一馬平川,形成了膏腴沃壤的昆明壩子Kunming, capital of Yunnan prov., S China, on the northern shore of Dian Chi Lake. It is a major administrative, commercial, and cultural center of S China and leading transportation hub (air, road, rail), with rail connections to Vietnam. It is China's largest producer of copper. Coal is mined, and the city has an iron and steel complex. Other manufactures include phosphorus, chemicals, machinery, textiles, paper, and cement. Kunming has long been noted for its scenic beauty and equable climate. It consists of an old walled city, a modern commercial suburb, and a residential and university section. Although it was often the seat of kings in ancient times, Kunming's modern prosperity dates only from 1910, when the railroad from Hanoi was built. In World War II, Kunming was important as the Chinese terminus of the Burma Road. The city has an astronomical observatory, and its institutions of higher learning include Yunnan Univ. and a medical college. On the outskirts is a famed bronze temple, dating from the Ming dynasty. Kunming was formerly called Yunnanfu.

Kunming, capital of Yunnan prov., S China, on the northern shore of Dian Chi Lake. It is a major administrative, commercial, and cultural center of S China and leading transportation hub (air, road, rail), with rail connections to Vietnam. It is China's largest producer of copper. Coal is mined, and the city has an iron and steel complex. Other manufactures include phosphorus, chemicals, machinery, textiles, paper, and cement. Kunming has long been noted for its scenic beauty and equable climate. It consists of an old walled city, a modern commercial suburb, and a residential and university section. Although it was often the seat of kings in ancient times, Kunming's modern prosperity dates only from 1910, when the railroad from Hanoi was built. In World War II, Kunming was important as the Chinese terminus of the Burma Road. The city has an astronomical observatory, and its institutions of higher learning include Yunnan Univ. and a medical college. On the outskirts is a famed bronze temple, dating from the Ming dynasty. Kunming was formerly called Yunnanfu.


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