
介紹昆明景點(diǎn)的英文ppt 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說

導(dǎo)讀:介紹昆明景點(diǎn)的英文ppt 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說 1. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說 2. 云南的景點(diǎn)用英文介紹 3. 用英文介紹昆明美景 4. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說寫 5. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英語怎么說 6. 昆明景點(diǎn)英文名 7. 總的來說昆明是一個(gè)旅游的好城市用英語怎么說 8. 昆明景點(diǎn)用英文表示 9. 昆明的著名景點(diǎn)英文

1. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說


2. 云南的景點(diǎn)用英文介紹






Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without culture

Flower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.

Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.

Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders

3. 用英文介紹昆明美景

South is the province with the largest number of ethnic, apart from the Han, is inhabited by 26 people and the minority population of the province accounted for nearly one-third of the total population. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can enjoy the national and culture and nowhere else

Flowers of the town: Yunnan is known as "Kingdom of plants" said. Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, Primula, camellia, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, let alone the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan eight flowers: camellias, azaleas, Magnolia, primrose, lily flower, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, here is an ocean of flowers. Mountain bamboo forests, lush bamboo shoots.

Karst: Easter n Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of erosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area.

Tropical rain forest: Xishuangbanna is located in the northern regression line to the south edge of the tropical north, the tropical monsoon climate, year-round warm, sunny, rainy and humid is Tropic of cancer of the earth desert line with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is the most complete, the most typical, area of the largest area, is now the earth on rare animal and plant gene pool, was hailed as one of the earth's natural wonders.

4. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英文怎么說寫

如果只是想翻譯地名可以直接翻譯Yunnan。如果想翻譯的詩意可以先譯成Yunnan再同位語解釋成“South of the Clouds"In 2009, the companyintroducedtoitscustomersacoffeeblend that includesbeans grown in Yunnan, “Southof theClouds

5. 昆明的景點(diǎn)用英語怎么說

內(nèi)地地名除廣東外,其它地方一律用漢語拼音,所以昆明 Kun Ming。

6. 昆明景點(diǎn)英文名

以前的創(chuàng)庫 諾地卡畫廊 下面有幾個(gè)是收集的 沒去過就是1、翠湖英語角 地址:翠湖賓館斜對(duì)面 2.翠湖邊玉壺春茶館 地址:翠湖邊一壺春茶館 3.北辰會(huì)所 地址:北辰小區(qū)北辰會(huì)所一樓 4.創(chuàng)庫諾地卡 地址:西壩路白藥廠旁,創(chuàng)庫諾地卡 5.云南師范大學(xué)英語角 地址:師大一二一校區(qū)硯池旁 6.昆明理工大學(xué)英語角 地址:昆工蓮華校區(qū)水池旁

7. 總的來說昆明是一個(gè)旅游的好城市用英語怎么說

幫助用英語云南昆明、麗江、大理、旅游 Help with the English Kunming, Yunnan, Lijiang, Dali, tourism

8. 昆明景點(diǎn)用英文表示




9. 昆明的著名景點(diǎn)英文



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