
大明湖景點(diǎn)介紹英文 大明湖公園英語怎么說

導(dǎo)讀:大明湖景點(diǎn)介紹英文 大明湖公園英語怎么說 1. 大明湖公園英語怎么說 2. 大明湖公園用英語怎么說 3. 大明湖公園英語怎么說怎么寫 4. 大明湖公園英文 5. 圓明園公園英語 6. 明湖公園的英文 7. 大明去公園英語怎么說

1. 大明湖公園英語怎么說

1、英式音標(biāo):[h??l??; he-] . [a?m] . daming美式音標(biāo):[h??lo? h?-] daming2、譯:你好,我是大明。英 [h??l??] 美 [h??lo] n. 表示問候, 驚奇或喚起注意時(shí)的用語n. (Hello)人名;(法)埃洛4、I'm英 [a?m] abbr.I am 我是Hello最為常用,用于所有場(chǎng)合,包括接電話。hello用作感嘆詞主要用于熟人間打招呼——“喂”,常可音譯為“哈羅”;也可用于呼叫遠(yuǎn)處的熟人或陌生人,以引起注意;還可作為打電話時(shí)呼叫對(duì)方之用語。在英式英語中,hello還可用來表示對(duì)驚訝之事的呼聲,意為“喲”。hello通常放在句首。雙語例句:1、Volunteer: Hello! I'm daming 2010 volunteer! May I help you? 志愿者:你好!我是上海世博會(huì)志愿者,有什么可以幫助你的嗎?

2、Hello, Mr. Wang. I'm daming coming for an interview. May I come in? 王先生,您好。我是大明,來面試的。可以進(jìn)來嗎?

3、Hello, I"m daming. What"s your name ? 你好,我是大明。你叫什么名字?

4、Hello, I'm daming. I have a brother, Mike. 你好,我是大明。我有一個(gè)弟弟,邁克。

2. 大明湖公園用英語怎么說

大明湖景色優(yōu)美秀麗, 湖上鳶飛魚躍,荷花滿塘,畫舫穿行,岸邊楊柳蔭濃,繁花似錦,游人如織,其間又點(diǎn)綴著各色亭、臺(tái)、樓、閣,遠(yuǎn)山近水與晴空融為一色,猶如一幅巨大的彩色畫卷。大明湖一年四季美景紛呈,尤以天高氣爽的秋天最為宜人。春日,湖上暖風(fēng)吹拂,柳絲輕搖,微波蕩漾;夏日,湖中荷浪迷人,蔥綠片片,嫣紅點(diǎn)點(diǎn);秋日,湖中蘆花飛舞,水鳥翱翔;冬日,湖面雖暫失碧波,但銀裝素裹,分外妖嬈。Daming Lake, beautiful scenery, the lake diving kite flying lotus filled pond, boats and walking through the shore Yang mentioned thick, flower-decked, Yourenruzhi, it has also been dotted with colored booths, Taiwan, House, House, Yuanshanjinshui with clear sky be integrated with the same color, like a huge color picture. Daming Lake all year round beautiful scene, especially in days of high Qishuang the most pleasant autumn. Spring day, warm air blowing on the lake, Stir Gently rocking, microwave felt; summer, the lake Dutch Lang charming, verdant lit, Yanhong little; autumn, the lake aloe fly, birds fly; winter, the lake although the temporary loss of blue waves, but the Silver Art Su-wrapped, exceptionally enchanting.

3. 大明湖公園英語怎么說怎么寫


4. 大明湖公園英文

Baotu Spring Park【bao tu si-be-ring pa-k】趵突泉公園Daming Lake【da ming lei-k】大明湖Qianfu Mountain【qian fo mao-ting】千佛山

Quancheng Square【quan cheng s-guai-e】泉城廣場(chǎng)

Shandong Provincial Museum山東省立博物館

5. 圓明園公園英語



It's fine today. We decided to have a tour the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, and so on. But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.

What an unforgettable picnic it was!


Last summer holiday,I went on a packet tour to beijing with my parents.We went there by plane.We went sightseeing by tour bus in the city.We also visted many place of historical interest.We visted the Palace Mus eum,the Great Wall,Tianan Square and so on.The weather there was nice.And the people there were friendly,

too.I like Beijing.We had a good time.

3 Holiday is coming .I'm going to visitSichuan on vacation.The weather is great there!Sichaun have some pandas.So I will go to the zoo.I know that the zoo have two pandas.They are black and write.They are very cute.And they are a little heavy.I love them.I will be very happy .I will find the people taking photos about the pandas,too.

So I decided to take photos for the pandas,too.I will have fun taking photos.And I will have Sichaun specials for dinner.They must be delicious.

6. 明湖公園的英文










7. 大明去公園英語怎么說

春天大明在公園里放風(fēng)箏。英文翻譯是:Daming flies a kite in the park in spring.重點(diǎn)詞匯釋義:flies a kite:放風(fēng)箏in the park:在公園里in spring:在春天


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