

Brilliant footmarkThe glorious years flicks the brilliant footmark in 60, commanding a room, 60, China earth vicissitudes of life great change. In 2009, our great motherland welcomes the 60-year-old birthday having come to her. In 1949, PRC has been founded! Chinese People who experiences war vicissitudes of life and the suffering falling behind to the full extent has stood up finally again! Chinese looks like huge one dragon , stands erect as a Great Power again in world east! At that time China , popular destitution , economy fall behind gravely , country cause has to promote hundreds of broken things , the government and the people face a Chinese face full of distress everywhere , not flinching , advance bravely, only, the time having used 3 years has restored national economy right away , a batch of the touching story moving one to song and tears has come to the fore. Take a turn for the better by that economy for 3 years restoring , national economy getting foundation, the commercial run already exceeds highest level in history , our country is still a agricultural country who falls behind but at that time , a lot of industrial product per capita owns amounts be lower than the developed country over. For the socialist construction being in progress according to plan, our country government begins to work out Five-Year Plan developing national economy. The first Five-Year Plan begin to carry out from 1953 , it becomes our country industrialization starting point. When the first Five-Year Plan begin, industrialization of our country level be extremely low. The bicycle , people going out to travel using call its ocean horse , the match , people lighting the fire using call its matches, nail the nail that the thing uses, people lets its ocean nail . Because of at that time that Chinese had not seen that these are novel may achieve from east to west , neither , be to conduct over from Western world. That hard age , I had not experienced, but from the data that I had read is able to experience completely in the piece, Chinese People that time still lives in exceeding privation among. Time passes like flowing water, years if shuttle. Days have arrived in 2009, I the TV set is in course of front , is watching Chinese third South Pole Kekao stations completion news. Be that a significant achievement , I begin to fall into a reverie, I have remembered a motherland having held 29th Summer Olympic Games successfully , have remembered Beijing National Stadium, heroic posture having remembered Olympic Games good athletes, I have remembered a motherland having launched the Divine Land five number , six number , manned spaceships of number seven in succession successfully , have remembered outer space, have remembered China already becoming that the world astronautics carries weight one member, I have remembered full per capita reform and openness li of our country gross domestic product in 30 keeping 10%'s annual equal increasing remembering Chinese national power, Remember China already becoming this world comprehensive national strength sixth's countries, the Chinese international standing hoists , remembers this one cycle of sixty years remembering new China being founded prompt , ceaseless new Chinese history, have remembered new China setting up the over the past 60 brilliant footmark!

Brilliant footmarkThe glorious years flicks the brilliant footmark in 60, commanding a room, 60, China earth vicissitudes of life great change. In 2009, our great motherland welcomes the 60-year-old birthday having come to her. In 1949, PRC has been founded! Chinese People who experiences war vicissitudes of life and the suffering falling behind to the full extent has stood up finally again! Chinese looks like huge one dragon , stands erect as a Great Power again in world east! At that time China , popular destitution , economy fall behind gravely , country cause has to promote hundreds of broken things , the government and the people face a Chinese face full of distress everywhere , not flinching , advance bravely, only, the time having used 3 years has restored national economy right away , a batch of the touching story moving one to song and tears has come to the fore. Take a turn for the better by that economy for 3 years restoring , national economy getting foundation, the commercial run already exceeds highest level in history , our country is still a agricultural country who falls behind but at that time , a lot of industrial product per capita owns amounts be lower than the developed country over. For the socialist construction being in progress according to plan, our country government begins to work out Five-Year Plan developing national economy. The first Five-Year Plan begin to carry out from 1953 , it becomes our country industrialization starting point. When the first Five-Year Plan begin, industrialization of our country level be extremely low. The bicycle , people going out to travel using call its ocean horse , the match , people lighting the fire using call its matches, nail the nail that the thing uses, people lets its ocean nail . Because of at that time that Chinese had not seen that these are novel may achieve from east to west , neither , be to conduct over from Western world. That hard age , I had not experienced, but from the data that I had read is able to experience completely in the piece, Chinese People that time still lives in exceeding privation among. Time passes like flowing water, years if shuttle. Days have arrived in 2009, I the TV set is in course of front , is watching Chinese third South Pole Kekao stations completion news. Be that a significant achievement , I begin to fall into a reverie, I have remembered a motherland having held 29th Summer Olympic Games successfully , have remembered Beijing National Stadium, heroic posture having remembered Olympic Games good athletes, I have remembered a motherland having launched the Divine Land five number , six number , manned spaceships of number seven in succession successfully , have remembered outer space, have remembered China already becoming that the world astronautics carries weight one member, I have remembered full per capita reform and openness li of our country gross domestic product in 30 keeping 10%'s annual equal increasing remembering Chinese national power, Remember China already becoming this world comprehensive national strength sixth's countries, the Chinese international standing hoists , remembers this one cycle of sixty years remembering new China being founded prompt , ceaseless new Chinese history, have remembered new China setting up the over the past 60 brilliant footmark! 翻譯為:“光輝的足跡 60年,光輝歲月彈指揮間,60年,中華大地滄桑巨變。2009年,我們偉大的祖國迎來了她的60歲生日。 1949年,中華人民共和國成立了!飽經(jīng)戰(zhàn)爭滄桑與落后苦難的中國人民終于重新站起來了!中國像一只巨龍一樣,以一個大國的身份重新屹立于世界東方! 那時的中國,民生凋敝,經(jīng)濟嚴重落后,國家事業(yè)百廢待興,政府和人民面對一個滿目瘡痍的中國面孔,并沒有畏縮,勇往直前,僅僅用了三年的時間就恢復(fù)了國民經(jīng)濟,涌現(xiàn)出一批可歌可泣的感人事跡。 經(jīng)過三年的經(jīng)濟恢復(fù),國民經(jīng)濟得到根本好轉(zhuǎn),工業(yè)生產(chǎn)已經(jīng)超過歷史最高水平,但是我國那時還是一個落后的農(nóng)業(yè)國,許多工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的人均擁有量遠遠低于發(fā)達國家。 為了有計劃地進行社會主義建設(shè),我國政府開始編制發(fā)展國民經(jīng)濟的五年計劃。第一個五年計劃從1953年開始執(zhí)行,它成為我國工業(yè)化的起點。 第一個五年計劃開始時,我國的工業(yè)化水平是極低的。出行用的自行車,人們叫它“洋馬”,點火用的火柴,人們叫它“洋火”,釘東西用的釘子,人們叫它“洋釘”。因為那時的中國人沒有見過這些新奇的東西,也不會造,都是從西洋傳過來的。那個艱苦的年代,我沒有經(jīng)歷過,但從我看過的資料片中完全能夠體會? ?當(dāng)時的中國人民依舊生活在極端貧窮之中。 光陰如水,歲月如梭。時光來到了2009年,我正在電視機前,收看著中國第三個南極科考站落成的新聞。又是一個重大成就,我開始浮想聯(lián)翩,我想起了祖國成功舉辦了第二十九屆夏季奧運會,想起鳥巢,想起了奧運健兒們的英姿,我想起了祖國接連成功發(fā)射了神州五號、六號、七號載人航天飛船,想起太空,想起了中國已經(jīng)成為世界航天領(lǐng)域舉足輕重的一員,我想起了改革開放整整三十年里我國人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值保持年均10%的增幅,想起中國國力,想起中國已經(jīng)成為這個世界綜合國力第六的國家,想起新中國成立的這一甲子中國的國際地位迅速的、不斷地提升,想起新中國歷史,想起了新中國成立六十年來光輝的足跡!”。


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