
國外景點中文語音導(dǎo)覽 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版

導(dǎo)讀:國外景點中文語音導(dǎo)覽 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版 1. 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版 2. 旅游視頻 英文 3. 英語介紹景點視頻 4. 旅游勝地英文介紹視頻3分鐘 5. 有關(guān)旅游的英文視頻 6. 旅游景點介紹視頻用英文介紹 7. 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版簡短 8. 旅游景點英語視頻 9. 中國景點介紹視頻英文版 10. 旅游英語視頻大全

1. 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版

welcome to Shantou.As we know,Shantou has mang delicious foods,now I will tell you about one of famous food--"beef wanzi".

Beef wanzi is made of fresh beef.

We need cut off the beef and beat them mang times.We can not stop beating them until the meat become very elasticity.People from all over the world like beef wanzi very much.Because they are really yummy and not expensive!It is good choice for you to buy some beef wanzi as gifts.

2. 旅游視頻 英文

1.journey 一般用于路途較遠的長途線性旅游例如:A pleasant journey to you! 祝你一路順風(fēng)! tour 一般用于巡回游,比如巡游世界一圈,這樣的,一般都是回來了才用這個說,完成了一個軌跡,例如I'd like to tour in companies that go round the country. 我喜歡隨流動劇團作巡回演出。travel,簡單性的 trip 一般用于簡單的旅行出差之類的例如:He has gone on a business trip. 他出差去了。 所以從享受角度來說,從好到差應(yīng)該是journey,tour,trip,travel還是憑感覺,多讀例句2.這一組就是靠語氣強烈程度來區(qū)分,從強到弱依次是must can might peobably maybe3.基本可以通用,都能放句首,引導(dǎo)從句時maybe前要加逗號。

旅游用英語是travel。解釋:travel 英[?tr?vl] 美[?tr?v?l]n. 旅行; 進行; 移動; 漫游;vi. 旅行; 傳送; 前進,行進; [籃球] 走步;vt. 經(jīng)過,通過; 游歷;[例句]You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow你最好明天趕赴赫爾辛基。Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel新西蘭的旅行信息可以在賓館獲取。Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book瑞安博士周游世界為他的書搜集資料。When sound travels through water, strange things can happen當聲音在水中傳播時,可能會發(fā)生奇怪的現(xiàn)象。He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.他在國外旅游時也為家宅搜集物品作為擺設(shè)。

3. 英語介紹景點視頻

ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.

  Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they don't cost much.What'more ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.

  Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Don't hestitate.

4. 旅游勝地英文介紹視頻3分鐘

My favorite touring palce

Three days ago our families decided to visit the Great Wall.

Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than before, I thought.

It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we could not help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines. It is said you can see it from the space.I was proud of it.

After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.

5. 有關(guān)旅游的英文視頻


6. 旅游景點介紹視頻用英文介紹


。 Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people. Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet.

7. 國內(nèi)旅游景點介紹視頻英文版簡短


8. 旅游景點英語視頻

旅游景點:tourist attractions或scenic spots風(fēng)景名勝:place of interest古蓮花池:ancient lotus pond直隸總督署:the office of Zhili governor-general

9. 中國景點介紹視頻英文版


10. 旅游英語視頻大全

你好!trip 英[tr?p] 美[tr?p] n. 旅游,出行; 摔倒,絆倒; 絆(使某人跌倒的動作); 錯誤,過失; vi. 旅行; 絆倒,絆; 輕快地走,跳; vt. 使犯錯誤; 松開(離合器等)以開動; [例句]On the Thursday we went out on a day trip星期四我們出去玩了一天。


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