

Qionghai is the second largest fresh water lake in Sichuan Province, 7 km from the city center, at the northern foot of Shandong Wo Yu Lu, Guang Shan Ying-yun, a bi hectares, the sea water is clear and transparent Qiong, an area of about 31 square kilometers. Qionghai Lake of the existing park, Qionghai Lake Hotel, a small town life moonlight and watch the Gulf - the best in the world-cylinder, Qinglong Si, and the new Moon Bay beach landscape, Lianchi and the sun resort, Rosa Rose Garden, the site of the old Hai Ting , Walnut Village Park to watch Shengti Wei and water sports products, such as school sites, they formed a new landscape in Qionghai, Qionghai constitute a new cultural elements.
邛海是四川省第二大淡水湖,距市中心7公里,臥于瀘山東北麓,山光云影,一碧千頃,邛海水質(zhì)清澈透明,面積約31平方公里。湖畔現(xiàn)有邛海公園、邛海賓館 、月色風(fēng)情小鎮(zhèn)、觀海灣—天下第一缸、青龍寺、月亮灣和新沙灘景觀、蓮池、陽光度假村、蘿莎玫瑰園、老海亭遺址、核桃村觀賞園和省體委水上運動學(xué)校等精品景點,它們組成了全新的邛海景觀,構(gòu)成了邛海文化新的元素。


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