
川東景點英語導(dǎo)游詞 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞

導(dǎo)讀:川東景點英語導(dǎo)游詞 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞 1. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞 2. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞簡短 3. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞會受到什么因素的影響 4. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞句子翻譯 5. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的翻譯方法 6. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的詞匯翻譯 7. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞模板 8. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的翻譯 9. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞100個字

1. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞


The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin, also referred to as the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin, are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and the first batch of Chinese world heritage.

They are located in the terracotta warriors and horses pit 1.5km east of the tomb of the first emperor of Qin in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Terracotta warriors and horses are a category of ancient tomb sculpture. Terracotta warriors and horses appear as a kind of burial object of ancient tombs. Terracotta warriors and horses are made into sacrificial objects in the shape of soldiers and horses.



兵馬俑是古代墓葬雕塑的一個類別,俑作為古代墓葬的一種陪葬品而出現(xiàn), 兵馬俑即制成兵馬形狀的殉葬品。垍頭條萊

2. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞簡短

The Forbidden City is located in center oBeijing.

The first attraction in Beijing is the Forbidden City.

The first thing people would think of when talking about the Forbidden City is it the place where Chinese emperors used to live and hold their courts. .But the value of the Forbidden City is not limited to this.It is a microcosm of Chinese history, Chinese culture and Chinese architecture.

3. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞會受到什么因素的影響


4. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞句子翻譯



英 [ga?d] 美 [ɡa?d]




1、guide post 路標 ; 引導(dǎo)柱 ; [機] 導(dǎo)柱 ; 導(dǎo)桿

2、User Guide 說明書 ; 用戶指南 ; 使用指南 ; 用戶操作手冊

3、Axis Guide 軸套

4、guide ring [機] 中擋圈 ; 導(dǎo)環(huán) ; [礦業(yè)] 導(dǎo)向環(huán) ; 導(dǎo)向繩


guide的同義詞有manual , enchiridion。


英 [?m?nju?l] 美 [?m?nju?l]



1、My camera has manual and automatic functions.


2、There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.



英 [?enka??'r?d??n] 美 [?enka?'r?d?rn]


1、We can't find it in your enchiridion. Please inform us. Thanks.


2、I'm so sorry for my mistakes which aroused by my neglect.I will read the enchiridion carefully and seriously.


5. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的翻譯方法




6. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的詞匯翻譯


1.Tourist Guide

3.Tour Guide

4.TouristGuide 翻譯導(dǎo)游 1.tourist interpreter 2.touristinterpreter 導(dǎo)游實踐 1.guild practice practice 國際導(dǎo)游 tourism interpreter 導(dǎo)游地圖 1.tourist map 2.touristmap

7. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞模板


Dongting Lake,or Lake Dongting (simplified Chinese:洞庭湖; pinyin:Dòngtíng Hú; Wade-Giles:Tung-t'ing Hu) is a large,shallow lake in northeastern Hunan Province of China.It is a flood-basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); hence the lake's size depends on the season.The provinces of Hubei and Hunan are named after their location relative to the lake:Hubei means "North of the Lake" and Hunan means "South of the Lake" in Chinese.

Dongting Lake is famous in Chinese culture as the place of origin of Dragon boat racing.It is the site of Junshan island,and is a home to the Finless Porpoise,which is endangered in China.


Yueyang Tower (simplified Chinese:岳陽樓; traditional Chinese:岳陽樓; pinyin:Yuèyáng Lóu) is an ancient Chinese tower in Yueyang,Hunan Province,on the shore of Lake Dongting.Alongside the Pavilion of Prince Teng and Yellow Crane Tower,it is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan.


The history of Yueyang Tower dates from the Three Kingdoms Period,when Lu Su,commander in chief of the forces of Wu,was sent to the area to fortify it and train the fleet there.To ease the inspection and command of ships he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River,from which the whole of Lake Dongting was visible.This inspection tower,then called the Ba Ling Tower after the nearby city of Ba Ling,was the first incarnation of Yueyang Tower.

8. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞的翻譯

我的專業(yè)是英語導(dǎo)游 翻譯英文是:My major is English speaking guide. 相關(guān)短語學(xué)習: English speaking guide 網(wǎng)絡(luò) 英語導(dǎo)游; [例句] Sneaky tip: Hang around a group that has a English speaking guide if you cannot afford one! 其他技巧:如果不能雇傭私人導(dǎo)游,那就跟有英語導(dǎo)游的旅行團出游。

9. 旅游英語導(dǎo)游詞100個字

Owing to lack of time, today's visit is over now.要是明天繼續(xù)的話Thanks for your cooperation.I do hope you enjoyed today's tour. Have a good rest. See you tommorrow.要是明天旅游團就解散的話Thanks for your cooperation. Today is the last day of the tour. We spent x happy days together. I do hope the tour is rewarding and enjoyable. Wish you pleasant journey home and good health.


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