
西方著名景點英文怎么說 世界著名景點用英文怎么說

導(dǎo)讀:西方著名景點英文怎么說 世界著名景點用英文怎么說 1. 世界著名景點用英文怎么說 2. 世界著名的旅游景點英文怎么說 3. 著名景點用英語怎么說? 4. 著名景點用英語怎么說 5. 著名景點的英語怎么說 6. 世界著名景點用英文怎么說寫

1. 世界著名景點用英文怎么說

上海著名景點的英文:Famous Scenic Spots in Shanghai

Spot 讀法 英 [sp?t] 美 [spɑ?t]





1、bright spot 光點;輝點;高興的事

2、a spot of 少量的;一點兒

3、spot market 現(xiàn)貨市場

4、top spot 榜首;最高位置

5、on spot 現(xiàn)場;在現(xiàn)場



site, position, location, scene, situation, spot這組詞都有“地點、位置、場所”的意思,其區(qū)別是:

1、site 指或大或小的地方,既可指供專門用途或特定活動的地點,又可指某一事件的地址。

2、position 多指物體相對于其他物體所處的位置或狀態(tài)。

3、location 指某物設(shè)置的方向或地點。

4、scene 常指真實事件或虛構(gòu)故事發(fā)生的地點。

5、situation 指物體在其周圍環(huán)境中所處的位置或狀態(tài),側(cè)重地點或場所的環(huán)境特征。

6、spot 指相對較小的特定地點或事物所在地。


location 讀法 英 [l?(?)'ke??(?)n] 美 [lo'ke??n]

n. 位置(形容詞locational);地點;外景拍攝場地


1、central location 中央位置;[計]中央單元

2、target location n. 目標(biāo)位置,目標(biāo)定位;目標(biāo)搜索

3、location theory 區(qū)位論;位置理論

4、storage location 存儲單元;存儲位置

5、current location 當(dāng)前位置

2. 世界著名的旅游景點英文怎么說


3. 著名景點用英語怎么說?

萬泉河 Wanquanhe (Beijing, China) 亞龍灣 Yalong Bay 天涯海角 [tiān yá hǎi jiǎo] remote places 蜈支洲島 Wuzhizhou Islands 大東海 Dadong Hal 鹿回頭 luhuitou fringing reef 火山口 [huǒ shān kǒu] crater

4. 著名景點用英語怎么說

The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers.

There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world.

Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.





5. 著名景點的英語怎么說

China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meander ed in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".

6. 世界著名景點用英文怎么說寫

翻譯:Beijing is one of the famous tourist attractions. tourist attraction 游覽勝地 attraction 英 [??tr?k?n] 美 [??tr?k??n] n. 吸引; 魅力; [物]引力; 引人注意的東西,有趣的東西


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