
跪求關(guān)于體育旅游的外文文獻(xiàn) 要外國(guó)作者的。

導(dǎo)讀:跪求關(guān)于體育旅游的外文文獻(xiàn) 要外國(guó)作者的。 當(dāng)今世界人們的旅游方式有哪些? leisure sports 休閑體育有關(guān)的英語(yǔ)論文~!!




按照旅游方式分:跟團(tuán)游 自助游按照交通工具自助游又可以分為:背包游 徒步游 自行車游 自駕游 按照方式可以分為:人文游 風(fēng)景游 探險(xiǎn)游總之很多了


leisure sports 休閑體育有關(guān)的英語(yǔ)論文~!!

休閑體育論文南寧市休閑養(yǎng)身體育業(yè)市場(chǎng)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀 休閑養(yǎng)身體育主要是指由人民群眾在平時(shí)生活的節(jié)假日或者余暇時(shí)間中的休閑體育與養(yǎng)身消費(fèi)行為而實(shí)現(xiàn)的商品價(jià)值總量。隨著體育產(chǎn)業(yè)在我國(guó)國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)中占的比重越來(lái)越大,人民生活水平的提高,余暇的增多,人們對(duì)體育文化的需要日益加大。 1.運(yùn)動(dòng)服裝、裝備、器械的銷售情況 由于假日期間人們有了更多的時(shí)間進(jìn)行運(yùn)動(dòng)健身和出行,引起對(duì)運(yùn)動(dòng)服裝,裝備的更多需求量,同時(shí),許多體育商場(chǎng)在假日推出減價(jià)銷售、換季銷售、有獎(jiǎng)銷售等多種促銷手段。據(jù)調(diào)查2008年10月份南寧百貨大樓、百盛、夢(mèng)之島等商店的銷售量均不少。在消費(fèi)人群中,年輕人以買(mǎi)運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋者居多,中老年以健身器材為主。人們以耐克、彪馬、阿迪達(dá)斯、kappa等知名品牌為首選品牌,其中以耐克、阿迪達(dá)斯銷量最大。表明人們的消費(fèi)水平在不斷提高,更加注重產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量、信譽(yù)、品牌,同時(shí)表明國(guó)內(nèi)品牌與國(guó)際品牌還有很大差距。 2.體育競(jìng)賽表演 羽毛球、健身操、游泳、網(wǎng)球、乒乓球等體育項(xiàng)目已成為南寧市民們周末或工作之余經(jīng)常參與的活動(dòng)。由于這些項(xiàng)目易學(xué)、易掌握,對(duì)場(chǎng)地、器材、服裝要求不高,消費(fèi)不必遠(yuǎn)行,符合了大多數(shù)市民的需求,在假日中便異常火爆。南寧市各大高校舉辦的各類體育競(jìng)賽,等,均在獲得一定的經(jīng)濟(jì)利益的同時(shí),又滿足了人民群眾在假日休閑中對(duì)體育的需求。 3.體育旅游和休閑養(yǎng)身 南寧市有利的地理環(huán)境及良好的氣候特征,為體育旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展提供了得天獨(dú)厚的有利條件。隨著國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)快速、穩(wěn)定、健康地發(fā)展,人民生活水平日益提高,對(duì)體育旅游的需求也日益增長(zhǎng),國(guó)家旅游總局曾將1996年的主題定為“度假休閑年”,2001年又將主題定為“中國(guó)體育健身游”,并開(kāi)展一系列全國(guó)及地方性的大型體育旅游活動(dòng),共推出60項(xiàng)具有地方特色的大型體育健身旅游活動(dòng)11大類80個(gè)專項(xiàng)體育健身旅游產(chǎn)品和路線,以豐富多彩的體育旅游項(xiàng)目滿足不同類型消費(fèi)群體的需求,在一定程度上反映出體育旅游在我國(guó)已具備一定的市場(chǎng)規(guī)模。體育旅游作為一種新興的旅游項(xiàng)目,在南寧市已展現(xiàn)出巨大的市場(chǎng)前景。許多戶外項(xiàng)目像攀巖、徒步和漂流等項(xiàng)目因?yàn)槭袃?nèi)較少,花費(fèi)時(shí)間太長(zhǎng),均需等待假期。目前人們外出旅游更愿意參與更多的體育活動(dòng)。據(jù)調(diào)查南寧市周邊地區(qū)擁有體育游樂(lè)設(shè)施的旅游景點(diǎn)游客眾多。南寧市A級(jí)景區(qū)內(nèi)涉及運(yùn)動(dòng)項(xiàng)目如摩托艇、水球、射擊、溫泉等都吸引了來(lái)自國(guó)內(nèi)外數(shù)量眾多的游客。然而到城市周邊郊區(qū)參與的體育旅游,僅僅是兼有體育項(xiàng)目的常規(guī)旅游,離真正的體育旅游還很遠(yuǎn)。真正意義上的體育旅游應(yīng)該是那些路途較遠(yuǎn)、目標(biāo)明確、過(guò)程艱苦,對(duì)體能和意志要求較高的活動(dòng),像登山、穿越、漂流、探險(xiǎn)、自行車長(zhǎng)途旅行等等。南寧市? ??民參與的人數(shù)比較少,這主要是目前人們對(duì)旅游的認(rèn)識(shí)還停留在觀光、購(gòu)物、餐飲、休閑等層次上。翻譯如下;Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of goods. As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of growing. 1. Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other promotions. According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of stores. In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness equipment. People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best-selling. Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great gap. 2.'s Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in activities. As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on fire. Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, etc., in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation needs. 3. Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique advantage. With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the holiday casual Year in 2001, the theme in turn as the China Sports Fitness Tour and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the market. Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market prospects. Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for vacation. There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports activities. According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists attractions. A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad. However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the real. The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossin g, rafting, adventure, cycling, etc. long-distance travel. Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other levels.

Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of goods. As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of growing. 1. Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other promotions. According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of stores. In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness equipment. People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best-selling. Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great gap. 2.'s Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in activities. As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on fire. Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, etc., in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation needs. 3. Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique advantage. With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the holiday casual Year in 2001, the theme in turn as the China Sports Fitness Tour and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the market. Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market prospects. Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for vacation. There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports activities. According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists attractions. A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad. However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the real. The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossing, rafting, adventure, cycling, etc. long-distance travel. Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other levels.


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