
推薦國外旅游景點 國外旅游景點英文介紹

導(dǎo)讀:推薦國外旅游景點 國外旅游景點英文介紹 1. 國外旅游景點英文介紹 2. 國外旅游景點英語介紹 3. 英文介紹中國旅游景點 4. 旅游景點中英文介紹 5. 國外旅游景點英文介紹帶翻譯 6. 國外旅游景點英文介紹大全 7. 外國景點英語介紹 8. 國外旅游景點英文名稱 9. 國外著名旅游景點英文

1. 國外旅游景點英文介紹

Fairy Mountain(仙女山)

Fairy Mountain National Forest Park is the top ten tourist attractions in Chongqing, the state AAAAA level scenic areas. It is in the north Shore of Wujiang in Wulong Country and belongs to Wuling ridge. Its total area is 8910 hectares, average altitude is 1900 meters and highest peak is 2033 meters.

2. 國外旅游景點英語介紹

Liaocheng is a very beautiful city .

3. 英文介紹中國旅游景點

I visited the Great Wall with my friends last Sunday. It took us two hours to get there. There were thousands , we climbed up the tower for two hours. I bought a history of the Wall and some souvenir

4. 旅游景點中英文介紹

Huangguoshu Waterfall is Huangguoshu Waterfall. Baishuihe Waterfall, also known as "Huanggeshu" waterfall or "Huanggeshu" waterfall, is named because of the widespread distribution of "Huanggebanyan" in this area.


5. 國外旅游景點英文介紹帶翻譯

Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.

  Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.

  Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on. The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.

  Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm welcome awaits.

6. 國外旅游景點英文介紹大全

Westminster AbbeyA resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂是英國王室休息的地方,在基督教中是訪問量最大的教堂。這是一個美麗的建筑,里面有很多墓和紀(jì)念碑,喝詩班的男童清清他們的喉嚨發(fā)出的音樂像是深入到你的脊髓。唱名表決的死者和榮幸,讓利己主義者和華麗的記念品都為之遜色。

7. 外國景點英語介紹

The Yellow Mountain (黃山)

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中國著名的旅游勝地.每年有大批的中國游客和外國游客前去觀光旅游.可以乘汽車,也可以乘火車或飛機去.登山便可以領(lǐng)略云海,奇松,怪石等秀麗的風(fēng)景及其清晨美麗的日出.

8. 國外旅游景點英文名稱

都江堰水利工程Dujiangyan Irrigation Project 樂山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha廬山 Mt.Lushan武侯祠Wuhou Temple 峨眉山Mt. Emei 青城山Mt.Qingchengshan四姑娘山 Mt. Siguniang 九寨溝Jiuzhaigou Valley 三星堆Sanxingdui世界自然遺產(chǎn)the World Natural Heritage 杜甫草堂Dufu's Thatched Cottage青? ?宮Qingyang Temple 金沙遺址Jinsha Ruins 摩梭族 Mosuo 走婚Walking Marriage蜀南竹海:Shunan Bamboo Forest瀘沽湖Lugu Lake 寶光寺Baoguang Temple自貢國家恐龍地質(zhì)公園Zigong NationalGeological 自貢大山鋪 Dashanpu of Zigong

9. 國外著名旅游景點英文

海南島幾個著名的景點Several famous scenic spots in Hainan Island 注:famous 英 [?fe?m?s] 美 [?fem?s] .adj. 著名的,出名的; 〈古〉一流的,極好的; [例句]New Orleans is famous for its cuisine..新奧爾良以其美食而著稱。


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