
逸游族酒店名單國內(nèi) fruit詞組

導(dǎo)讀:逸游族酒店名單國內(nèi) fruit詞組 1. fruit詞組 2. 關(guān)于fruit的單詞 3. fruit的同義詞 4. 帶fruit的單詞 5. fruit的詞性 6. fruit類單詞 7. 與fruit有關(guān)的單詞 8. fruit有哪些單詞 9. fruit單詞 10. fruit同義詞

1. fruit詞組

Spring is gay with flower and sun.Summer is hot and days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain.Winter brings snow and new year again

2. 關(guān)于fruit的單詞


3. fruit的同義詞

pitaya英 [p??ta??] 美 [p??ta??] n. 火龍果短語Pitaya fruit 仙蜜果 ; 改稱仙蜜果pitaya enzyme 火龍果酵素pitaya yoghurt 火龍果酸奶Pitaya stone 火龍果石Pitaya Mountain 紅火龍果山擴(kuò)展資料同近義詞dragon fruit火龍果短語Dragon n fruit 火龍果dragon eye fruit 龍眼dragon pearl fruit 火龍果Dragon of fruit profusion hubble-bubble 果繽紛泡泡龍雙語例句1、The star ingredient of the day is dragon fruit! 今天主要的食材是火龍果!2、Mother bought a Dragon Fruit. It has been left there for three days. 媽媽買了一個(gè)火龍果,放在那里三天了。3、Since moving back to the US, I admit that I do miss eating fresh lychees and dragon fruit . 自從我搬回美國后,我承認(rèn)有時(shí)候確實(shí)會(huì)很懷念中國的新鮮荔枝和火龍果。

4. 帶fruit的單詞

當(dāng)fruit表示具體某一類水果或者某幾類水果時(shí),是可數(shù)名詞。英語單詞fruit的意思是水果,它既是可數(shù)名詞又是不可數(shù)名詞,當(dāng)它表達(dá)具體的水果種類時(shí),它是可數(shù)名詞,可以用數(shù)量詞修飾。舉例來說,她昨天買了好幾種水果,翻譯過來就是She bought some kinds of fruit。由此可見,當(dāng)fruit表達(dá)具體的水果種類時(shí)是可數(shù)名詞。

5. fruit的詞性

葡萄的英語:grape,發(fā)音: [gre?p]([g][ra][pe]);擴(kuò)展資料;一、grape;詞性:n. 葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄樹;葡萄色;n. 人名。;短語:;grape wine 葡萄酒;grape juice 葡萄汁;grape seed oil 葡萄籽油;grape seed extract 葡萄籽萃取物;wine grape 釀酒葡萄;grape skin 葡萄皮;grape sugar 葡萄糖;wild grape 野葡萄;sour grape 酸葡萄;grape vine 葡萄樹,葡萄藤;造句:;1、I like all fruits with the exception of grape. ;我喜歡所有的水果,就是不喜歡葡萄。;2、The team analysed tomato, apple, plum, peach, pear, grape and apricot waste such as the skin, revealing them all to be good sources of antioxidants. ;研究小組在對(duì)廢棄的番茄,蘋果,李子,桃,梨,葡萄,杏分析后表明,這些果皮都是抗氧化劑的較好資源。;3、I have watered the red huckleberry, the sand cherry and the nettle-tree, the red pine and the black ash, the white grape and the yellow violet, which might have withered else in dry seasons. ;我還澆灌紅色的越橘樹、沙色的櫻桃樹和蕁麻樹、紅色的松樹和黑色的白蠟樹,還有白色的葡萄樹和枯黃的紫羅蘭,不然它們會(huì)在干旱的季節(jié)里枯萎的。;二、grapy;詞性:adj. 葡萄的;似葡萄的;由葡萄制成的;有葡萄味的。;短語:;Vertical Grapy 直方圖;grapy production 葡萄產(chǎn)品;wheel grapy 輪形圖;grapy quickset 葡萄插條;grapy lotion 翻譯;造句:;1、Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division. ;既然是葡萄酒的一種形式,那么葡萄的產(chǎn)區(qū)至關(guān)重要。干邑地區(qū)共有6個(gè)葡萄產(chǎn)區(qū)。;2、This kind of artificial results grapy cost is reaped than the machine for certain should get high much, but on quality, clearly, also be close friends more. ;這種人工的收獲葡萄的成本肯定比機(jī)器收割要高得多,但質(zhì)量上,顯而易見,也要好得多。;3、Xinjiang' s grapy production, without pollution and excellent quality and abroad purpose, resulted from the special ecoclimatic condition in area of drought and desert. ;新疆生產(chǎn)的品質(zhì)優(yōu)良和用途廣泛的無公害? ??萄產(chǎn)品,是干旱荒漠區(qū)得天獨(dú)厚的生態(tài)氣候條件造就的結(jié)果。;4、France has some of woman to be engaged in for a long time stepping on grapy to work, get among them benefit greatly also, color of skin is very beautiful. ;法國有些女人長期從事踩葡萄的工作,也深得其中的好處,膚色美麗非常。

6. fruit類單詞




7. 與fruit有關(guān)的單詞


8. fruit有哪些單詞


9. fruit單詞



10. fruit同義詞


There are lots ofpeartrees near the house .屋子近旁種著許多梨樹。

We have a garden and plenty ofpears.我家有個(gè)園子,栽著好多梨樹。

I like apples better thanpears.蘋果和梨比較起來,我更愛吃蘋果。

Pearsgrow on the cool mountain slopes .梨子生長在涼爽的山坡上。

These radishes of mine taste as good aspears.我這蘿卜賽梨。


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