
介绍天坛公园景点信息 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写

导读:介绍天坛公园景点信息 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写 1. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写 2. 关于写天坛公园介绍的资料 3. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写三年级 4. 天坛公园景点讲解 5. 天坛公园的描述 6. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写作文 7. 天坛公园景点介绍简短 8. 天坛公园主要景点介绍

1. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写

祭天。 祭天作为人类祈求神灵赐福攘灾的一种文化行为,曾经是中国古代先民生活中的重要组成部分。中国从传说中的“三皇五帝”时代至清末,一直举行祭天典礼,绵延约五千余年,可谓渊远流长。 天坛始建于明永乐年间(1403——1420年),是按照中国传统礼仪制度建立的国家祭坛。自明永乐十九年起始,共有22位皇帝亲御天坛,向皇天上帝顶礼膜拜,虔诚祭祀。 辛亥革命爆发后,中华民国政府宣布废除祭天祀典,并与1918年改天坛为公园。祭天典礼延续了约五千年。祭天礼仪即从历史角度系统介绍中国古代的祭天礼仪,展示中国的祭天历史即中国古代的祭天文化。

2. 关于写天坛公园介绍的资料


3. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写三年级

根据目前资料显示,天坛公园占地大约273公顷(合2.73平方公里)。资料显示:“ 公园占地200公顷 ” ,而天坛的具体资料显示: “ 天坛,在北京市南部,东城区永定门内大街东侧。占地约273万平方米 ”。由此可以得出,总体占地面积应该在2.73平方公里。






4. 天坛公园景点讲解


5. 天坛公园的描述


6. 介绍天坛公园景点信息怎么写作文

答:The Temple of Heaven, literally the Altar of Heaven (Traditional Chinese: 天坛; Simplified Chinese: 天坛; pinyin: Tiān Tán) is a complex of Taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban Beijing, in Xuanwu District.

Construction of the complex began in 1420, and was thereafter visited by all subsequent Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is regarded as a Taoist temple, although the worship of Heaven, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, pre-dates Taoism.

The Temple grounds covers 2.73 km2 of parkland, and com prises three main groups of constructions, all built according to strict philosophical requirements:

The Earthly Mount (圜丘坛) is the altar proper. It is an empty platform on three levels of marble stones, where the Emperor prayed for favourable weather;

The House of Heavenly Lord (皇穹宇), a single-gabled circular building, built on a single level of marble stone base, where the altars were housed when not in use;

The Hall of Annual Prayer (祈年殿), a magnificent triple-gabled circular building, built on three levels of marble stone base, where the Emperor prayed for good harvests.

In ancient China, the Emperor of China was regarded as the "Son of Heaven", who administered earthly matters on behalf of, and representing, heavenly authority. To be seen to be showing respect to the source of his authority, in the form of sacrifices to heaven, was extremely important. The temple was built for these ceremonies, mostly comprised of prayers for good harvests.

Each winter solstice the Emperor and all his retinue would move through the city to encamp within the complex, wearing special robes and abstaining from eating meat; there the Emperor would personally pray to Heaven for good harvests. The ceremony had to be perfectly completed; it was widely held that the smallest of mistakes would constitute a bad omen for the whole nation in the coming year.

Inside the Hall of Annual Prayer.The Temple of Heaven is the grandest of the four great temples located in Beijing. The other prominent temples include the Temple of Sun in the east (日坛), the Temple of Earth in the north (地坛), and the Temple of Moon in the west (月坛).

According to Xinhua, in early 2005, the Temple of Heaven underwent a 47 million yuan (5.9 million USD) face-lift in preparation for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and the restoration was completed on May 1st, 2006.

The Temple of Heaven was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.

7. 天坛公园景点介绍简短




8. 天坛公园主要景点介绍

天坛 是明、清两朝皇帝祭天、求雨和祈祷丰年的专用祭坛,分为内坛、外坛两部分,主要有祈年殿、皇乾殿等。除了观赏各殿堂的精巧建筑,回音壁、三音石等奇巧的设计也一样令人慨叹古人的智慧。



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