
旅游小貼士 要英語的

  秋天是旅游的大好季節(jié),但外出旅游,若不注意保護(hù)自己的皮膚,會使皮膚皴裂、變粗,甚至患脂溢性皮膚病癥,影響容貌。秋季外出旅游應(yīng)注意以下幾點(diǎn):  一、由于旅途中人體運(yùn)動量增加,人體內(nèi)分泌量增多,臉上的汗水油脂也就多,如不及時擦凈,經(jīng)風(fēng)吹日曬,會使皮膚發(fā)黑。因此,要注意保持皮膚的干凈,最好用溫水和護(hù)膚香皂洗臉,忌用堿性過強(qiáng)的肥皂。  二、旅游中應(yīng)多吃蔬菜瓜果,增加體內(nèi)的維生素和各種礦物質(zhì)。  三、早起要洗凈臉面。晚上,可用面膜清除毛孔內(nèi)的灰塵和油脂。也可以用磨面膏輕磨。  四、外出旅游太陽暴曬,最好戴頂帽子遮住日光照射,并適當(dāng)擦一些含酮的防曬霜。  五、旅途照相化妝,應(yīng)適當(dāng)化淡一點(diǎn),入睡前要注意卸裝清洗。  Autumn is the season of travel, if not travel, pay attention to protect our own skin, can make skin coarse, and even cracked skin disease, affect with seborrheic appearance. Autumn traveling should pay attention to the following:  A journey, due to the increased amount of human body, increasing the quantity of endocrine, face is more sweat grease, rub-up, weather, can make the skin after dark. Therefore, we must keep skin clean, use warm water and soap wash skin with alkaline, avoid a soap.  Second, tourism should eat more vegetables and fruits, vitamin and minerals.  Third, to wash face up. At night, can remove the dirt masks pore and grease. Also can use ground surface grinding paste light.  Four, traveling to the sun, had better wear hat obscure, and appropriate sunlight wipe some containing ketone sunscreen.  Five, photographic make-up, should be proper journey of light, must pay attention to the make-up before they go to sleep.


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