

??(越 南)
■順化歷史建筑群Complex of Hue Monuments 1993
■圣子修道院My Son Sanctuary 1999
■會(huì)安古鎮(zhèn)Hoi An Ancient Town 1999
■查姆回教寺院尖塔和考古遺址Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam 2002
■巴米揚(yáng)谷文化景觀和考古遺址Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley 2003
■皇家展覽館和卡爾頓園林Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 2004
(日 本)JAPAN
■法隆寺地區(qū)的佛教古跡Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area 1993
■姬路城Himeji-jo 1993
■古京都?xì)v史古跡(京都、宇治和大津城)Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) 1994
■白川鄉(xiāng)和五屹山歷史村座Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama 1995
■廣島和平紀(jì)念公園(原爆遺址)Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) 1996
■嚴(yán)島神殿I(lǐng)tsukushima Shinto Shrine 1996
■古奈良的歷史遺跡Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara 1998
■日光的神殿與廟宇Shrines and Temples of Nikko 1999
■琉球王國(guó)時(shí)期的遺跡Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu 2000
■紀(jì)伊山脈勝地和朝圣路線以及周?chē)奈幕坝^ 2004
(朝 鮮)
■高句麗古墓群 2004
(伊 朗) IRAN, Islamic Republic of
■恰高·占比爾(神塔和建筑群)Tchogha Zanbil 1979
■波斯波利斯Persepolis 1979
■伊斯法罕王侯廣場(chǎng)Meidan Emam, Esfahan 1979
■塔赫特蘇萊曼Takht-e Soleyman 2003
■帕薩爾加德Pasargadae 2004
■巴姆城堡 Bam Cultural Landscape 2004
(印 度) INDIA
■阿旃陀石窟群Ajanta Caves 1983
■埃洛拉(埃盧魯)石窟群Ellora Caves 1983
■亞格拉古堡Agra Fort 1983
■泰姬·瑪哈爾Taj Mahal 1983
■科納拉克太陽(yáng)神廟Sun Temple, Konarak 1984
■默哈伯利布勒姆古跡群Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram 1984
■果阿教堂和修道院Churches and Convents of Goa 1986
■卡杰拉霍建筑群Khajuraho Group of Monuments 1986
■漢皮古跡群Group of Monuments at Hampi 1986
■法塔赫布爾西格里Fatehpur Sikri 1986
■帕塔達(dá)卡爾建筑群Group of Monuments at Pattadakal 1987
■埃勒凡塔石窟Elephanta Caves 1987
■坦賈武爾的布里哈迪斯瓦拉神廟Brihadisvara Temple, Thanjavur 1987
■桑吉佛教古跡Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi 1989
■德里的胡馬雍陵Humayun's Tomb, Delhi 1993
■德里的顧特卜塔及其古建筑Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi 1993
■大吉嶺喜馬拉雅鐵路Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1999
■菩提伽耶的摩訶菩提寺Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya 2002
■溫迪亞山脈的比莫貝卡特石窟Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka 2003
■賈特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉終點(diǎn)站Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) 2004
■印度 尚龐-巴瓦加德考古公園 Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park 2004
(尼泊爾) NEPAL
■加德滿(mǎn)都谷地Kathmandu Valley 1979
■佛祖誕生地蘭毗尼Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha 1997
■摩亨佐達(dá)羅考古遺跡Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro 1980
■塔克希拉 Taxila 1980
■塔克特依巴依寺廟和薩爾依巴赫洛古遺址Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and Neighbouring City Remains at Sahr-i-Bahlol 1980
■塔塔城的歷史建筑Historical Monuments of Thatta 1981
■拉合爾古堡和夏利瑪爾公園Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore 1981
■羅赫達(dá)斯要塞Rohtas Fort 1997
(土庫(kù)曼斯坦) TURKMENISTAN
■古梅爾夫國(guó)家歷史文化公園State Historical and Cultural Park 'Ancient Merv' 1999
■霍賈·艾哈邁德·亞薩維陵墓The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi 2003
■泰姆格里考古景觀巖刻 2004
■菲律賓巴洛克教堂Baroque Churches of the Philippines 1993
■菲律賓科迪勒拉水稻梯田Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 1995
■維甘歷史古城Historic Town of Vigan 1999
■石窟庵和佛國(guó)寺Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple 1995
■海印寺及八萬(wàn)大藏經(jīng)藏經(jīng)處Haeinsa Temple, Janggyeong Pangeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks 1995
■宗廟Jongmyo Shrine 1995
■昌德宮建筑群Changdeokgung Palace Complex 1997
■華松古堡Hwaseong Fortress 1997
■慶州歷史區(qū)Gyeongju Historic Areas 2000
■高昌、華森和江華的史前墓遺址Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites 2000
(斯里蘭卡) SRI LANKA
■阿努拉德普勒圣城Sacred City of Anuradhapura 1982
■波隆納魯沃古城Ancient City of Polonnaruwa 1982
■錫吉里那古城Ancient City of Sigiriya 1982
■康提圣城Sacred City of Kandy 1988
■加勒老城及其城堡Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications 1988
■丹布勒金殿Golden Temple of Dambulla 1991
(泰 國(guó)) THAILAND
■素可泰歷史城鎮(zhèn)及相關(guān)歷史城鎮(zhèn)Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns 1991
■阿育他亞(大城)歷史城及相關(guān)城鎮(zhèn)Historic City of Ayutthaya and Associated Historic Towns 1991
■班清阿考古遺址Ban Chiang Archaeological Site 1992
■伊特察思·卡拉Itchan Kala 1990
■布哈拉歷史中心Historic Centre of Bukhara 1993
■沙赫利蘇伯茲歷史中心Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz 2000
■處在文化十字路口的撒馬爾罕城Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures 2001。


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