
旅游專線英語怎么說 去旅行英語英文

導讀:旅游專線英語怎么說 去旅行英語英文 1. 去旅行英語英文 2. 去旅行英語英文怎么寫 3. 去旅游英語 4. 在旅行中的英文 5. 去旅行英語的英文 6. 去旅行英語英文翻譯 7. 去旅行英語英文怎么說 8. 去旅行 英語 9. 到某地旅行英文 10. 去旅行的英文 11. 旅行的英文

1. 去旅行英語英文


2. 去旅行英語英文怎么寫

Last weekend,all students in my class went to the park.It was sunny that day.The park was full of kinds of flowers.In the morning,some of my classmates sang,danced,and some played valleyball.Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree.After lunch,we went boating and climbing the hills.Although we were tired,we were happy.We enjoyed ourselves that day.In the late of afternoon,we retuned to school by bus.

3. 去旅游英語

-- a trip to somewhere (短暫旅行) -- a travel to somewhere(長途旅行) -- a journey to somewhere(時間較長的旅行) -- a tour to somewhere (各處旅行)

4. 在旅行中的英文

表達方式比較多:I would like to travel./ I feel like travelling.I am in a mood for travelling./i intend to go travelling.

5. 去旅行英語的英文

Last summer we went to Mutianyu Great Wall. It is in the north of Beijing and famous for its beautiful views. Lots of foreigners knows it well.

We arrived in the morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. At the bottom of the mountain, we looked up to it. It looked like a dragon flying among the high mountains. We walked on it, up and down. We enjoyed wonderful scenes far from us. We tried to touch the sky and danced with the butterflies.

What an impressive trip!

6. 去旅行英語英文翻譯

去上學的英文是:go to school 英 [ɡ?? t? sku?l]     美 [ɡo? t? sk?l]    釋義:去上學例句:go的基本意思是“離開原來的地方向別處挪動”。引申可表示“去,走,旅行,前進”“離開,離去”“死,垮,壞”“放棄,消失,停止存在”go用作不及物動詞時,常可接帶to的動詞不定式,這動詞不定式并不是用作狀語表示目的,而是與go構成一個動詞短語,意思是“去做某事”。在非正式英語中,這種結構常可變?yōu)間o and do sth,而在美式英語中and常被省去。近義詞come的用法come 英 [k?m]     美 [k?m]    釋義:v. 來;來到;來取、來拿;成為;達到;接近;擺出 ... 的樣子;處于(某個位置)例句用作動詞 (v.):

1、The train slowly came to the station.火車緩緩地進站。

2、He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他還是會準時來的。詞語用法v. (動詞)come的基本意思是“朝某中心點接近、到達某地點或達到某種狀態(tài)”。come可以表示“來臨,降臨”,常用以指時間或事件按規(guī)律或自然法則等“順理成章”地到來,也可指和他人在一起來參加某活動。

7. 去旅行英語英文怎么說

走的英文:walk音標:英 [w?:k] 美 [w?k] walk英 [w?:k] 美 [w?k] 第三人稱單數(shù):walks第三人稱復數(shù):walks現(xiàn)在分詞:walking過去分詞:walked過去式:walkedwalk 基本解釋及物/不及物動詞:走; 步行; 散步名詞:步行; 步態(tài); 人行道; 步行的路徑不及物動詞:行走; 陪伴…走; 徒步旅行; 不翼而飛及物動詞:牽著(動物)走,遛,趕著…走walk 同義詞動詞:hike step stroll ambulate pace treadwalk 反義詞及物動詞:runwalk 相關詞組1. walk out : 罷工;2. walk away from : 從...旁邊走開, 輕易地勝過;3. walk into : 痛斥, 不慎陷入;4. walk over : n. 虐待, 利用;5. walk through : 輕松地初排(戲), 草率地處理;6. in a walk : 輕而易舉地;7. walk off : 不通知就離開, 用散步消除;8. walk up : 沿...走, 走上;walk 相關例句及物動詞不及物動詞名詞

8. 去旅行 英語

你好!去旅行travel 英[?tr?vl] 美[?tr?v?l] n. 旅行; 進行; 移動; 漫游; vi. 旅行; 傳送; 前進,行進; [籃球] 走步; vt. 經(jīng)過,通過; 游歷; [例句]You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow你最好明天趕赴赫爾辛基。

9. 到某地旅行英文

I hope to go there one day我希望有一天可以到某地參觀用英語怎么說I hope that one day I can pay a visit to somewhere.我希望有一天可以去某地旅行”用英語怎么說i wish to travel to some place one day

10. 去旅行的英文




11. 旅行的英文








環(huán)球旅游 a round-the-world tour

旅游班車 sightseeing bus

旅游標志 tourist symbol

旅游船 houseboat


This is my first journey here.


journey 一般用于路bai途較遠的長途線性旅游

例如:A pleasant journey to you! 祝你一路順風!


trip 一般用于簡單的旅行出差之類的

例如:He has gone on a business trip.



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