
寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯

導(dǎo)讀:寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯 1. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯 2. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯圖片 3. 寧波旅游英文介紹 4. 介紹寧夏的導(dǎo)游詞英文60字 5. 寧夏英文導(dǎo)游詞 6. 寧夏英文介紹,帶翻譯 7. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文名稱 8. 西安旅游英文介紹帶翻譯 9. 有關(guān)寧夏的介紹英語 10. 介紹寧夏景點(diǎn)英語作文帶翻譯

1. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯


2. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯圖片



"Boom!" "Boom!" On the back Yancheng train, I lie on the sleeper, sleep, think of themselves more and more away from the defender, and my heart can not help some sadness. After all, the defender of the family and the scenery really let me difficult to let go!

Whenever, it will have deep affection and hearty laughter, there are lovely Pug "Pippi", how warm ah! While all the way back to the defender grandmother New Year, but we do not feel hard.

Chinese New Year, the big people kept toast blessing, children casual eating, laughing, talking about anything and still be gathered before the television gleefully watch the show.

Ningxia snow is so beautiful. We went to ski skiing slope slid down from the high, wind "whirring" wind in my ears, I'm a wrestling around a person, through a small ice stand, joy mixed with fear dot, red to the bottom line, 380 degrees brakes, cool!

Made me forget the skiing, we went to karaoke OK. We divided into two sets, a group of people singing and dancing group of people happy. I did not expect the computer to sing the song actually hit 100! OK hall although not small, can be filled with laughter and song and dance! How nice! While we like the singer's voice so nice, but still enjoy the open throat singing In the family to appeal the release of the happy mood.

Zhongwei is a good place. Taohua Tan thousand feet deep, filled with affectionate do not heartless. How can I not miss it!

3. 寧波旅游英文介紹

Ningbo, located in the Yangtze River Delta, near Shanghai because, in recent years rapid economic development. Ningbo as a national civilized cities, as well as five national economy one of the listed cities. Town beautiful environment, three Jiang throughout downtown. Ningbo NPC southeastern have all the most ancient books -- Tianyi Pavilion, and Qi Jiguang's coastal defenses against Japanese pirate sites. Ningbo cuisine with cookouts, levigation pudding, a rich variety of seafood.

4. 介紹寧夏的導(dǎo)游詞英文60字

我的家鄉(xiāng)寧夏川,春天百花爭(zhēng)艷,夏天綠樹成蔭,秋天金葉蓋地,冬天白滿蒼穹。 我的家鄉(xiāng)寧夏川,枸杞紅而軟,發(fā)菜黑而細(xì),甘草壯而黃,賀蘭石光而滑,二毛皮白而亮。


我的家鄉(xiāng)寧夏川,金川銀川米糧川。金黃的土地,銀色的湖泊,牛羊成群,田地相連。古樸的水車伴著淙淙流水悠閑自在地轉(zhuǎn)著;羊皮筏子無憂無慮地漂在水上;風(fēng)吹沙坡,細(xì)沙轟鳴。 我的家鄉(xiāng)寧夏川,山滿坡,水滿原,林滿川。雁兒飛越瑪瑙般的綠地時(shí),身兒落了;人兒經(jīng)過寶地般的寧夏川時(shí),心兒留了……..

5. 寧夏英文導(dǎo)游詞


6. 寧夏英文介紹,帶翻譯


GuangxiZhuangAutonomousRegion(桂,廣西壯族自? ??區(qū),南寧)





7. 寧夏旅游景點(diǎn)英文名稱

沙坡頭是寧夏有名的旅游景點(diǎn)區(qū)Shapotou is a famous tourist attraction in Ningxia.famous英 [?fe?m?s] 美 [?fem?s] adj.著名的,出名的;〈古〉一流的,極好的attraction英 [??tr?k?n] 美 [??tr?k??n] n.吸引;景點(diǎn);魅力;[物]引力;引人注意的東西,有趣的東西

8. 西安旅游英文介紹帶翻譯



9. 有關(guān)寧夏的介紹英語

Welcome to my hometown!

  My home town is a good place .

  It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.

  There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.

  There is little air pollution,because cars can't go into the centre of the town.

  Peple here are very friendly and helpful .

  I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.

  I love my home town!

10. 介紹寧夏景點(diǎn)英語作文帶翻譯

早上,天空雖然飄著蒙蒙細(xì)雨,但并沒有影響到我們滿腔的期待和滿心的興奮。登上大巴,好一會(huì)兒都沒有將激動(dòng)的心情平靜下來。不過,在上午已經(jīng)游覽了磨頭機(jī)場(chǎng)及熔盛船廠之后,到達(dá)長(zhǎng)青沙養(yǎng)生生態(tài)園時(shí),興致未免被磨得差不多了。  不過,在踏入園林的那時(shí),長(zhǎng)途奔波、顛簸所帶來的疲憊卻已經(jīng)被一掃而空。清新的空氣鋪面而來,滲透進(jìn)每一個(gè)毛孔,每一寸皮膚,深呼吸,拖沓的腳步都變得輕盈起來。然后揚(yáng)起頭,就看見了兩排高聳入云的水杉。  小道向前延伸,從幾米寬變成窄窄的尖端,眼前一片蓬勃而盎然的,水杉的樹干筆直,一開始還能看出被認(rèn)為修整過的樹干和那質(zhì)感蓬松輕盈的樹葉,在往前看,就已經(jīng)匯成了一片模糊的的綠,像蒙上了一層霧氣一樣,看不真切。巧妙的視覺落差制造出近大遠(yuǎn)小的別樣效果,卻是說不出來的和諧。兩排樹木夾著頭頂上的天空,此時(shí)天已經(jīng)放晴,點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的陽光從那個(gè)狹長(zhǎng)的三角形中瀉下來,讓眼前的這番景色更加活躍起來。  在往前走,有一種深入密林的感覺,恍如回歸到了大自然一般,古色古香的木頭小屋,小橋,流水,都會(huì)讓我們新奇地觀望好一陣。怎么看,都想是遠(yuǎn)離喧囂的城市,不被任何事物所驚擾的世外桃源。  在大概走了三分之一后,我們看到了令人欣喜的景象。潺潺流淌的河水,因?yàn)閯倓偡鬟^的輕風(fēng)而泛起道道的淺淺波紋,慢慢漾開,最終漸淡,無處可尋,河水又變得波瀾不驚。有人站在河邊的低矮欄桿后,手執(zhí)釣竿,淡淡地凝望著寧靜的水面,我們?nèi)绱她嫶蟮男熊婈?duì)伍也未引起他們的注意。而河水上的一景更是讓我們驚喜地叫出了聲:“天鵝!”的確,兩點(diǎn)一塵不染的白點(diǎn)綴在綠色的湖水中,悠悠地飄著,不急不緩,不慌不忙,閑逸又高傲。  已經(jīng)走到小路的盡頭,我們轉(zhuǎn)身,開始原路返回。這時(shí),所目睹的景象又略有些不同。路旁有一塊塊高大的石頭,上面刻著各種有韻味的名字。水杉后的叢林被改造得郁郁蔥蔥,草木中央有著石椅石凳,還有不? ?一點(diǎn)裝飾的小木屋坐落在期間,古色古香,讓人不禁陷入遐想,如果能住在這里,那該多好啊。  最后,我們?cè)谝黄萜荷虾嫌啊P〔菥G茸茸的,不帶一絲雜色,因?yàn)閯倓傁逻^雨,所以草葉上還帶著點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的水珠,別有一番情趣。水杉高聳入云,草地綠意盎然,木屋古色古香,還有遠(yuǎn)處石頭上剛勁的“放飛亭”三個(gè)字,我們的燦爛笑容定格在這令人心曠神怡的景色中。  踏上大巴,夕陽西沉,我們第一天的軍訓(xùn)生活結(jié)束了,可心情還久久沒有平靜……


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