
上海景點(diǎn)英文名 上海旅游景點(diǎn)的英文名稱

導(dǎo)讀:上海景點(diǎn)英文名 上海旅游景點(diǎn)的英文名稱 上海著名景點(diǎn),用英文表示 上海旅游景點(diǎn)的英文名稱 英語(yǔ)介紹上海景點(diǎn) 上海有哪些景點(diǎn)?用英文介紹


1.東方明珠廣播電視塔:The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower


2.上海金茂大廈:Shanghai Jinmao Tower


3.上海環(huán)球金融中心:Shanghai World Financial Center


4.上海中心大廈:Shanghai Tower


5.中華藝術(shù)宮:China Arts Museum



不夜城 sleepless city

滄海桑田 ups and downs of time

長(zhǎng)江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta

磁懸浮列車 maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train

大都市 metropolis; co *** opolis; metropolitan city; co *** opolitan city

東方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

東海之濱的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

國(guó)際展覽局 BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions

龍華寺 Longhua Temple

外灘 the Bund

信息港 infoport

黃浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

豫園 Yu Yuan Garden

金貿(mào)大廈 Jinmao Tower

城隍廟 Town God’s Temple

上海國(guó)際會(huì)議中心 Shanghai International Convention Center

(南浦,楊浦,徐浦,盧浦)大橋 Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge

(浦東)濱江大道 Riverside Promenade

外灘觀隧道 Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund

(浦東) 世紀(jì)公園 Century Park

上海體育館Shanghai Stadium

上海大劇院 Shanghai Grand Theater

上海科技館 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

虹口足球場(chǎng) Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium

上海植物園Shanghai Botanical Garden

水族館 aquarium


Peace Hotel 和平飯店

Holliday Inn 假日酒店

Pudong Shangri-la 香格里拉

Renaissance shanghai Pudong 上海淳大萬(wàn)麗

Portman Ritz-Carlton 波特曼麗嘉酒店

the Grand Hyatt 金貿(mào)凱悅

Hilton Shanghai 希爾頓

Four Seasons 四季大酒店

Equatorial Shanghai 赤道大酒店

Regal International East Asia 富豪

Marriott 萬(wàn)豪

Radisson 雷迪森、瑞迪森

Sheraton 喜來(lái)登

Ramada 華美達(dá)

Inter-Continental 洲際

Sofitel Hyland 索菲特

Westin 威斯汀

St. Regis 瑞吉



老城隍廟 Town God's Temple

豫園 Yuyan Garden

南京路 Nanjing Road

外灘 the Bund

新外灘 the new Bund

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

錦江樂(lè)園 Jindjiang Amusement Park

徐家匯天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral

上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter

上海工業(yè)展覽館 Shanghai Instrial Exhibition Hall

上海博物館 Shanghai Museum

上海圖書(shū)館 Shanghai Library

上海體育館 Shanghai Stadium

上海植物園 Shanghai Botanical Garden

孫中山故居 Former Residence of Dr.San Yatsen

黃浦江游 Cruise Along the Huangpu River

東方明珠電視塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

人民廣場(chǎng) The People's Square

上海大劇院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

世紀(jì)公園 Shanghai Century Park

上海城市規(guī)劃展示館 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)

金茂大廈 Jinmao Tower

上海科技館 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

靜安寺 Jing'an Temple

上海佘山國(guó)家旅游度假區(qū) Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort

共青森林公園 GongQing Forest Park



Shanghai this fashion metropolis is quietly changing the earth shaking. The lively transformation project of the Bund, Pudong super skyscrapers, and that in the old neighborhood in petty shops, this one after another big project in Shanghai unveiled the "movement", and added a lot of eye-catching new play point to Shanghai. If you're going to travel to Shanghai in the near future, it's a pity to miss out!

Huaihailu Road is not only famous for shopping, it is also a beautiful scenery along the way, where you can see more valuable cultural landscape. It has a lot of famous people in the vicinity of the former residence and historical protection buildings. At the beginning of May is a *** all building, but it is about a former history.


The Bund, Shanghai see brilliantly illuminated at night


Night Shanghai is more beautiful than the day in Shanghai, the United States, the United States a thousand times. The ancient buildings in the Bund on a full European style, romantic and charming. The surging river in the Bund before flowing West to East, there is always inexplicable feeling. On the other side of the rapid development of Pudong, where new, in contrast to the old the Bund District, people feel full of vigour in Shanghai. The Bund's night scene makes people seem to be in a fairy tale world, the city of lights......


Pudong 88 storey Jinmao Tower, the Oriental Pearl and crystal clear, blinking light on Vicenza, Shashi spectacular, the size of a ship ship in the river, like a meteor across the river, riotous with colour, its beautiful coat on the lantern, like a new bride on the Yangtze River to tell their own beauty. The Oriental Pearl from time to time shifting colors, like a bright stage spotlight, for the tourists who see dancers. The ear seems to ring out the old song: "night Shanghai, night Shanghai, you are not the night city".


Pupil art, look at the 3D illusion art magic show

3D立體畫(huà)展是一種新穎的互動(dòng)性展覽,不僅可以看,還可以玩。在展廳內(nèi),觀眾可以通過(guò)巧妙的站位,進(jìn)入3D營(yíng)造的立體空間,出現(xiàn)真人和畫(huà)面融為? ??體的奇特效果。看3D畫(huà)展,領(lǐng)略不一樣的藝術(shù),讓你身臨其境,欣喜若狂。3D畫(huà)展是一個(gè)零距離接觸3D藝術(shù)的機(jī)會(huì),也是一場(chǎng)貫徹快樂(lè)的藝術(shù)盛宴。3D畫(huà)展包含魔幻3D藝術(shù)畫(huà)展、瘋子實(shí)驗(yàn)室、怪博士的書(shū)房、3D體感游戲、重力逆轉(zhuǎn)室、前生今世鏡、杰克遜45度房間,魔術(shù)人頭移位、恐怖沙發(fā)等,還有小黃人哦~

3D stereoscopic art exhibition is a novel interactive exhibition, not only to see, but also to play. In the exhibition hall, the audience can through clever stations into 3D to create a three-dimensional space, strange effect and picture appear real blend. Look at the 3D exhibition, a taste of the different art, let you be on the ground, with joy. 3D art exhibition is a zero distance contact 3D art, but also a happy art feast. 3D 3D art exhibition, exhibition magic crazy laboratory, Dr. strange's study, 3D somatosensory games, gravity reversal chamber, the former present mirror, Jackson's 45 room, sofa, shift the head magic terror, there is a *** all yellow people Oh

上海3D畫(huà)展位于上海黃浦區(qū) *** 中路525號(hào)雅居樂(lè)國(guó)際廣場(chǎng)2F(人民公園旁、杜莎夫人蠟像館對(duì)面),交通路線:地鐵到人民廣場(chǎng)站,從19號(hào)口出,直行200米至雅居樂(lè)國(guó)際廣場(chǎng)2樓。

Shanghai 3D exhibition is located in Shanghai Huangpu District road Tibet agile International Plaza No. 525 2F (opposite the people's Park, Madame Tussaud's), traffic route: to the people's Square subway station, from exit 19, 200 meters straight to agile International Plaza, 2 floor.


(ps: must remember to bring a camera)


Shanghai science and Technology Museum

由上海市 *** 在新世紀(jì)投資建造的之一個(gè)重大社會(huì)文化工程,以“自然、人、科技”為主題,以提升群眾科技素質(zhì)為目的,是上海重要的科普教育基地和休閑旅游基地。它位于世紀(jì)廣場(chǎng)的西側(cè),南鄰世紀(jì)公園。2001年APEC領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人非正式會(huì)議就是在這里舉行的。上海科技館由天地館、生命館、智慧館、創(chuàng)造館、未來(lái)館等五個(gè)主要展館和臨展館組成,設(shè)有地殼探秘、生物萬(wàn)象、智慧之光、視聽(tīng)樂(lè)園、設(shè)計(jì)師搖籃、兒童科技園、自然博物等七個(gè)展區(qū)和立體巨幕、球幕、4D等三個(gè)影院。

By the Shanghai municipal government in the New Century Investment in the construction of the first major social and cultural projects, "natural, human, science and technology" as the theme, to enhance the quality of science and technology for the purpose of Shanghai is an important science ecation base and leisure touri *** base. It is located in the South West of the Century Plaza, century park. 2001 APEC leaders' informal meeting was held here. Shanghai science and Technology Museum, museum, Museum of life by heaven and earth wisdom hall, creating five major exhibition hall, museum and exhibition hall near future. The quest has a crust, biodiversity, wisdom, audio-visual paradise, designer cradle, children park, natural museum Pavilion seven and three-dimensional, IMAX dome, 4D three cinema.


The Oriental Pearl


The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Huangpu River at the point of Lujiazui, and the the Bund World Expo Group across the river. Tower 468 meters high, ranking first in Asia and third in the world and around the tower on both sides of the Nanpu bridge and Yangpu bridge together to form a Shuanglongxizhu trend, Shanghai has become the symbol of reform and opening.


Town God's Temple, new food procts


"To Shanghai not to go to Tow n God's Temple, is not to Shanghai." People say.


In a corner of Town God's Temple to mouth, mend the bowl, Cooper, dough, write letters, juggling, extraction, and see a diorama of clairvoyante...... These people now have seen them, and snuff bottles, cream bottles, tooth plug, thimble, feather ster graally retreated as history. It is those handicrafts, enring, always attract the majority of tourists favor for a long time, maybe this is the quintessence of Chinese culture lies, only those who can process real nation in the history of enring.


Shanghai global financial center


Walking in the 474 meter high sightseeing day Pavilion, such as the cloud stroll. Overlooking Shanghai, on both sides of Pujiang beauty in funs, can head up to feel the Oriental Pearl spire, the Jinmao Tower at the foot of the roof. 97 layers of the glass screen can be opened to the top of the bridge, once the weather conditions permit, visitors can directly look up to see the blue sky and white clouds, truly meet the man.


Lujiazui central green space


The center covers an area of 100 thousand square meters is located in Yanan Green Road exit of the tunnel, the core parts in the Lujiazui Financial District, is Shanghai's largest open lawn, known as the "urban green lungs". Area of Lujiazui green turf 65 thousand square meters, there is a cold season grass imported from Europe, evergreen. The central and Northern green dotted with Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia, willow, cedar and other flowers, shrubs, trees plants, full of vigor and vitality. Winds in the green space in the road, outlines the Shanghai magnolia flower pattern, like a marked Shanghai City, Magnolia middle, the center of the lake is 8600 square meters, designed to the shape of the Pudong section of the map. Lake landscape Peng main mast high 28m, Peng shaped white conch, like a sail, in order to give people unlimited reverie.


Duolun Road, century old Shanghai


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