
上海旅游景點英文名稱 上海著名景點英文旅游介紹

導讀:上海旅游景點英文名稱 上海著名景點英文旅游介紹 1. 上海著名景點英文旅游介紹 2. 上海的著名景點英文介紹 3. 關(guān)于上海著名景點的英語介紹 4. 上海有哪些著名的景點英文 5. 上海的景點英文介紹 6. 上海旅游景點介紹中英文對照

1. 上海著名景點英文旅游介紹

上海著名景點的英文:Famous Scenic Spots in Shanghai

Spot 讀法 英 [sp?t] 美 [spɑ?t]





1、bright spot 光點;輝點;高興的事

2、a spot of 少量的;一點兒

3、spot market 現(xiàn)貨市場

4、top spot 榜首;最高位置

5、on spot 現(xiàn)場;在現(xiàn)場



site, position, location, scene, situation, spot這組詞都有“地點、位置、場所”的意思,其區(qū)別是:

1、site 指或大或小的地方,既可指供專門用途或特定活動的地點,又可指某一事件的地址。

2、position 多指物體相對于其他物體所處的位置或狀態(tài)。

3、location 指某物設(shè)置的方向或地點。

4、scene 常指真實事件或虛構(gòu)故事發(fā)生的地點。

5、situation 指物體在其周圍環(huán)境中所處的位置或狀態(tài),側(cè)重地點或場所的環(huán)境特征。

6、spot 指相對較小的特定地點或事物所在地。


location 讀法 英 [l?(?)'ke??(?)n] 美 [lo'ke??n]

n. 位置(形容詞locational);地點;外景拍攝場地


1、central location 中央位置;[計]中央單元

2、target location n. 目標位置,目標定位;目標搜索

3、location theory 區(qū)位論;位置理論

4、storage location 存儲單元;存儲位置

5、current location 當前位置

2. 上海的著名景點英文介紹

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Tokyo Disneyland for sightseeing. I'm your guide. I'm very happy to trace my childhood with you in this fairy tale cartoon paradise. I hope my explanation will leave a deep impression on you!

3. 關(guān)于上海著名景點的英語介紹

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River flows through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life. 上海是中國最大的城市之一,它也是我國商業(yè)金融中心。黃浦江穿過這座城市。在浦東地區(qū)有很多新的建筑群和大樓,包括著名的東方之珠。南京路上有很多很好的商店,它是這座城市最主要的商業(yè)路。每天都會有很多的旅游者和商人來到這里享受上海的飲食、景點和生活。

4. 上海有哪些著名的景點英文

如下:Shanghai is a big city in China. There is a big tower “Orental Pearl” on the east side of Huangpu River. Of course, there is Huangpu Bund on the west side of the river. There are many people coming to see the scene at the festival period. Shanghai is also famous in terms of its shops and restaurants. There are hundred thousands people all over the world to visit the city every year.

5. 上海的景點英文介紹

Shanghai,China's largest modern city,is situated in the middle of China's east coastal line。Shanghai covers an area of over 6,340 squarekilos and has a population of over 15 million.

It is the largest economic and trade centre in the country and acomprehensive industrial base。It is an open city along the coast,as well as a famoushistorical and cultural city。

6. 上海旅游景點介紹中英文對照


然而老外來滬旅游多集中于外灘、豫? ??、南京路這些繁華之地。那些小眾有特色地方例如弄堂游、旗袍之旅等......其實展現(xiàn)的是上海的別樣風情,然后這些上海特色之地往往都沒有英文指示牌,給來滬游玩的老外們帶來了不少尷尬。



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