
四川出名的旅游景點(diǎn)英文版 四川有許多世界著名的風(fēng)景名勝英語(yǔ)

導(dǎo)讀:四川出名的旅游景點(diǎn)英文版 四川有許多世界著名的風(fēng)景名勝英語(yǔ) 1. 四川有許多世界著名的風(fēng)景名勝英語(yǔ) 2. 我熟悉四川著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 3. 四川的景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 4. 四川著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ) 5. 成都以眾多的名勝古跡而聞名于中國(guó)英語(yǔ) 6. 四川著名景點(diǎn)的英文 7. 四川有許多旅游景點(diǎn)英文 8. 四川旅游必去十大景點(diǎn)推薦英語(yǔ) 9. 成都的名勝古跡英語(yǔ) 10. 成都著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 11. 四川有很多名勝古跡英語(yǔ)

1. 四川有許多世界著名的風(fēng)景名勝英語(yǔ)

Chengdu in China's western Chengdu, there are a lot of 14 thousand people in Chengdu, there are many places成都在中國(guó)的西部 成都很大有1.400萬(wàn)人 成都有很多地方

2. 我熟悉四川著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

Yibin is rich in historical and cultural relics as well as beautiful natural scenery. Attractive landscapes include the Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town, Bowang Mountain, the western Grand Canyon, Wanyou Valley, Baxian Mountain, Qixian Lake, Lizhuan Ancient Town, Longhua Ancient Town, Nezha Palace and Yibin Tianchi.

The Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town are rated AAAA, and thus are among the second-highest-rated national scenery spots in the country.

3. 四川的景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)




4. 四川著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)

Leshan Buddha, also known as Lingyun Buddha, is located at Lingyun Temple on the East Bank of Nanminjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is near the confluence of Dadu River,Qingyi River and Minjiang River. The Great Buddha is a sitting statue of Maitreya Buddha. It is 71 meters high. It is the largest stone statue on a cliff in China.

Leshan Buddha was excavated in the first year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (713), and completed in the nineteenth year of Zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.

Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Spot, which consists of Leshan Grand Buddha, Lingyun Mountain, Wuyou Mountain and Huge Crouching Buddha, belongs to the national 5A-level tourist attraction and is a part of the world cultural and natural heritage Emeishan-Leshan Grand Buddha.

On October 8, 2018, the Jiuqu Trestle Road of Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area was closed before construction began. On April 1, 2019, the preliminary research and survey on rescue protection of the damaged

5. 成都以眾多的名勝古跡而聞名于中國(guó)英語(yǔ)

成都英語(yǔ)是Chengtu;1讀音;Chengtu 英 [?t????du:] 美 [?t????du] ;2釋義;n. 成都(中國(guó)城市);3詞組;Chengtu Road 成都道;chengtu university 國(guó)立成都大學(xué);chengtu arsenal 成都軍器制造局;Just Chengtu 最成都;chengtu clematis 杯柄鐵線(xiàn)蓮;chengtu government telephone administration 成都電話(huà)局;chengtu union middle school 私立華西協(xié)合中學(xué);CHENGTU AND CHUNGKING CONFERNCE 華西年議會(huì);young men of chengtu 成都青年;4例句;I was very anxious to see you after we came back to Chengtu, but I was afraid.;我回到省城來(lái)很想見(jiàn)你,我又害怕跟你相見(jiàn)。;A report on the species and ecology of mosquitoes in Chengtu, szechwan,China ;成都蚊蟲(chóng)種類(lèi)及生態(tài)調(diào)查報(bào)告

6. 四川著名景點(diǎn)的英文

Chengdu is the capital of "Heavenly State" , habitat of giant pandas and city of cotton-rose hibiscus.

Located in the west of Sichuan Basin and in the center of Chengdu Plain, Chengdu covers a total area of 12.3 thousand square kilometres with a population of over 11 million.Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed in 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a place richly endowed with natural resources.

Chengdu, as the capital, is extremely productive. The Min and Tuo Rivers, two branches of the Yangtze River, connected to forty other rivers, supply an irrigation area of more than 700 square kilometres with 150-180 million kilowatts of water. Consisting of abundant mineral resources, the land is extremely fertile.

7. 四川有許多旅游景點(diǎn)英文

Last week, my family and I travelled to Chengdu by train and played there for three days. .

8. 四川旅游必去十大景點(diǎn)推薦英語(yǔ)

Quzhou, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is called Jiangyang in ancient times, nicknamed Jiucheng and Jiangcheng, bordering Chongqing and Guizhou Province in the east. 翻譯:瀘州,四川省地級(jí)市,古稱(chēng)江陽(yáng),別稱(chēng)酒城、江城,東與重慶市和貴州省接壤。 Bordering Guizhou Province in the south, and Yibin City and Zigong City in Sichuan Province in the west and north of Zigong City in the north. Neijiang City and Chongqing City, Sichuan Province. 翻譯:南與貴州省連界,西與云南省和四川省宜賓市、自貢市相連,北接四川省內(nèi)江市和重慶市。 Cangzhou City is the regional central city of the Sichuan-Chongqing Joint Department, an important commercial and trade logistics center of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, an important port city in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 瀘州市是川滇黔渝結(jié)合部的區(qū)域中心城市,成渝經(jīng)濟(jì)圈重要的商貿(mào)物流中心,長(zhǎng)江上游重要的港口城市。 And the third batch of national new urbanization comprehensive pilot areas. 翻譯:同時(shí)也是第三批國(guó)家新型城鎮(zhèn)化綜合試點(diǎn)地區(qū)。

9. 成都的名勝古跡英語(yǔ)

Chengdu is the capital of "Heavenly State" , habitat of giant pandas and city of cotton-rose hibiscus.

Located in the west of Sichuan Basin and in the center of Chengdu Plain, Chengdu covers a total area of 12.3 thousand square kilometres with a population of over 11 million.Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed in 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a place richly endowed with natural resources.

Chengdu, as the capital, is extremely productive. The Min and Tuo Rivers, two branches of the Yangtze River, connected to forty other rivers, supply an irrigation area of more than 700 square kilometres with 150-180 million kilowatts of water. Consisting of abundant mineral resources, the land is extremely fertile.

10. 成都著名景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹

Traffic in Chengdu

11. 四川有很多名勝古跡英語(yǔ)

i'm glad to hear that you are coming to sichuan in august. you've made thewise choice to travel here. sichuan province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as jiuzhaigou and dujiangyan irrigation project.

jiuzhaigou is well-known for its beautiful lake of which the water is clear and looks colourful. it can excite visitors' imagination.

another attraction is dujiangyan irrigation project. it was built over 2,000 years ago and it still plays an important part in irrigation today. besides, the nice weather andconvenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. i'm sure you will have a good time.


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