

武漢天興洲大橋全稱為“武漢天興洲公鐵兩用長江大橋”,是武漢市正在建設(shè)中的一座長江大橋。 下面對武漢天興洲大橋進(jìn)行詳細(xì)介紹。 一、項(xiàng)目概況 武漢天興洲大橋是湖北省暨武漢市與鐵道部合作建設(shè)的公鐵兩用長江大橋,為國家“ 十五”重點(diǎn)建設(shè)項(xiàng)目,工程總投資約110.6億元。該橋位于武漢長江二橋下游9.5公里處的天興洲分汊河段上,正橋全長4657米。南汊正橋采用98+196+504+196+98米雙塔三索面斜拉橋,上層為公路,下層為鐵路; 北漢正橋采用預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土連續(xù)梁橋, 公鐵并排布置,公路在上游,鐵路在下游。根據(jù)全面建設(shè)小康社會(huì)和鐵路跨越式發(fā)展要求,橋上正線數(shù)目按四線配置;公路設(shè)六車道,是城市中環(huán)線的過江通道。公路引線北起江岸區(qū)平安鋪,南至洪山區(qū)中北路延長線,由平安鋪立交、和平大道立交、友誼大道立交、青化路立交組成,全長8043米,設(shè)六個(gè)機(jī)動(dòng)車道,營運(yùn)時(shí)速80公里。鐵路引線自灄口站,經(jīng)天興洲大橋、武漢站至烏龍泉修建雙線鐵路,全長60.3公里;諶家磯經(jīng)天興洲大橋至武昌東編組站修雙線鐵路,全長20.7公里,設(shè)計(jì)過橋速度目標(biāo)值為200公里/小時(shí)。在楊春湖附近新建武漢客站,設(shè)正線4條、到發(fā)線16條、站臺9座。2003年11月,鐵道部與湖北省正式簽訂合作建設(shè)協(xié)議書;2004年7月30日,國家發(fā)展與改革委員會(huì)正式批準(zhǔn)武漢天興洲公鐵兩用長江大橋工程可行性研究報(bào)告。武漢天興洲公鐵兩用長江大橋采用“合作建設(shè)、共同管理、分開經(jīng)營、委托維護(hù)”的建設(shè)管理模式。鐵道部、湖北省人民政府分別授權(quán)鄭州鐵路局、武漢天興洲道橋投資開發(fā)有限公司作為出資者代表,分別對武漢天興洲公鐵兩用長江大橋工程進(jìn)行建設(shè)管理。工程計(jì)劃工期為四年半。 二、項(xiàng)目特征 1、正橋跨度大:武漢天興洲大橋在當(dāng)今世界公鐵兩用斜拉橋中跨度第一,主跨達(dá) 504 米。在我國實(shí)現(xiàn)了公鐵兩用大橋主跨從 300 米到 500 米級的飛躍。 2、結(jié)構(gòu)載荷重:武漢天興洲大橋是世界上第一座按四線鐵路修建的大跨度客貨公鐵兩用斜拉橋,可以同時(shí)承載 2 萬噸的載荷,是目前世界上載荷量最大的公鐵兩用橋。按天興洲大橋4條鐵路線加6車道公路推算,荷載能力至少是長江二橋的6倍 3、運(yùn)營時(shí)速高:車速的高低直接反映了建橋技術(shù)的高低,武漢天興洲大橋是我國第一座能夠滿足高速鐵路運(yùn)營的大跨度斜拉。開通后,火車速度目標(biāo)值可達(dá) 200 公里/小時(shí), 汽車可達(dá) 80 公里/小時(shí)。 4、配套設(shè)施完善:為充分發(fā)揮新建鐵路過江通道的作用,還將同步建設(shè)武漢火車站并配套功能完善、能力強(qiáng)大的客運(yùn)服務(wù)和整備設(shè)施。 5、環(huán)保措施強(qiáng):武漢天興洲大橋鐵路采用了全部鋪設(shè)無縫線路、噪聲敏感點(diǎn)附近設(shè)置聲屏障、實(shí)行橋梁減震、特殊地段考慮景觀設(shè)計(jì)等綜合環(huán)境保護(hù)措施。 三、項(xiàng)目意義 武漢市是湖北省省會(huì),是我國中部重要的中心城市,是全國重要的工業(yè)基地和交通、通信樞紐,已被鐵道部確定為全國六大路網(wǎng)性客運(yùn)中心之一。武漢天興洲大橋的建設(shè)既是改善武漢鐵路樞紐、城市道路交通的需要,也是促進(jìn)武漢市經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展、改善武漢城市環(huán)境的需要。 武漢天興洲大橋的建成將更好地促進(jìn)武漢市工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和經(jīng)濟(jì)建設(shè)的快速發(fā)展,加快全面實(shí)現(xiàn)小康社會(huì)的奮斗目標(biāo)。武漢天興洲大橋的建成將大大提高城市過江交通設(shè)施的通行能力,改善城市交通狀況。 武漢天興洲大橋的建成將大大緩解鐵路過江能力緊張狀況,進(jìn)一步完善武漢鐵路樞紐布局。

Wuhan Tianxingzhou-wide bridge known as the Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze Highway-Railway Bridge of dual-use, is under construction in Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge in a. On the following Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge detail. A project profile Tianxingzhou Bridge in Wuhan, Hubei Province and Wuhan City is the Ministry of Railways with the cooperation of the public and the building of dual-use iron Yangtze River Bridge, the national Tenth Five-Year key construction projects, projects with a total investment of 11,060,000,000 yuan. Second Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is located 9.5 km downstream of the Department Tianxingzhou braided river, the bridge is a total length of 4657 meters. South Inlet Bridge is using 98 +196 +504 +196 +98 meters in the twin towers three cable-plane cable-stayed bridge, the road to the upper and the lower for the railway; Han North Bridge is used for pre-stressed concrete girder bridge, arranged side-by-side rail, roads In the upper reaches of the railway in the lower reaches. According to the well-off society and the development requirements of the railway by leaps and bounds, the bridge is based on the number of four-line configuration; for the six-lane highway, the city's Central Link Guojiangtongdao. Road leads from the north riverbank shop safe area, south of North Road, Hongshan District Line to extend from the shop safe Interchange, Interchange road to peace, friendship Avenue Interchange, of Green Road Interchange, a total length of 8043 meters, set up six motor vehicles, Operating speed of 80 km. She River from the mouth lead railway station, Tianxingzhou Bridge, Wuhan Wulongquan to stop the construction of two railway, 60.3 km in length; Chen Angeles home by Tianxingzhou Bridge Wuchang East to repair two railway marshalling station with a total length of 20.7 km , The bridge design target speed of 200 km / hour. Yang Lake in Wuhan in the vicinity of the new passenger station, is located 4 line, made to the line 16, the platform 9. In November 2003, the Ministry of Railways and the Hubei Province signed an agreement to build; July 30, 2004, the National Development and Reform Commission officially approved Wuhan Tianxingzhou dual-rail bridge project feasibility study. Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze Highway-Railway Bridge of dual-use building co-operation, co-management, operating separately, to entrust the maintenance of building management. Ministry of Railways, the Hubei Provincial People's Government were authorized by Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge Investment Development Co., Ltd. as an investor on behalf of, respectively, of Wuhan Tianxingzhou dual-rail bridge construction project management. The project construction period for four and a half years. Second, the project features 1 large-span bridges are: Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge in today's world of dual-use rail-span cable-stayed bridge in the first, the main span of up to 504 meters. In our country to achieve the dual-rail bridge with a main span of 300 meters from 500 meters to the leap in class. 2, the structure of heavy loads: Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge is the world's first by a four-lane construction of the railway's long-span cable-stayed bridge of dual-use passenger and freight rail, at the same time carrying 20,000 tons of load, is the world's largest amount of load The rail bridge. By Tianxingzhou Bridge 4 rail line projected to increase 6-lane highway, the load capacity of at least 6 times that of the Yangtze River Bridge 3, high-speed operation: a direct reflection of the high and low speed of the bridge high and low technology, Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge is China's first high-speed railway operators to meet the long-span cable-stayed. After the opening, the target speed of the train up to 200 km / h, the car can reach 80 km / hour. 4, improving the facilities: In order to give full play to the role of the new railway Guojiangtongdao will simultaneously support the building of Wuhan railway station and improve the function, a strong ability to service and passenger facilities preparedness. 5, strong environmental protection measures: Wuhan Tianxingzhou railway bridge used to seamlessly lay all the lines, noise-sensitive points near the sound barrier a nd bridge the implementation of shock absorption, lots of special consideration, such as landscape design integrated environmental protection measures. Third, the significance of the project Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province, central China's major cities, the country's important industrial base and transportation and communications hub, the Ministry of Railways has been identified as the six major national network of passenger transport centers. Wuhan Tianxingzhou construction of the bridge is not only to improve the Wuhan railway hub, the city's road traffic needs, but also to promote economic development in Wuhan, Wuhan to improve the urban environment. Wuhan Tianxingzhou bridge will be built in Wuhan City to promote better industrial and agricultural production and economic development in the rapid development of well-off society and speed up the full realization of the goals. Wuhan Tianxingzhou completion of the bridge will greatly enhance the city's river transport facilities capacity, to improve the city traffic conditions. Wuhan Tianxingzhou completion of the bridge will greatly ease the railway crossing ability tension, to further improve the layout of the Wuhan railway hub.


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