
意大利旅游景點英語怎么說 意大利旅游英文

導讀:意大利旅游景點英語怎么說 意大利旅游英文 1. 意大利旅游英文 2. 意大利旅游指南英語 3. 意大利旅游英語 4. 意大利旅游英文翻譯 5. 意大利的旅游景點有哪些英文 6. 意大利旅游攻略英文 7. 意大利旅游英文PPT 8. 意大利旅游英文怎么說 9. 意大利旅游英文介紹

1. 意大利旅游英文


2. 意大利旅游指南英語

Italy, a European country, is mainly composed of the Apennine Peninsula in southern Europe and two islands in the Mediterranean, Sicily and Sardinia.

The land area is 301,333 square kilometers with a population of 60.24 million.

The northern Alps region borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, and its territory is also surrounded by two miniature countries-San Marino and Vatican.

3. 意大利旅游英語

《意大利之夏》是1990年意大利世界杯主題曲,英文版是:《To Be Number One》,演唱者為:吉奧吉奧·莫羅德/吉安娜·娜尼尼

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Reaching for the highest goal we can

We choose to give it all

When competition cals

Time records the victory in our hearts

To win or lose is not the only thing

It's all in how we play the fairest game

This is the chance we take

Reaching for the top

Time records the victory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard - but always playing fair

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher -

To be number one

This is what we've wanted all our lives

Shining like a shooting star at night

We've got to give it all

When we hear the call

Time records the victory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing haed - but always playing fair

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

To be number one

To be number one...

4. 意大利旅游英文翻譯

《Eye contact》眼神交流

Throughout the history of mankind,people have communicate with body language.In many situations,the way you something is far more important than what you say.縱觀人類歷史,人們一直在利用肢體語言進行交流。在很多情況下,你交流的方式比你說的話更重要。

Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication.It can signal friendliness or hostility,interest or boredom,and understanding or confusion.有時候,眼神是交流的關(guān)鍵。它可以表達友好或敵意,感興趣或者不耐煩,理解或者困惑。

In Western cultures,maintaing eye contact in conversations is necessary.As a matter of fact,a westerner might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest.In Spain,Italy and Greece,where people stand close together talking to each other,eye contact is more frequent and lasts longer.在西方文化中,眼神交流在談話中是必要的。事實上,如果你沒有眼神交流,西方人可能認為你對談話沒興趣。在西班牙、意大利和希臘,人們談話時靠得很近,眼神交流就更頻繁而且持續(xù)的時間更長。

In many Asian cultures,avoiding eye contact shows respect.It is done when talking with anyone in authority or with anyone older.在許多亞洲文化中,避免眼神接觸表示尊重。在與有權(quán)勢或者年長的人交談時,人們會避開眼神接觸。

Habits like this can cause problems when people do not understand them.For instance,an Asian might close his eyes in concentration or look down while listening to a speaker.A Western speaker might think the man is not intereted.當人們不理解這樣的習慣時就會帶來問題。比如說,一個亞洲人可能會在聽某西方人講話時閉上眼睛或者向下看。這個西方人可能就會覺得此人并不感興趣。

Eye contact is a subtle thing.Avoiding eye contact might be considered impolite,but staring at others is also considered rude and should be avoided.眼神交流是個微妙的東西。逃避眼神交流可能會被認為不禮貌,但是盯著別人看也是很粗魯,我們同樣不能這樣做。垍頭條萊

5. 意大利的旅游景點有哪些英文

意大? ?的英文名ITALIA,位于歐洲西部,是世界發(fā)達國家,經(jīng)濟、科技、文化、旅游等對世界具有影響力,中世紀的文藝復(fù)興推動力意大利以及世界社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展。


6. 意大利旅游攻略英文




7. 意大利旅游英文PPT

宋小寶英語作文Song Xiaobao in 1997, 16 years old, no skills, no one pulls a, Song Xiaobao can hang up his own brand: a job, run to the labor market and others.Small size, and he finally fell to work will to be a dishwasher.360 yuan each month, when it was normal to wash the dishes are for 300 dollars, he every day more than 2 pieces, a month more than 60 pieces.Song Xiaobao was of a small hotel, can only live 3 dollars a day and a lot of people crowded together every day, forget about the smell.

Year Song Xiaobao went around Harbin as a dishwasher, longest also do a month or two, the shortest one day only, it is also the most let his unforgettable time, Song Xiaobao feel that this shop like a slaughter house, he had to promise down first and then dropped the window to escape.So for the year as a dishwasher, Song Xiaobao can't stand it anymore, left Harbin returned t古羅馬歷史

公元前10世紀至公元前7世紀,意大利半島處于一個多民族、多元文化交織的時期。 “古意大利人”是其中最重要的一族。大概在公元前1000年的銅器時代,他們穿越北部和東部的阿爾卑斯山和亞得里亞海到達意大利,并殘暴地迫使許多當?shù)赝林柯溥w徙他鄉(xiāng)。他們起初過著游牧生活,但已經(jīng)具有制作銅器、使用馬匹和帶輪子的大車的技能。抵達意大利之后,他們形成了以農(nóng)耕為基礎(chǔ)的生活方式。這種生活方式成為隨后幾個世紀其子孫后代的主要生活方式,直至羅馬文明的衰落。“古意大利人”是由幾個民族構(gòu)成的,包括薩賓人、翁布里亞人和拉丁人。

8. 意大利旅游英文怎么說

Italy / 意大利 Italian / 意大利人


9. 意大利旅游英文介紹



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