
盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文

導(dǎo)讀:盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文 1. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文 2. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文翻譯 3. 盧浮宮介紹英語 4. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)詳細(xì)介紹 5. 盧浮宮的英文介紹加翻譯 6. 盧浮宮旅游介紹 7. 盧浮宮英文名稱 8. 盧浮宮的英語介紹

1. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文

Louvre Museum is in Paris

2. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)介紹英文翻譯

Paris is the capital France. is continental Europe's largest city, is also one of the world's most prosperous cities Paris is France's largest industrial and commercial cityParis is a historic city of the world, there are plenty of attractions, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame de Paris, the Georges Pompidou Center, and other cultural and arts,UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations, the headquarters are located in Paris(法國首都巴黎 (Paris) 是歐洲大陸上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁華的都市之一,巴黎是法國最大的工商業(yè)城市,巴黎是一座世界歷史名城,名勝古跡比比皆是,埃菲爾鐵塔、凱旋門、愛麗舍宮、凡爾賽宮、盧浮宮、協(xié)和廣場、巴黎圣母院、喬治·蓬皮杜全國文化藝術(shù)中心等,聯(lián)合國教科文組織、經(jīng)濟(jì)合作與發(fā)展組織等國際組織的總部均設(shè)在巴黎) 自己挑著用吧o(∩_∩)o...

3. 盧浮宮介紹英語

Liberty Leading the People

French romantic painter Eugène Delacroix was inspired to paint Liberty Leading the People after the French Revolution of 1830,which ended France's absolute monarchy.

Venus de Milo

Venus de Milo (about 150-100 bc) is considered by many art historians to be the ideal of Hellenistic beauty.It was carved out of marble and stands approximately 205 cm (6 ft 10 in) high.It is housed in the Louvre in Paris,France.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa (1503-1506),painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci,was also known as La Gioconda,possibly referring to the subject’s husband,banker Zanobi del Giocondo.The artist’s use of very deep space in the background with a close-in portrait is typical of Renaissance painting style.The painting hangs in the Louvre,Paris

4. 盧浮宮景點(diǎn)詳細(xì)介紹


5. 盧浮宮的英文介紹加翻譯

Located on the North Bank of the Seine River in the centre of Paris, the Louvre is the first of the four major museums in the world. Founded in 1204, it was originally a French palace. It has lived in 50 French kings and queens.

It is one of the most precious buildings in the French Renaissance. It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.

Now the Louvre Museum covers an area of about 198 hectares. It is divided into old and new parts. The pyramid glass entrance in front of the Museum covers an area of 24 hectares.

It was designed by the Chinese architect I. M. Pei. On August 10, 1793, the Louvre Museum of Art was officially opened to the public as a museum.

6. 盧浮宮旅游介紹




盧浮宮藏有被譽(yù)為“世界三寶”? ??斷臂維納斯雕像、《蒙娜麗莎》油畫和勝利女神石雕,擁有的藝術(shù)收藏達(dá)40萬件以上,包括雕塑、繪畫、美術(shù)工藝及古代東方,古埃及和古希臘,古羅馬等門類。有古代埃及、希臘、埃特魯里亞、羅馬,以及東方各國的藝術(shù)品;從中世紀(jì)到現(xiàn)代的雕塑作品;還有數(shù)量驚人的王室珍玩以及繪畫精品等等。











7. 盧浮宮英文名稱





8. 盧浮宮的英語介紹

Fun Facts about the Eiffel Tower 關(guān)于埃菲爾鐵塔的趣聞 La Tour Eiffel à Paris – The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a magical name that describes a sight that everyone hopes they will see one day. What would Paris be like without the Eiffel Tower? Well, Paris had already proved its charm to the world before the tower was even built with many amazing monuments: the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre-Dame. Now the Eiffel Tower surpasses them all in height and can be seen from each of these three buildings from a different, interesting, angle. The iron tower still remains one of the most visited monuments in the whole world and it certainly deserves to be talked about on our French Moments’ pages! 拉圖爾艾菲? ?à巴黎–埃菲爾鐵塔在巴黎是一個神奇的名字,描述的是每個人都希望自己有一天會看到的景象。

沒有埃菲 爾鐵塔,巴黎會是什么樣的呢?好了,巴黎已經(jīng)向世界證明了它有許多驚人的古跡的魅力:盧浮宮,凱旋門和巴黎圣母院。現(xiàn)在的埃菲爾鐵塔超過他們所有的 高度,可以看到從不同的,有趣的角度觀賞這三個建筑物。鐵塔仍然是世界上最多人參觀過的古跡之一,它確實(shí)法國值得我們?nèi)ビ懻摰胤剑?/p>


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