
景點(diǎn)翻譯問題 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯

導(dǎo)讀:景點(diǎn)翻譯問題 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯 1. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯 2. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯成英語 3. 景點(diǎn)如何翻譯 4. 有很多著名的旅游景點(diǎn)翻譯 5. 景點(diǎn)名稱的翻譯方法 6. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯成英文 7. 旅游景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯 8. 著名景點(diǎn)的翻譯 9. 著名景點(diǎn)用英語怎么翻譯 10. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯英文

1. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯

海南島幾個(gè)著名的景點(diǎn)Several famous scenic spots in Hainan Island 注:famous 英 [?fe?m?s] 美 [?fem?s] .adj. 著名的,出名的; 〈古〉一流的,極好的; [例句]New Orleans is famous for its cuisine..新奧爾良以其美食而著稱。

2. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯成英語

ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.

  Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they don't cost much.What'more ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.

  Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Don't hestitate.

3. 景點(diǎn)如何翻譯




4. 有很多著名的旅游景點(diǎn)翻譯

Guizhou has many scenic spots

There are many beautiful tourist attractions in Guizhou.

5. 景點(diǎn)名稱的翻譯方法

都江堰水利工程Dujiangyan Irrigation Project 樂山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha廬山 Mt.Lushan武侯祠Wuhou Temple 峨眉山Mt. Emei 青城山Mt.Qingchengshan四姑娘山 Mt. Siguniang 九寨溝Jiuzhaigou Valley 三星堆Sanxingdui世界自然遺產(chǎn)the World Natural Heritage 杜甫草堂Dufu's Thatched Cottage青羊?qū)mQingyang Temple 金沙遺址Jinsha Ruins 摩梭族 Mosuo 走婚Walking Marriage蜀南竹海:Shunan Bamboo Forest瀘沽湖Lugu Lake 寶光寺Baoguang Temple自貢國家恐龍地質(zhì)公園Zigong NationalGeological 自貢大山鋪 Dashanpu of Zigong

6. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯成英文

place有景點(diǎn)的意思。名勝古跡的英語翻譯是:place of interest 。除此之外,他作為名? ?,有位置,地點(diǎn),場(chǎng)所,地方,城鎮(zhèn),職位,獲獎(jiǎng)的名次的意思。


7. 旅游景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯


1) There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing.

2) There are many scenic spots in Chongqing.

8. 著名景點(diǎn)的翻譯

翻譯:Beijing is one of the famous tourist attractions. tourist attraction 游覽勝地 attraction 英 [??tr?k?n] 美 [??tr?k??n] n. 吸引; 魅力; [物]引力; 引人注意的東西,有趣的東西頭條萊垍

9. 著名景點(diǎn)用英語怎么翻譯

Summer mountian resort in ChengDe is one of the most famous tourist attraction in HeBei province 希望對(duì)你有幫助(≧﹏ ≦) p.s. 若還有疑問再追問吧

10. 著名景點(diǎn)怎么翻譯英文

scenic spot、tourist attractions、places of tourist attraction、 tourist spot、


For instance, if I was planning a trip and was researching hotels and tourist attractions at the same time, I could clip the hotel data into one book and store the touristy information in the other.

Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little bag to museums and tourist sites, and stash it in a locker when need be.
In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of local government.
Tourist attractions which pull in millions of foreign visitors.

Travel A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.


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