
上海的景點(diǎn) 上海的景點(diǎn)英文

導(dǎo)讀:上海的景點(diǎn) 上海的景點(diǎn)英文 1. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文 2. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文導(dǎo)游詞 3. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文作文 4. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文翻譯 5. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文名稱 6. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文名 7. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文視頻 8. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文介紹簡(jiǎn)單 9. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文介紹 10. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文怎么說(shuō)

1. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文


例: This is the house where grandpa once lived. 這是爺爺曾經(jīng)住過(guò)的房子。

The girl in red is my sister.穿紅衣服的女孩是我妹妹。


例: He bought a house. I’ve been to the house. 他買(mǎi)了棟房子。我去過(guò)那棟房子。

I have a pen .The pen is blue.我有一支鋼筆。這支鋼筆是藍(lán)色的。


Listen to the teacher carefully,please.請(qǐng)認(rèn)真聽(tīng)老師講課。


例: in the east 在東方 in the front 在前面

at the back 在后面

in the bottom 在底部 at the top 在頂部

on the right 在右邊 on the left 在左邊


例: I hate the telephone. 我討厭電話。

The horse is a useful animal.



A horse is a useful animal.

Horses are useful animals.


例: January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年當(dāng)中的第一個(gè)月。

Spring is the best season here. 春天是這里最好的季節(jié)。

Shanghai is the biggest city in China.



例: the sun 太陽(yáng) the earth 地球

the sky 天空

the world 世界


例: play the piano 彈鋼琴 play the violin 拉小提琴

play basketball 打籃球 play baseball 打棒球


例: The earlier you start , the sooner you’ll be back. 你出發(fā)越早,回來(lái)得就越早。

The more you drink, the more you like it.


the West Lake 西湖 the Great Wall 長(zhǎng)城

the United States 美國(guó) the United Nations 聯(lián)合國(guó)

the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Huanghe River 黃河

the Tainshan Mountains 天山山脈 the Taiwan Straits 臺(tái)灣海峽

the working class 工人階級(jí)

the Chinese Communist Party 中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨


例: the rich 富人 the sick 病人

the young年輕人 the poor窮人

the sick 病人 the wounded 傷員

the good 好人 the beautiful 美麗的事物

the deaf 聾啞人the blind盲人

2. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文導(dǎo)游詞



3. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文作文

There are many red cultural attractions in Shanghai, such as the former residence of Mao Zedong, the former residence of Song Qingling, the former residence of Liu Changsheng, the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the memorial hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the former site of the Secretariat of the Chinese labor union.

1. In fact, there are a lot of historical things in the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including the new chapter on the administration of state affairs - the cultural relics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. This one is free and can be used

Take your children to have a look and increase your knowledge of history. Location: close to Xintiandi. At that time, we took the subway to Huangpi South Road and got there. What impresses me most is the wax figure on the scene of a big meeting, which is very lifelike.   

2. Memorial Hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China

It's a well-known tourist resort. Generally, the Tour team used to visit and study. Many students are organized by schools, as if they are close to Xintiandi. So after visiting, you can feel it in the new world.   

3. Exhibition hall of historical materials of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The first time was in Xintiandi. The second time was a small building on the edge of the green land, and the fourth Cultural Road on Duolun Road. Here are abundant historical photos, historical materials and a large number of objects.   

4. Memorial Hall of the Shanghai Office of the Communist Party of China Delegation (Zhou mansion)

When you go to the ticket office, you can get the tickets free of charge. Because you go alone, you can still ask the master of the ticket office to help you take a picture. I feel that the whole building is very harmonious. Unfortunately, the hall in the courtyard is not too big. There is no place to take a picture with the statue of Premier Zhou

5. Longhua martyrs cemetery

The cemetery is nothing more than looking at the tombstones and epitaphs of some martyrs. Although it's not as interesting as other places to visit, it's full of solemnity, sadness and unusual silence.   

6. Mao Zedong's former residence

It's closer to South Shaanxi road. It's easy to find. The house is very small. Inside, you can also meet many visitors who have a lot of research on the revolutionary cause. It has a good environment and is full of scholarly taste.  

7. Sun Yat Sen's former residence

It's free when you go. I don't know how it is now. In fact, it's a bit depressing when you come to such a place. After all, you go to visit the memorial hall of Sun Yat Sen's former residence with a heart of remembrance, but it's still a very educational place.   

8. Former residence of Song Qingling

The room is very simple and simple, and the environment is very quiet. It can't be seen that it used to be the place where Soong Ching Ling lived. After the visit, I realized that some things were not said by others. I realized that the personality charm of great people is really infinite.   

9. Lu Xun Memorial Hall

There are many things of Lu Xun's life on display. If you like the excitement, you don't have to come in. Seeing some of the old man's manuscripts, clothes, and some very old photos, his heart naturally calmed down.   

10. Taofen Memorial

It took a lot of effort to find it. In the family area, in addition to the memorial, the furniture and working environment at that time were also preserved. In fact, there are many such memorials in Shanghai, which are of great value for visiting and learning from history.

4. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文翻譯

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River flows through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life. 上海是中國(guó)最大的城市 之一,它也是我國(guó)商業(yè)金融中心。黃浦江穿過(guò)這座城市。在浦東地區(qū)有很多新的建筑群和大樓,包括著名的東方之珠。南京路上有很多很好的商店,它是這座城市最主要的商業(yè)路。每天都會(huì)有很多的旅游者和商人來(lái)到這里享受上海的飲食、景點(diǎn)和生活。

5. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文名稱


6. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文名

Beijing Sihe Hotel, 北京四合賓館 Holiday Inn Central Plaza Beijing, 北京中環(huán)假日酒店 Park Plaza Beijing Wangfujing, 北京麗亭酒店 Grand Hyatt Beijing, 東方君悅 InterContinental Financial Street Beijing, 金融街洲際酒店 Palm Springs Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments,北京棕櫚泉萬(wàn)豪行政公寓 Crowne Plaza Hotel Beijing, 上海銀星皇冠假日酒店

7. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文視頻

Disney 英 [?d?zni:] 美 [?d?zni] n. 迪斯尼(美國(guó)動(dòng)畫(huà)影片制作家及制片人); [例句]Disney's 'Beauty And The Beast' has won rave reviews.迪斯尼出品的電影《美女與野獸》贏得了眾多好評(píng)。

8. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文介紹簡(jiǎn)單


9. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文介紹

東方明珠塔的英文:The Oriental Pearl Tower 重點(diǎn)詞匯

1、Oriental 美 [??r???ntl] adj. 東方人的;東方的 n. 東方人 短語(yǔ) Oriental sole 七日鮮 Oriental Moon 不來(lái)的季節(jié) ; 緋牡丹 ; 播放不來(lái)的季節(jié) Oriental Dance 肚皮舞 ; 東方舞 ; 東方之舞 ; 東方舞曲

2、pearl 英 [p??l] 美 [p?l] n. 珍珠;珍珠色;杰出者;珍品 adj. 鑲珍珠的;珍珠狀的 vi. 采珍珠;成珍珠狀 vt. 使成珠狀;用珍珠裝飾;使呈珍珠色

3、tower 英 ['ta??] 美 ['ta??] n. 塔;高樓;堡壘 vi. 高聳;超越

10. 上海的景點(diǎn)英文怎么說(shuō)

如下:Shanghai is a big city in China. There is a big tower “Orental Pearl” on the east side of Huangpu River. Of course, there is Huangpu Bund on the west side of the river. There are many people coming to see the scene at the festival period. Shanghai is also famous in terms of its shops and restaurants. There are hundred thousands people all over the world to visit the city every year.


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