
西昌景點(diǎn)英文 西昌旅游介紹英文

導(dǎo)讀:西昌景點(diǎn)英文 西昌旅游介紹英文 1. 西昌旅游介紹英文 2. 關(guān)于介紹南昌的英文導(dǎo)游詞 3. 山西旅游英語介紹 4. 西藏旅游介紹英文 5. 南昌旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹 6. 用英語介紹西昌美景 7. 西安旅游介紹英文

1. 西昌旅游介紹英文


2. 關(guān)于介紹南昌的英文導(dǎo)游詞


3. 山西旅游英語介紹


Shanxi is a prefecture-level city in northern Shanxi Province of North China, located a few hundred kilometres west by rail from Beijing with an elevation of 1,040 metres (3,410 ft). It has a population of 3,318,057 at the 2010 census of whom 1,447,150 live in the built up area made of 3 out of 4 urban districts (City, Mining and Nanjiao).


Shanxi is the northernmost city of Shanxi, and is located in the Datong Basin. The urban area is surrounded on three sides by mountains, with passes only to the east and southwest. Within the prefecture elevations generally increase from southeast to northwest. The prefecture ranges in latitude from 39° 03' to 40° 44' N and in longitude from 112° 34' to 114° 33' E. Shanxi borders Inner Mongolia to the northwest and Hebei to the east. Neighbouring prefectures within Shanxi are Shuozhou and Xinzhou, with Ulanqab in Inner Mongolia and Zhangjiakou in Hebei also bordering Datong.

The well-known Datong Volcanic Arc lies nearby in the ShanxBasin.

4. 西藏旅游介紹英文

西藏英文:Tibet 英['ta?bet] 美[t?'bet] 實(shí)際上這個(gè)單詞和西藏在漢朝時(shí)開始到唐宋為止的稱謂“吐蕃”是諧音的,7世紀(jì),吐蕃王朝興起,統(tǒng)一了青藏高原的大部分。現(xiàn)在稱為“西藏”是清朝時(shí)開始的,意思是西邊的藏族地區(qū)。

5. 南昌旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹

Wuyi Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangxi and the northwestern provinces of Fujian. The northern section of the Wuyi Mountains has a total area of 999.75 square kilometers. 翻譯:武夷山,武夷山位于江西與福建西北部兩省交界處,武夷山脈北段東南麓總面積999.75平方公里。 It is a famous scenic tourist area and summer resort in China. It is a typical Danxia landform and is one of the first national key scenic spots. 翻譯:是中國著名的風(fēng)景旅游區(qū)和避暑勝地。屬典型的丹霞地貌,是首批國家級(jí)重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)之一。 Wuyi Mountain is a famous mountain of three religions. 翻譯:武夷山是三教名山。 Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Wuyi Mountain has been the habitat of the plum-flowing Zen family, leaving many sites of the palace, the Taoist temple and the temple. Wuyishan was once the place where Confucian scholars advocated lectures. 翻譯:自秦漢以來,武夷山就為羽流禪家棲息之地,留下了不少宮觀、道院和庵堂故址。武夷山還曾是儒家學(xué)者倡道講學(xué)之地。

6. 用英語介紹西昌美景

都好!本 人偏向于西昌和攀枝花,因?yàn)槟抢镲L(fēng)景優(yōu)美,水果很多!最主要的是看自己喜歡哪里,跟哪里比較有緣份!趁自己還有選擇的權(quán)利,趁自己還年輕,珍惜讀書的時(shí)光吧!青春年少時(shí),享盡人間美好!

7. 西安旅游介紹英文

Hi, my name is xx. I am a xi 'an child. My hometown is very beautiful. My hometown is the famous wild goose pagoda, tower and datang west city, etc. My hometown is one of the world's four big ancient capital and among the top of the ancient capital of China. Welcome to my hometown xi 'a n垍頭條萊


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